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As a student I have grown a lot this semester. I have grown as a student

because I have tried not to get a lot of red stamps and turning my assignments on
time. I have also cared more about my grades, especially because they count for high
school. When I had Ds and Fs I have tried to raise them up to a C or B. I have also
matured and looked at things more seriously. I have also grown as a global citizen
because I care more about the environment. It is important to be a global citizen
because its good to be educated on other environments and of others peoples
cultures than only what you are used to seeing. By just researching other parts of the
world and people its like you just took an adventure because it captures your
attention and its very interesting.

In my English class we were assigned a spring final project. It was a four page
newsletter. In my class I was able to work with a partner. I researched the world in
terms of prejudice against people because in the Newsletter we talked about the
Jewish Holocaust and the Japanese Internment camp. I had already a little
knowledge on both. We had to investigate a group of people going through prejudice
in 2014. There are many forms of hatred people can do to one another; they are: bias
stereotypes, racial discrimination, racism, and prejudging. Ive learned that
prejudice can happen anywhere and to anyone, but you choose whether to stop it or
keep on letting it happen.

In my science class I identified or interpreted an experimental error by looking
back at my observations. I also identified outliers by noticing some negative or
positive pattern that then breaks because an outlier like in graphs or charts. When
we start a lab we have to make an educated prediction, hypothesis. If we were to get
new questions in our lab, we talk about its important to find these new observations
because it can change our hypothesis. Its also important because we need to include
these new findings in our lab report.

In my math class we had a project that allowed us to survey people. The two
driving questions were how many times you have tried an electronic device or
electronic cigarette. The other question was, how old you were the first time you
tried marijuana. After we got our results with our survey we showed a visual
representation with charts. One of our charts was on a graph, it was a scatter plot.
Our scatter plot showed us our hypothesis was wrong because it had no correlation.
The points were all over the place, a cluster and it didn't make a line. It also meant
our driving questions had no association.

I reflected on the experimental findings in the conclusion of my lab report to check
if my hypothesis matched my findings. For example I did a project that was on an

environmental issue. I did a presentation on Oil spills. We used a lab report to help
us and guide us through it. The project influenced my thinking because it made me
be aware about what is happening around me. It also influenced my choices because
now I recycle plastic and metal. I know you can take action with your friend and
family by volunteering with organizations or just doing things at home. I also
reflected on the experimental findings because I checked if it was correct.

I have grown as a global student over the past semester because I know more
about the world. I also take action to help the environment by recycling. I think
having these skills of being a global student will help me in my future education
because Ill not only have knowledge on where I live but where other people live too.
In order to continue to grow as a global student I will keep on learning about our
environment and our world. I will also learn more about peoples culture outside my

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