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Jacob Beeler

Ms. Parrish
English 1010
Self Reflection: The ideal educational paradigm
When I first began to write this paper I felt as if ! writing s"ills were ina#e$%ate. &owe'er as
I began to write an# #raft ! peers help e reali(e that I #o ha'e soe s"ill in writing.
Pre-Writing: )s I began to write this essa! I fo%n# that ! 'iews on e#%cation were prett!
proinent. I g%ess that being raise# the wa! I was has helpe# e to p%t a lot of ephasis on e#%cation
an# the responsibilit! of the st%#ent. *nce I starte# to state ! goals the! reall! rolle# off the tong%e
an# +%st starte# to flow.
Drafting: I reall! en+o! the #rafting process that is in place in o%r English 1010 class. I feel li"e
seeing other st%#ents writings an# criti$%ing theirs an# ! own has reall! help e to becoe a better
writer alrea#!. I reall! str%ggle the first tie I write a #raft for an! paper. ,hin" abo%t the i#eas an# the
points that I nee# to pro'e is the eas! part for e. ,he har#est p-art is act%all! getting it #own on paper
an# a"ing it so%n# how it #i# in ! hea#. *ften I write soething that so%n#e# great in ! hea# an#
it so%n#s li"e a terrible thing on paper. ,here is soe issing connection between ! brain an# !
Editing: oops I "in# of p%t part of the e#iting process in the #rafting part. g%ess I sho%l# ha'e
rea# the entire r%bric before I starte# t!ping. /now I0 ta"ing a#'antage of the fact that this is allowe#
to be soewhat con'ersational1 *h well. I reall! en+o!e# the e#iting process. It a#e it f%n. I ha'e a
prett! har# tie when it coes to fin#ing an# correcting ! own ista"es. so ha'ing a fresh set of
e!es reall! helps e. I also li"e that we get to sho%t things s%ch as 2We hate 3*456
Revising: )s I ha'e sai# in the pre'io%s two paragraph /an I nee# to finish rea#ing the r%bric1
I li"e the peer re'iews an# the! help e to fin# ! own flaws an# fi7 the. I often fin# ! self
s"ipping o'er errors in ! papers +%st beca%se I0 the one that wrote it an# I rea# it in ! own 'oice.
,he peer re'iews help to point o%t ista"es an# e'en occasionall! help e to a"e better 'ocab%lar!
Final Draft: I #o not belie'e that ! final #raft is ! best wor". ,his in not beca%se I #o not
thin" the essa! is goo#. this is beca%se I belie'e that nothing can e'er be an!one8s best wor". ,here is
no s%ch thing as perfection so there is no s%ch thing as !o%r 2best6.
Overall: *'er all I feel as if this essa! has reall! helpe# ! to #e'elop ! writing s"ills an#
p%she# ! to write better. ,his is the first tie I ha'e e'er written fi'e pages witho%t ha'ing to force
!self to #o so.

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