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ilTADM10_2 Test Answers

Unit 1: Technology Components for Browser-Base User Dialogs

1! "tate whether the following are Tr#e or $alse: %Mar& T for tr#e an $ for $alse'
A! "A( )CM has completely replace )T"!
B! )CM wor&er threa hanles responses an contains )*+ hanler for the networ&
inp#t an o#tp#t!
C! )CM cannot ,e aministere #sing any ABA( transaction!
D! )CM trace file e-_icm is a-aila,le in the wor& irectory of the c#rrent instance!
2! "elect the correct answer%s': Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! )ntegrate )T" is a-aila,le from .A" /!20!
B! The integrate )T" is a#tomatically installe with the "A( &ernel as part of A"
ABA( /!00 an can ,e #se immeiately witho#t any config#ration!
C! (rofile parameter itsp1ena,le sho#l ,e set to 1 in orer to #se integrate )T"!
D! 2one of the a,o-e!
3! .hich of the following tools can ,e #se for integrate )T" aministration an
A! Transaction ")T"(M+2 an program ")T"(M+2
B! Trace files e-_w4!trc!
C! "M215"T225"M)CM an ")C$
D! )T" aministration tool
0! )f the U67 http:11saphost:80801ine9!html is specifie5 which of the following will ,e
A! The prefi9 to chec& for is 1! .hich cannot ,e fo#n in the U67 mapping ta,le5
an it contains only one forwar slash! The -al#e of the parameter
is1:TT(1efa#lt_root_hl etermines the estination!%permitte -al#es are a,ap
an ;2ee'!
B! .e, ispatcher ro#tes it to the ;2ee root irectory as this is the efa#lt setting!
C! The message <U67 in correct< will ,e ret#rne as the response!
Unit 2: Basics of User Aministration A" ABA(

=! .hich of the following #ser types are a-aila,le in ABA(:
A! Comm#nication #ser
B! )T" amin #ser
C! "er-ice5 system > reference
D! )nteracti-e #ser type for ialog
/! .hat is the #ser name an passwor for the 613 "ystem aministrator in a newly
installe system %Clients 000 an 001'?
Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! User name: "A(45 passwor: ic
B! User name: "A(45 passwor: init
C! User name: "A(45 passwor: 0/0@1AA2
D! User name: "A(45 passwor: manager
B! User name: "A(45 passwor: 1AA20@0/
@! .hat is the #ser name an passwor for the 613 "ystem ata ictionary aministrator
in a newly installe system %Clients 000 an 001'?
Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! User name: "A(45 passwor: ic
B! User name: DD)C5 passwor: init
C! User name: DD)C5 passwor: manager
D! User name: DD)C5 passwor: 0/0@1AA2
B! User name: DD)C5 passwor: 1AA20@0/@!
8! .hich of the following is 2+T tr#e of the 613 "ystem A#thoriCation concept?
Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! A#thoriCations are #se to aminister an assign access rights to ata an
f#nctions in the 613 "ystem!
B! A#thoriCations are #se to set #p #sers access in the 613 "ystem!
C! Users efine in the 613 "ystem a#tomatically recei-e f#ll operating system #ser
D! 613 o,;ects may ha-e se-eral a#thoriCations assigne!
Unit 3: User an A#thoriCation Concept A"
A! .hich of the following can ,e selecte as the UMB ata so#rces:
Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! "ystem Data,ase
B! UDD) pro-ier
C! ABA(-,ase "A( system %as of .A" /!20'
D! Directory ser-ice %7DA( ser-er'
10! "tate which of the following are tr#e or false:
A! UMB can ,e accesse -ia the UMB aministration console5 config#ration tool an
the UMB config#ration i-iew!
B! D2BB config#ration ,rowser can ,e #se to isplay all the UMB parameters!
C! The acti-e ata so#rce can ,e isplaye in the offline config#ration eitor moe!
D! )f changes are mae from the offline config#ration eitor5 a restart is generally not
11! .hich of the following are the efa#lt principles in A" DAFA? Mar& for correct
A! Aministrator in case of the only DAFA with ata,ase as the ataso#rce!
B! 7DA( aministrator in case of irectory ser-er as the ata so#rce
C! D2BB_ADM)2_D01 in case of remote ABA( ,ase system with D01 as the ")D of
the connecte DAFA system!
D! "A(D"$ as the comm#nication #ser in case of ABA(GDAFA system!

12! "elect the correct answer%s': Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! DAFA gro#ps are -isi,le as roles in ABA( s#01 in orer to facilitate the
B! UMB can ,e #se to assign D2BB an UMB roles!
C! D2BB roles #ses the programma,le a#thoriCation approach!
D! 2one of the a,o-e!
Unit 0: 6$C Connections
13! .hich of the following statements are the possi,le 6$C #sage types:
Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! "ynchrono#s 6$C
B! "erialiCe 6$C
C! Transactional > H#e#e 6$C
D! )solate 6$C
Unit =: Comm#nication an )ntegration
10! .hat )nterface (rotocol is 6$C ,ase on? Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! TC(1)( > C()C-C
B! "2A
C! 7U/!2!
1=! Bnterpise ser-ices ena,le :
Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! The efficient creation of new applications witho#t ha-ing to moify the
#nerlying system
B! Fery high fle9i,ility in the config#ration of ,#siness processes5 also Iin
C! The simplifie creation of applications that #se the f#nctions of se-eral
D! 2one of the a,o-e!
Unit /: .or&ing with "A( "ol#tion Manager
1/! .hich of the statements are tr#e with respect to "ol#tion Manager:
A! 6e#ces the Total Cost of +wnership of yo#r "A( sol#tions
B! )ncreases the ret#rn on in-estment pro-ie ,y yo#r "A( sol#tions
C! Can ,e orere -ia ser-ice mar&et place with a specifie sol#tion fees!
B! )ncreases the relia,ility of the c#stomerJs "A( systems!
1@! Using "M"K which of the following can ,e one: Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! Definition of non-"A( pro#cts for f#rther #se in system lanscape
B! Man#al entry of ABA( an non ABA( systems!
C! Leneration of 6$C estinations for the component systems
18! "7D contains the #pate information a,o#t the installe an installa,le pro#cts in
the lanscape:
A! Tr#e
B! $alse
Unit @: "ystem Monitoring an Tro#,leshooting A" ABA(
1A! "tate whether the following are Tr#e or $alse: %Mar& T for tr#e an $ for $alse'
A! 6#le ,ase an static monitors can ,e create #sing 6M20!
B! Monitors offer ifferent -iews of the same ,asic ataset!
C! The highest noe in the monitoring tree is calle the MTB!!
D! The complete alerts cannot ,e isplaye later!
20! .hich of the following two -iews are a-aila,le from 6M20: Mar& for correct
A! C#rrent Fiew
B! :istorical Fiew
C! +pen alerts
D! Alert Browser
21! "tate which of the following are correct: Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! )t is strongly recommene to a two 6$C estinations from the central monitoring
systems to the target systems!
B! DATA_000_N")DO for the name of the 6$C connection #se to start the analysis
metho an the ")D is the ")D of the central system!
C! 2o #ser sho#l ,e entere in the 6$C estination create for reaing the monitoring
ata from the target system so that the #ser a#thenticate him1her self!
D! 6$C estination can ,e create witho#t targeting a specific client in the estination
22! The connection test in 6C20 can ,e #se to chec& the login into the target system:
A! Tr#e
B! $alse
23! Threshol -al#es can ,e store in the : Mar& for correct entrie%s'
A! $ile system
B! (roperties -ariants
C! B9ternal ata,ase
D! any MTB in 6M20
2= .hich parameter can ,e #se to specify the location of the local log:
A! rslg1local1file
B! rslg1central1file
C! rslg1storage location
2/! DMP monitors collect the ata locally for the A" DAFA an sen it irectly to ,e
isplaye in the CCM" of the central monitoring system:
A! Tr#e
B! $alse
2@! )ncase of local ABA(GDAFA installation5 no agent is reE#ire for the monitoring ata
to ,e isplaye in the central monitoring system if the local ABA( is #se as the Central
monitoring system!
A! Tr#e
B! $alse
28! .hich of the following ,est escri,es "A( 7ogging A(): Mar& for correct
A! )t is a part of logging an tracing infrastr#ct#re!
B! 6eas the information from the files an informs log controller a,o#t the se-erity of
the log information to ,e written!
C! is efine as all o,;ects for which the logging or tracing information can ,e wriiten!
2A! .hich of the following are tr#e with respect to logging an tracing:
A! logging > tracing are the two synonyms gi-en to the normal tracing information
collecte ,y the system!
B! logging is recoring normal an e9ceptional e-ents an is acti-e #ring normal
C! Tracing is recoring etail process flow which is #se for error etection in pro#ction
en-ironment an also #ring e-elopment!
D! Traces are str#ct#re into categories!

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