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Name _________________________________________________ Class ________________________

Language Test 3A Unit 3

1 Choose the correct answers.
Sandra used to / would live in the city but now she lives in the country.
1 Will is forever complaining / forever complains that he has too much homework.
2 As a child, Paul was sitting / would sit on his swing in the garden for hours.
3 I think shes hay. She works in the week and at the weekend she is relaxing / will relax
at home.
4 !id you used / use to work in the library"
5 #y sister was always sounding / would always sound tired when we soke in the
6 I will go / am going to work around seven in the morning most days.
/ $
2 Complete each sentence with the correct article (a/an, the) or leave the gap blank when
no article is needed.
I dont think you know my sister. Shes a doctor.
1 #y results werent very good and the doctor says I might have to go to %%%%%%% hosital.
2 Would you like %%%%%%% cu of coffee" Its no trouble.
3 &eling eole gives me %%%%%%% leasure and thats why I do it.
4 She was born on %%%%%%% twenty'second of August, ()**.
5 I read %%%%%%% article you showed me. It was really interesting.
6 I need %%%%%%% holiday this year. Ive been so busy.
Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 PHOTOCOPIABLE
/ $
3 Complete the missing words.
+an you change the c h a n n e l, lease"
1 &e changes his % o % % so ,uickly, one moment hes hay, the ne-t hes angry.
2 Weve done a lot of work on the house, including % o % % % r % % % % the attic into an e-tra
3 .he new /ob means getting u very early and its taken me a while to % d % % s % .
4 She changed her hair style, her hair colour, her make'u and her style of clothes and it was
as if shed been % r % n % % % r % % % by magic into a different erson0
5 I hated cheese sandwiches and she hated salad so we agreed to % w % % lunches.
6 We used to be friends but since he got a good /ob hes % % r % e % i % % % a real big'head.
4 Complete the sentences with the words from the bo. !here is one etra word that "o# do
not need.
&e was severely in/ured in the accident.
1 #y family never had any money to buy things. I had a very %%%%%%% childhood.
2 Why do you always %%%%%%% the to off the glue" It will dry u0
3 #y sister is always talking to her friends. She sends %%%%%%% on the hone every day0
4 .hey wont like this news. What if they %%%%%%% their temers" What should I do"
5 She was a brilliant student and her teachers were certain that she would %%%%%%% great
6 &e suffers from %%%%%%% behaviour, such as washing his hands twenty times a day or
checking the doors are locked all the time.
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/ $
/ $
ages fiddle with derived comulsive achieve leave severely lose
5 $ewrite the sentences #sing the word given to add emphasis.
Phil was clever. 1such2
Phil was such a clever man.
1 .he beautiful weather made the holiday so memorable. 1that2
It %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% so memorable.
2 She tries hard. 1does2
She %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hard.
3 I really liked the accommodation. 1was2
What %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% the accommodation.
6 %atch the idioms in bold to the correct eplanations.
I told you, a leoard never changes its spots. d
1 !ont change the s#b&ect, its really annoying.
2 Paul has really t#rned over a new leaf.
3 .alk to her, erhas shell have a change of heart.
a change the way you live or do things for the better.
b avoid talking about something difficult or embarrassing.
c change your oinion or attitude, usually because of something youve seen or heard.
d always the same erson underneath.
Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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.4.A5 / 36

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