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Video: Friends

A baby on the bus

1) Family relationships :
Whos your mother s brother?
Whos your fathers sister?
Whos your brothers daughter?
Whos your sisters son?
2) Allergy:
What can you be allergic to?
What are the symptoms?
What is the treatment?
2) Babies
Mention verbs usually used in connection with babies.
Mention objects usually connected with babies.
3) Music- er!ormers
Whats a gig?
Whats a busker?
At the apartment
a) True False
1. osss baby hates Monica.
2. Monica doesnt care about the baby.
!. "handler once dated a cranky girl.
#. oss is allergic to lobster$ peanuts and kiwi.
%. oss wants to go to hospital as soon as possible.
&. 'oey has a lot of e(perience with babies.
). *e wants to look after osss baby.
+. "handler was looking forward to playing basketball.
,. oss wants to play -.crabble/.
b) Questions
10. Whats Monicas relationship to the baby?
11. Why is she worried?
12. Why does Monica get angry at "handler?
At "entral er#
a) True- False
1!. 1hoebes last song is great.
1#. .he composed it last night.
1%. .he s a professional singer and guitar player.
1&. achels boss is 1hoebes fan.
1). 2erry doesnt want to pay 1hoebe for playing the guitar.
1+. achel always cleans the capuchino machine.
1,. 1hoebe is not 3ealous of .tephanie.
b) Questions
20. What has 2erry decided to do?
21. *ow does he feel when he hears 1hoebe singing?
22. What are achel and 1hoebes reactions towards 2errys decision?
2!. What does 2erry finally agree to do?
$n the street % on the bus
a) True False
2#. 'oey thinks the baby will help them to pick up girls.
2%. 'oey and "handler can recommend a good adoption agency.
2&. 2hey dont ha4e money for the ta(i.
2). 2hey dont mind being taken for homose(ual guys on the bus.
2+. 2he girls on the bus are their neighbours.
2,. "handler calls the traffic authorities because hes lost.
!0. 2hey cant recognise the baby.
!1. 5en had a mole on his face and was wearing ducks on his 26shirt.
b) Questions
!2. Why did they forget the baby on the bus?
!!. Where do they ha4e to go to get the baby?
!#. Why do they pretend to be gays there?
!%. What problem hadnt they anticipated?
!&. *ow do they sort it out?
At "entral er#
a) True- False
!). 1hoebe wants to ruin .tephanies performance.
!+. 1laying for money is not for 1hoebe.
!,. 74erybody likes the song -.melly cat./
b) Questions
!,. *ow much money did 1hoebe make that e4ening?
#0. What did 1hoebe get when she sang -.melly cat/?
At the apartment
a) True - False
#1.oss almost broke Monicas hand.
#2.oss and Monica didnt use to fight when they were kids.
#!. oss hopes 5en can ha4e a sister.
b) Questions
##.Which of these things did oss do to Monica when they were kids? 8id he............
- 3am a pencil into her leg?
- stick a broom in her bike spokes?
- hit her head with a pumpkin?
#%. When do 'oey and "handler feel sure that they4e brought the right baby?
&ome more ne' 'ords :
Sloppy chords strap sidewalk - stroller bone bruise freckles phobia
$n!ormal (anguage
ewrite these sentences in an informal way.
1. *es 4ery irritable today.
2. 2his is nonsense:
!. 8oes anyone want to play -.crabble/?
#. ;antastic:
%. 2errys an idiot.
&. <ook at that group of girls:
). = absolutely refuse to ha4e an in3ection.
+. <ook at that beautiful girl:
,. >re we going to toss a coin?
10. ?ou were @uite successful.
11. = did it to start the process A the whole thing.
12. 1laying for money is so tiring:
1!. Bot e4erybody can understand the song -.melly cat./
1#. *e wouldnt ha4e sur4i4ed.
1%. *ow can you e(plain the fact that hes got a diaper which says......?

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