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In kinematics, Chasles' theorem says that the most general rigid body displacement can be produced by a
translation along a line (called its screw axis) followed (or preceded) by a rotation about that line.
proof that a spatial displacement can be decomposed into a rotation and slide around and along a line in space is
attributed to Michel Chasles in 1830.
Recently the work of Gulio Mozzi has been identified as presenting a
similar result in 1763.
^ Kumar, V. "MEAM 520 notes: The theorems of Euler and Chasles" (
^ William B. Heard (2006) Rigid Body Mechanics, page 42, Wiley-VCH ISBN 3-527-40620-4 2.
^ M. Chasles, Note sur les Proprietes Generales du Systeme de Deux Corps Semblables entr'eux, Bullettin de
Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques Physiques et Chimiques, Baron de Ferussac, Paris, 1830, pp. 321326
^ G. Mozzi, Discorso matematico sopra il rotamento momentaneo dei corpi, Stamperia di Donato Campo, Napoli,
^ M. Ceccarelli, Screw axis defined by Giulio Mozzi in 1763 and early studies on helicoidal motion, Mechanism and
Machine Theory 35 (2000) 761-770
M. Chasles. (1830). "Note sur les proprits gnrales du systme de deux corps semblables entr'eux et
placs d'une manire quelconque dans l'espace; et sur le dplacement ni ou inniment petit d'un corps
solide libre.". Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques, Physiques et Chimiques 14:
321326. (Notes on the general properties of a system of 2 identical bodies randomly located in space;
and on the finite or infinitesimal motion of a free solid body.)
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