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Analyzing multiple choice format

Item Facility
Identifying which item is easy or difficult for
the proposed group of test takers
IF=#of Ss answering the item correctly
Total#of Ss responding to that item
Item Discrimination
The extent to which an item on which an item
differentiates between high and low ability
test takers
ID= high group#correct-low group #correct
1/2x total of your two comparison group
Distractor Efficiency
The distractor lure a sufficicent number of test
takers,especially lower-ability
The responses are evenly distributed accross
all distractors
The stem of the item should be meaningful
and should present a definite problem
The stem should include asmuch of the item
as possible and should be free of irrelevant
All alternatives should be grammatically
consistent with the stem of item
An item should consist only one clearly best

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