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So, if you've chosen to Remove Chevy Caprice stereo

radio 1994-1996 by yourselves and don't kno here to

be!in" #ou're not alone$""
%rose &ree chevy caprice Car '(' )*S Removal +nstructions

+n order to remove the radio, the entire loer dash
panel must be removed in order to !ain access to the
scres that secure the radio" -s seen in the photo above,
the plastic dash surroundin! the radio is actually
connected as one unit to the rest of the loer dash" %ut,
before this loer dash panel can be removed, the black
plastic dash panel surroundin! the instrument displays
must also be removed" .he loer part of the panel
snaps into the loer dash panel at near the steerin!
Step 1/
-t the very bottom of the loer dash panel, locate and
remove si0 1mmbolt scres"
Step 2/
3nsnap the fuse panel cover door at the e0treme far left
of the dash" 4ocate and remove one 1mm bolt scre
hidden behind the fuse bo0 panel cover"
Step 5/
4ocate and remove to 1mm bolt scres that secure the
top of the plastic dash panel surroundin! the
instrument displays"
Step 4/
6nce the 2 scres securin! the top of the instrument
display panel have been removed, !rab the top of the
black plastic and pull forard until the top separates
from main dash" Continue pullin! at the bottom until
the snaps at the bottom unsnap from the loer dash
Step 7/
,o that the plastic dash panel surroundin! the
instrument displays has been removed, the loer dash
panel can be removed" 6pen the !love bo0 and pull the
top ri!ht comer until it be!ins to unsnap from the dash"
Continue to the left side until the dash drops to the floor
of the car"
Step 6/
6nce the loer dash panel has been removed, the radio
and the scres securin! the radio can be seen" 4ocate
and remove to 1mm bolt scres securin! the radio81
on each side9" *ull the radio out of the dash" 3nplu! the
black cable and plastic connector plu!!ed into the rear
of the radio"

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