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TPA Lesson Design Frame

Name: Sarah Briggs Date: 4/1/14

Lesson #, Lesson Title: Before Reading
Grade Level & Class Title: Third Grade
Period or Block: Vocabulary
Standards & !"ectives
Learning Objectives: Given the vocabulary words the students will be able to complete word cards by
writing the word definition using it in a sentence and listing two relating words with 1! out of 1"
Academic Language Objectives: pioneer prairie churn hearth pantry settlers sod territory
homestead fierce severe bustling galloped glorious waded#
#nstr$ctional Strategies and Learning Tasks to S$%%ort Learning:
Time $earning %ctivities and &urpose
rientation&'ngagement&(otivation' To get the students engaged the teacher will write the date 1()* on
the board# +n groups of four the students are to come up with one event that is going on during this time or
a word that signifies this time# ,nce each group has come up with the word they are to write it on the board
under 1()*#
Presentation&')%licit #nstr$ction' The teacher will e-plain that the students .ust gave meaning to the
numbers 1()*# /ithout meaning the numbers are .ust numbers# The same is true for words# /ithout
meaning words are .ust letters stuc0 together# +t is important to 0now the meaning of words especially
before reading# 1nowing the meaning of words will deepen your understanding of a te-t# Today we are
going to determine the meaning of words from our te-t 2&ioneer Girl The Story of $aura +ngalla /ilder3
by /illiam %nderson#
Str$ct$red Practice&')%loration' %t the tables the students will be instructed to get out their vocabulary
noteboo0s# 4They are familiar with this e-ercise#5 The teacher will say a word and write it on the board 4i#e#
pioneer5# The students are to individually thin0 about what the word means and then draw a picture of it#
/hen they are done drawing they are to compare and contrast their drawings with the other students at
their table# ,nce the students have shared their drawings with one another the teacher will as0 some
students to share what they drew and discussed# This will continue with each word#
G$ided Practice&Feed!ack: The class will then play a game of charades# 6ach student will pic0 one card
from the dec0 of cards with the vocabulary words written on them# The students will have " minutes to
collect their thoughts# The students will 7perform8 one at a time and act out their words# The other students
have to guess the word# %fter each student the teacher will discuss their 7performance3 4i#e# how did they
portray the word9 /as it accurate9 a good representation of the word or e-plain the word could have been
better supported etc#5# /hile other students are 7performing8 the students can add to their vocabulary
#nde%endent Practice&A%%lication: ,nce each student has gone the teacher will instruct the students to
return to their seats# The teacher will have the students put their noteboo0s away# The students will be
instructed to create word cards for each word# The first word card has a vocabulary word on the front of the
inde- card and the definition on the bac0# The second word card has the word used in a complete sentence
and two related words on the bac0 4i#e# synonym antonym describing words etc#5
Clos$re: %fter the students have completed all the word cards the teacher will introduce the boo0 that
they will be reading 2&ioneer Girl The Story of $aura +ngalla /ilder#3 She will read the story to the class#
Page 2
#nstr$ctional (aterials and S$%%ort: 2&ioneer Girl The Story of $aura +ngalla /ilder3 white
board dry erase mar0ers vocabulary cards inde- cards vocabulary noteboo0s pencils and drawing
:escription and &urpose of
%ssessment %ctivity#
6valuative ;riteria# <eedbac0 to students#
+nstructional $esson
a5 &rocess
:uring the structured practice
the students are drawing and
discussing their
understanding of the
vocabulary words#
:uring the guided practice the
students are acting out the
vocabulary word they
pic0ed from the pile and
participating and listening to
the discussion after each
b5 &roduct
:uring the independent
practice the students are
creating word cards by writing
the definition using the word
in a sentence and writing two
relating words on inde- cards#
The teacher is observing the
students8 participation
through their interpretive
drawings and discussions#
The teacher is observing the
students8 understanding
through their representation of
the word in the game of
The teacher is loo0ing for 1!
out of 1" words used
correcting by defining using
in a sentence and writing two
relating words#
+nstantly based on what the
students have said#
+mmediately after the
student has acted out the
The ne-t day after the
teacher has graded the
word cards#
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