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Tyana Cullen

May 8
, 2014
Arizona vs. Hicks
Eli Cameron 1!2
"#AC Essay
Arizona vs. Hicks
$n A%ril 18
, 1&8&, Hicks shot a 'ullet throu(h the )loor o) his a%artment, hittin(
an* in+urin( the resi*ent 'elo,. -hen t,o %olicemen arrive* on the scene, they )oun*
the corres%on*in( room a'ove that o) the in+ure* man. .%on entry o) Mr. Hicks room,
the t,o %olice o))icers seize* three ,ea%ons. /urin( their search, $))icer 0elson, one o)
the %olicemen, notice* a very e1%ensive ra*io set locate* in the room. He assume* that
the stereo system looke* out o) %lace, an* 'elieve* it must have 'een stolen. He
move* )urniture an* a turn ta'le in or*er to check the serial num'er on the 'ack o) the
system. A)ter searchin( the system, he )oun* out that it, in*ee*, ,as stolen.
The 2uestion no, is, ,hether or not the o))icers3 search o) the stereo system
violate* Hicks %rivacy o) %lain vie, an* ,hether the evi*ence they ha* ,as enou(h to
convict Hicks o) ro''ery.
Hicks ,as in*ee* %ersua*e* 'y actors o) the state, $))icer 0elson an* his )ello,
o))icer. The 4
Amen*ment states that %eo%le shoul* 4'e secure in their 5o,n6 house.7
Hicks *oes have stan*in(, 'ecause he ,as in a %rivate resi*ence. 8tate* in the Chimel
vs. Cali)ornia case o) 1&9&, 4)or the routine search o) rooms other than that in ,hich an
arrest occurs, or )or searchin( *esk *ra,ers or other close* or conceale* areas: a
search ,arrant is re2uire*.7 ;Chimel vs. CA (2 <= The movement o) the )urniture an*
stereo system in Hicks room to unveil the serial co*e is not %rohi'ite* ,ithout a search
,arrant. There ,as no %ro'a'le cause su%%ortin( the )act that Mr. Hicks ha* stolen the
Tyana Cullen
May 8
, 2014
Arizona vs. Hicks
Eli Cameron 1!2
stereo system either. To have a %ro'a'le cause, the %olice o))icer ,oul* have ha* to
have a lo(ical reason su%%orte* 'y )acts or evi*ence that Mr. Hicks *i*, in )act, commit
the crime.
$verall, *ue to the %lain vie, e1ce%tion to the 4
Amen*ment, an* the nee* )or
%ro'a'ly cause, the evi*ence a(ainst Mr. Hicks has 'een o'taine* ille(ally an* Hicks
has stan*in(.

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