Igcse Movement of Substances in and Out of Cells

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IGCSE: d) movement of substances into and out of cells

2.12: Understand definition of diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.

Osmosis: is the movement of water, from high to an area of low water potential across a
partially permeable membrane.

Diffusion: is when molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration.

Active Transport: is when molecules move from an area of low concentration to high
concentration, energy is needed to do this.

2.14: Understand the importance in plants of
turgid cells.

It strengthens the root because the plant cells
are turgid, and makes it grow upwards.
2.15: understand the factors that affect the rate of movement of substances into and out of

Surface Area: molecules have more area in which to diffuse through, increasing the rate.
Volume to Surface area ratio is big.

Temperature: Increased temperature, the more kinetic energy they will have making the
rate of the processes go faster.

Concentration Gradient: Difference between the concentrations in and out of the cell. The
bigger the difference, the more opportunity for molecules to diffuse.
2.16: Describe experiments to investigate
diffusion and osmosis.

Diffusion: Put a coloured substance into a
clear liquid. Change the temperature and

Osmosis: Potato chip experiment.

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