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The Learned Pig Project

The Learned Pig Project

The New Baby Gag
Thursday, May 12, 2005, 10:34 AM
The Best of TLP Magic eZine is selling very well. In a short time about half of the 250 I
had printed are already gone so order fast to avoid disappointment! Go to:
I think I mentioned this in the newsletter but I want to say it again: I'm very impressed by
Panama's mail system. Orders going to the UK are taking from 4 to 6 days instead of
the four weeks I expected! Orders to the US get there even faster. The lady at the post
office told me that Panama is an international mail hub and they process mail here for
several countries. She told me that if I post early in the morning my packages will be
taken to their processing facilities near the airport and in a short time they will be
onboard planes flying to their destinations. These are very good news!
The Best of TLP Magic eZine contains some very good tricks. I would like to post one
here. Maybe you have heard about The Baby Gag? The original idea is that you hold a
big envelope and ask any audience member to name any movie star. Let's say the
person names Mel Gibson. You then say that, believe it or not, inside the envelope you
have one photo and one photo only.... a photograph of the freely chosen movie star: Mel
Gibson. From out of the envelope you take the photo of a baby, saying: A photo of Mel
Gibson.... when he was one year old!
The above gets a nice laugh but then you continue saying: "The other day I did this trick
and somebody said Denzel Washington.... Well, this trick never fails." You turn the
photo around and on the other side there is the photo of a black baby.
That's the original idea. Some people find it offensive. I myself have never performed it
even though I live in a country in which many races are intermixed and people are not
as racially conscious as in some other countries so they will not be easily offended by
this gag. I have a different reason for not performing it and it is that it lacks magical
effect; it is only a gag.
Well, using a Larry Becker idea for a force I came up with the following trick which is
included in "The Best of TLP Magic eZine" among other equally nice things.

Take a big manila envelope (9" x 12" or metric equivalent) and cut flap and a thin sliver
from bottom and two sides. Keep address side and discard the rest. We will call this
address side the "flap" from now on.
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Most Recent Comments
Tuesday, July 5, 2005, 08:39 AM
It is a very good trick to perform this...
AJ De Avila
Monday, July 4, 2005, 09:44 PM
WOW! And I was thinking of buying the...
Rick Green
Tuesday, June 21, 2005, 11:24 AM
I loved the idea with the chick pan so...
David Bilan
Thursday, June 16, 2005, 03:12 PM
I enjoyed your piece called The Simple... (1 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Insert the flap into an uncut envelope.

Mark the contour of the opening on flap.

Slip flap out of envelope and cut off at mark.

Slip flap back into envelope all the way down. The end result is an envelope with two
Now you need two famous persons' portraits. It's better to use movie stars as everybody
is familiar with them but you can use politicians or historic figures, it's up to you. For our
example we will use Arnold Swarchtzenneger (hope I got it right!) and Jack Nicholson.
Joshua Jay
Monday, May 30, 2005, 09:17 PM
This is a neat handling of a classic...
Most Recent Entries
The New Baby Gag
The Story of One Card Pete
Satan's Shears
Bergeron's Reds & Blacks
A Magical Lesson
Fogel + Annemann
Two from our Online Library
The Simple Things
The Trick Seeker
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Powered by Plain text files (2 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Paste a baby's photo on one side of a piece of stiff cardboard and on the other side
paste Nicholson's portrait.

Do the same with Arnold's portrait.
Slip both cardboards into envelope, one in each compartment. Baby photo must look to
flap side.

Now here is Larry Becker's neat force idea: On address side write four names of famous
movie stars. The force names are in the odd positions (1 & 3).
Tell audience you have a list of four famous movie stars and show them the list. Read
names out loud and tell audience you will eliminate names until only one is left Ask
somebody to chose "odd" or "even." You are going to interpret their choice to your

If they say "odd" you reply: "Fine. You said odd so we'll eliminate the even names.
If they say "even" you reply: "Fine. You said even so we'll eliminate the even names. (3 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

So you are down to two names, both even. This second part of the force is what gives it
the appearance of cleanliness because here it doesn't matter what name they say
because you have both covered so be very open and fair about it. You can even give
them the chance to change their mind on their final choice.
Supposing they stick with Arnold you cross out Jack.

Turn envelope around and announce that, believe it or not, inside the envelope you
have one photo and one photo only.... a photo of the freely chosen movie star..... (take
out the photo out of the proper compartment showing the baby side) When he was one
year old!

Say: "This is very, very stong, don't you believe? The only explanation is that I have four
baby photos inside this envelope. This is not true. Only one baby photo. See for
yourself." (Show envelope otherwise empty holding flap to hide other photo). Discard
envelope. (4 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Say: "Don't you think this is amazing? What? Oh, you don't believe this is a photo of
Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was one year old? Well, how about this one?" (Turn
photo around.) That's him alright. I wouldn't cheat you for the world!"
[ 2 comments ] ( 40 views ) | permalink | ( 3.2 / 317 )
The Story of One Card Pete
Friday, May 6, 2005, 12:03 PM
I would like to call your attention to one of the tricks contained in a book in our online
magic library. You can find it in "Magic Annual 1938" by Jean Hugard, which, by the
way, contains some other goodies. Credit goes to Elmer Applegit for this fine
performance piece. If I was an English-speaking magician I would add this to my
repertoire immediately. However, not being one, or rather, not living in an English
speaking country, the only thing I can do is try my hand at translating the patter into
Spanish for my own use. If you live in an English speaking country then lucky you as
everything you need is already worked out!
I have always read bad things about patter in rhyme for magic. However over the years I
have seen some magicians get great success with verse patter so I suppose the
authors of the bad comments must have seen really bad magicians using this form of
patter. Rhyme isn't necessarily bad. It can even be cool. Last September I was in New
York City visiting one of my daughters who is married to an American boy and lives
there and I took them to the Newyorican Poets Cafe. The place was really really
crowded and the audience was enthusiastic. What was the show? Young contemporary
poets saying their thing. Of course there is a long way from magic patter in rhyme and
modern spoken poetry, or rap, for that matter, but the fact remains that in verse
everything lies in the delivery.
I'm sure someone will read what comes below, will see that he can deliver it right, will
rehearse it real good and then he will have something that people will really like.

This is the setup: 2D, 2H, 4D, 3H, 4H, AH, 3D, 5H, the Five of Hearts being the eight

Bridge or crimp the pack so 8-card setup can be taken from the top cleanly when (5 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Here is the false count you need to learn. It's easy. Hold 8-card packet in left hand as in
first photo. Secretly glide back bottom card (second photo). Count cards one by one by
pulling them off the top with right thumb. After four cards have been counted take the
next three top cards together as one card at the count of five. The bottom card is then
snapped with the left thumb and fingers plainly showing that it is a single card, thus
completing the illusion of a honest count.
The cards should be held in the left hand with as much of the back of the packet
showing as is possible and the count made rather deliberately; a too rapid count must
be avoided.
From now on I'll write the patter in italics. Keep in mind it is in rhyme and must have a
sing-song quality to it. Numbers in parenthesis throughout the patter refer to actions you
must do. These are explained a few lines further.
One Card Pete was a gambling man...
They knew him well in Reno.
He'd cheat in every kind of game
From Tiddlywinks to Keno.
He sat once in a poker game
In a low smoky dive,
And when the dealer gave him cards,
He thought he gave him five.(1)

(1) Lift off the packet of eight cards from the top of the deck and hold it up showing the
5H as if to illustrate the word "five". Discard rest of deck.
When One Card Pete looked at his cards(2)
A glad sight met his gaze.
A goodly hand! A noble hand!
A hand well worth a raise.

(2) Turn the face of the packet towards yourself and spread the cards very slightly,
square them and turn the packet face down.
He looked again and with chagrin (3)
Thought he, "I'm in a fix. (6 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project
The dealer gave too many cards,
One, two, three, four five, six." (4)

(3) Turn the packet towards yourself again slightly spreading the cards, then square the
packet and hold it in readiness for the false count.

(4) Draw the bottom card back, pull off four cards singly with the right thumb, at the word
"five" draw off all the remaining cards except the bottom one, then count "Six" and....

....snap the 5 H with the left fingers and thumb. Place this card on top of the others.
You'd call "Misdeal" in a case like this,
But not this gambling chap.
He just took out the poorest card
And hid it in his lap.(5)

(5) Take off the top card, 5 H, and place it face down on the table.
And then he checked the cards again...
He still was in a mix.
Again he found instead of five,
One, two, three, four, five, six. (6)

(6) Replace the packet in the left hand and in similar fashion make the count of "Six".
Place the last card on top of the others. This card will be the 2 D.
How this could be perplexed poor Pete... (7 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project
He did not think it right.
That's why he stole another card
And hid it out of sight. (7)

(7) Take off the top card, 2 D, and place it on top of the 5 H on the table.
Once more he checked the plaguey hand...
Lest I become prolix
Just let me speed this sorry tale,
One, two, three, four, five, six. (8)
So once again he conned the hand
And this is how he did it:
Once more he took the lowest card
And in his sleeve he hid it. (9)

(8) Count again and as there really are just six cards make the count very deliberately.
(9) Take the top card, 4 H, and push it into your sleeve.
"And now," thought he, "that pesky card
Will trouble me no more."
But then he found instead of five
Just one, two, three and four.(10)

(10) False count as four.
A remedy had to be found
The one he used seemed grand.
He took the card from out his sleeve...
Returned it to his hand.(11)

(11) Take the 4H from the sleeve and place it on top of the packet.
Alas, the plans of mice and men (8 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project
Sometimes don't even score.
He checked the playing cards again:
Just one, two, three and four.(12)

(13) Again false count as four.
He stole another playing card
To give him one card more.
Again he found the cards he held
Were one, two, three and four.(13)

(13) Pick up the 2D from the table, add it to the top of the packet and again count as
four only.
He took the last remaining card...
Ah, sorry was his fix
Because he found not four, not five,
One, two, three, four, five, six. (14)

(14) Add the 5 H, the first card that was discarded, to the top and make the false count
of six.
He left that fateful game forthwith...
No more was seen in Reno.
He settled down to honest toil
And played not even Screeno.
The sad part of this little tale,
As sure as you're alive,
In spite of all perplexing counts,
One, two, three, four . . . and five. (15)
(15) Mr. Applegit's original called for palming the two extra cards but in my opinion
palming cards when all eyes are burning your hands is a little risky so I took the liberty
of changing the routine a little bit.

Take cards face up in right hand as shown. (9 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Left thumb pulls cards one by one from the face of packet arranging them in a fan..

Count up to five cards. Ace will show. The two extra cards are well squared behind ace.
Place ace on face of fan in left hand.

This is the end result. The two extra cards remain hidden behind ace. No need to palm
The description in Hugard's Annual ends by saying: "This presentation makes the trick a
complete novelty and it is a sure fire applause winner." I think this is true.
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Satan's Shears
Thursday, May 5, 2005, 09:26 PM
The above title was given by Peter Warlock to a very showy trick of his which was
published many years ago in Annemann's The Jinx. I have changed it a little bit to add a
change by David Devant which has some more applications besides this trick.
Satan's Shears is a revelation of a selected (well, forced, really) card. Let's say you'll
force the 4 of Diamonds.

Here's what you need: 2 pieces red tissue paper, 2 pieces white, 2 pieces black. Use
any size that you can handle. I use half sheets.

From one of the red pieces cut four diamonds and glue them to one of the white pieces. (10 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Put one of the black pieces together with the prepared red and white and fold all three
together to make a small package.
Place the prepared packet behind the unprepared black paper on your table. On top of it
place the other two unprepared papers.

First thing: force the 4 of Diamonds. Second thing: pick up from table the three papers
holding the packet well hidden behind the black paper on back.

Show the three papers one by one. Shake them a little bit so as to give the idea of

Put them all together and fold them the same as the hidden packet. (11 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

This is what you will have at the end. Prepared packet is near your thumb.

Using both hands push prepared packet so it shows above your right hand fingers.
Unprepared packet is hidden behind fingers.

Left hand opens lapel of coat. Left thumb and forefinger prepare to grab prepared

Right hand moves towards inner jacket pocket. As it passes behind left hand, left thumb
and forefinger grab prepared packet without it going out of audience's sight.

Right hand doesn't even stop. It continues moving and goes into jacket taking with it
unprepared packet and leaving prepared packet well visible in left hand. (12 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Right hand drops unprepared packet in jacket pocket and comes out with a pair of small
scissors. Make cutting motions in the air towards packet in left hand.

Unfold packet and take away black paper.

Separate red and white papers showing that diamond shaped pieces are missing on the
red one and have magically attached themselves to the white card to form an image of
the chosen card.
NOTE: The reason for using red and black papers (besides white) is that the chosen
card could be either red or black and supposedly you don't know what color it is. That's
why you have to use both colors. I suggest that when you take scissors out of pocket
you should little by little reveal the identity of the chosen (forced) card. Then say they
haven't seen nothing yet and proceed to make the cutting motions with scissors toward
the packet of papers and then open it to show the card image.
[ 3 comments ] ( 49 views ) | permalink | ( 2.7 / 1071 )
Bergeron's Reds & Blacks
Thursday, May 5, 2005, 03:20 PM (13 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

I want to thank Bev Bergeron for his kindness in giving me permission to publish this
trick here. I have been performing this since Bev sent me a set of his lecture notes
almost 20 years ago. It is a very quick and surprising trick. It is also very easy to master.

This is what you'll use: two red aces and two black jacks. Show them to audience and
mix them a little in your hands so that they end up.... this: alternating aces and jacks.
Ask a spectator what she wants: jacks or aces? Whatever she says cut cards so one of
those is at the face. Suppose she said aces. Show card on face to spectator and rest of
audience, turn hand palm down and....

....glide back bottom card. (14 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Pretend to take bottom ace, really taking second-from-bottom card (a jack).

Place this card face down on spectator's palm.

Since the bottom card is glided back you won't have any trouble at all to take two top
cards together as one and turn them face up showing the other ace.... an automatic

After showing the ace turn the double card face down on top of the one in your hand
and take top card only (a jack). People think it's the ace you just showed.

Place this card on spectator's hand. She thinks she has the red aces. (15 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Here you do your usual magical gestures and turn your cards face up. You have the red

Let her turn her cards face up: the black jacks!
This is short and sweet and very effective. Try it. Thanks again,. Bev!
[ 3 comments ] ( 72 views ) | permalink | ( 3.1 / 1134 )
A Magical Lesson
Thursday, May 5, 2005, 12:14 PM

Using two 12 inch -- 30 cm. silk handkerchiefs of contrasting colors and a king-size
thumb tip you can perform a very nice and quick trick. It is also very easy to learn.

This shows starting position from your point of view. Notice how TT is on middle finger.
PATTER: I want to teach you a magic trick. As you know magicians can't reveal tricks
but I don't see anybody from the Magician's Sindicate here so I will teach you one. The
trick is called: "The Red Handkerchief that Changes Color" and for this you will need....
a yellow handkerchief! First thing: you secretly stuff the yellow handkerchief into your
left fist. (16 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

As both hands get together in order to push yellow silk into left fist, secretly load the TT
as shown. Having TT on middle finger makes this very easy.

With TT hidden in left fist push yellow silk into hand. NOT into TT.

This is what you'll have at the end: the yellow silk in hand besides the TT.
PATTER: This is the secret preparation. Stuffing the yellow handkerchief into your left
hand. You do this before going in front of the audience. Do it in the bathroom. The trick
is called "The Red Handkerchief that Changes Color" so now you need.... a red
Take red silk from pocket or wherever with free hand and show to audience.
PATTER: You show the audience the red handkerchief. Remember to always keep your
left hand closed! Now begin to push the red handkerchief into the top of left fist.

Pushing red silk into left fist. The silk actually goes inside TT.
PATTER: Now, when you have pushed a bit of the red handkerchief into left fist from the
top you take out a little bit of yellow handkerchief from the bottom. (17 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

This photo shows exactly what you tell them in patter above.
PATTER: You push a little bit more of the yellow handkerchief from the top and take
some more of the red handkerchief from the bottom. Doesn't it look like the red
handkerchief is changing color as it passes through the hand? That's why the trick is
called "The Red Handkerchief that Changes Color."

At this moment most of the red silk is into left fist and you pull most of yellow silk out.

Use right thumb to push in last bit of red silk and steal TT with this thumb.
PATTER: You finally push the last bit of red handkerchief inside left hand and pull
yellow handkerchief completely out from the bottom.

Right hand comes out of fist with TT and goes to lower corner of yellow silk to pull it
completely from left hand. Photo shows this moment. Notice TT on right thumb. This is (18 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project
your point of view, of course.

In the last few seconds you have turned your body to the left so that this is what
audience sees. Pull yellow silk completely out of left fist.
PATTER: The only problem is I teach this trick to everybody I meet. Half the city already
knows it so when you perform it many people will know you have the red handkerchief
hidden in your hand. It happens to me too! What I do in these cases is another very nice
trick called: "The Red Handkerchief that Disappears."

Open your left hand showing it empty.
PATTER: But I'll teach you that one some other time!
There you are. Isn't it simple? It doesn't call for any difficult move or anything new you
have to learn. It might even be that you already have the two silks and the TT so the
only ingredient needed is a few rehearsals and you'll have a nice little addition to your
[ 2 comments ] ( 51 views ) | permalink | ( 3.6 / 433 )
Fogel + Annemann
Thursday, May 5, 2005, 11:16 AM
This is a very good routine by the late British mentalist Fogel streamlined with a very
useful idea by Annemann. My only merit is adding both things together. The result is a
very stunning prediction. First I will tell you about Annemann's idea....
This is a three-way faked envelope that has a lot of uses, specially in prediction tricks.
Please notice I say "tricks" even when writing about mental stuff. That's because I
believe mental.... uh.... tricks are just.... well.... tricks. I say this so the new breed of
Mentalism Talibans can save their time sending me corrective emails and etc.
To make an Annemann Three-Way Envelope for this Prediction Trick you first need 3
long opaque envelopes. (19 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Cut off the flap from TWO of them. Cut also a thin sliver around both envelopes so you
can separate the front or address side of each one. Discard the rest.

This is what you must end with: A complete envelope (A) and two address sides minus
flaps (B and C). Notice the marks on the pieces. These marks are just for this
explanation so you must not mark your pieces. The dashes mean you will apply glue on
top. Apply it on a strip a little less of 1/2 inch -- more or less 1 cm. The dots mean you
will apply glue to the bottom of the piece. This is clearly marked on the photo.
NOTE: Do not glue all pieces yet. Glue only C on top of B applying glue only on the
dashed parts of piece B. Don't apply glue to the underneat of B (dot marks) or the top of
C yet! Piece B with piece C glued on top of it will be like a sort of sandwich.

This is how you apply the glue. Use a glue stick for neatness.

Write three predictions using half a sheet of 8-1/2 x 11 or DIN A4 paper. Make them
read: (20 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project
Chosen drink will be #1
Chosen drink will be #2
Chosen drink will be #3

Fold each prediction once lenghtwise. Photo shows folded prediction compared to

Place prediction #3 inside "sandwich."

Place prediction #2 on top of "sandwich."

Place prediction #1 under "sandwich." (21 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Apply glue to all parts marked in previous photos, including whole envelope (A) and slip
sandwich and predictions into it. Finally seal flap.

This shows the final envelope. As you can see I have marked it with small numbers: 1, 2
& 3 on the ends and top. This is done on the flap side so that I can easily know where to
cut to get to any of the three predictions. If I have to cut anyone of the two ends I use a
small pair of scissors....

....If I have to cut the top I use a small letter opener. I have both things: scissors and
letter opener on my table and pick one or the other according to what I need to cut,
either an end or the top of the envelope. The small secret numbers are always hidden
on the side away from audience.
NOTE: I always ask someone from the audience to take out the prediction and when
they do I ask them to see if there is nothing else inside. Then I show the "empty"
envelope to rest of audience and discard it before proceeding with the trick.
Now for Fogel's part in this combination:

Get three very different beer cans (full!). (22 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project

Cut off three manila envelopes and use them to cover the three cans. However, make
some secret marks to the back of the envelopes so you know where each brand of beer
is. I mentally number each beer 1, 2 or 3 according to how much I like each one! Then I
mark 1, 2 or 3 small dots on the envelopes so I know what envelope covers what beer.
PRESENTATION: Show covered cans on your table and tell audience what they are:
three different brands of beer: Balboa Ice, Soberana and Atlas. Here you will use your
own local brands, of course.
Ask somebody to come on stage and while you turn your head away this person must
move the cans around WITHOUT uncovering them so at the end you don't have the
slightest idea where any beer could be.
Now ask this person to point to anybody in the audience and ask this second person
what is his favorite beer of the three you have covered on the table: Balboa Ice,
Soberana or Atlas.
Suppose she says Soberana. For me Soberana is number 2 so I look towards the
covers and I immediately know (by the secret marks) where Soberana is.

You have three cardboard squares, each one with a number: 1, 2, 3. Give these
cardboards to the person on stage with you and ask her to place each cardboard in front
of one of the covered cans. She can place them any way she likes. You even give her
the chance to change them around if she pleases.
At the end notice what number is in front of Soberana and that is the prediction you
must take out of the envelope so.... this case you must cut open the top of envelope using the letter opener.
Have spectator reach inside envelope, take out prediction, and check there is nothing
else there. Show envelope otherwise empty to rest of audience and discard.
Have spectator open, read in loud voice and show prediction. Take away cardboards 1
and 3 and lift covers from these cans showing unwanted brands. Discard.
Finally take away cardboard 2, lift cover and show your prediction is correct. (23 of 24) [7/5/2005 8:43:02 AM]
The Learned Pig Project
I used to perform this mental trick a lot. When I was living in Spain I performed it on live
TV with a person on the telephone line from the island of Mallorca while I was in the
studio in Barcelona. It was very successful. The secret to performing this in your show
on a regular basis is to sit down one day with plenty of time and prepare a couple of
dozens (or more) of faked envelopes.
In Fogel's routine you poured the beer in a glass for the person. You can do that if you
want depending on where you are performing. Of course you can substitute other things
for beer cans and they don't even have to be liquids of any kind. Use your imagination
I encourage you to study this trick and add it to your repertoire as it is very good and
don't let the fact that you aren't a so-called mentalist stop you from doing it. I used to
perform this one right after the egg bag. For me mental tricks are just a different kind of
tricks but magic tricks nonetheless.
Only in the case you want to make people think you are special and have some psychic
powers, or you want to tell fortunes and make some extra $$$$ and use mental tricks to
convince them of your powers, or have a personality problem that pushes you to do
these things, or even if your artistic taste takes you in the direction of pure mental stuff,
only in these cases, I say, will you want to make a difference and consider mental tricks
a breed apart from all other magic tricks.
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