Self Reflection wrp2

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Jacob Beeler

Ms. Parrish
English 1010
Self Reflection: argumentative essay
Pre-Writing: When I started to do research for this essay I thought that reneable energy as
ne!er orth using" as I began to to research I learned otherise.
Drafting: I really en#oy the $eer re!ie $rocess that is in $lace in our English 1010 class.
%eeing others or& and ho they thin& hel$s 'e to i'$ro!e u$on 'y on. It is also hel$ful to get
ad!ice and counsel fro' 'y $eers. I really li&e feedbac& fro' so'eone ho is 'y age.
Editing: (he one thing that I alays try to &ee$ in 'ind hen editing is the fact that e hate
you. I alays find 'yself accidentally $utting it into 'y or&s and this class has hel$ed 'e rid 'yself
of that habit. )uring this essay I found 'yself accidentally forgetting to o'it ords hen I changed a
sentence but I e!entually got through it.
Revising: *e!ising in this class is su$er easy for 'e because e ha!e our $eer re!ieers it is
really nice to ha!e the in$ut fro' other students to hel$ 'e along ith the re!ision $rocess. I alays
find 'yself loo&ing for stu$id little 'ista&es hen e do the +0 error error re$ort.
Final Draft: I do not belie!e that 'y final draft is 'y best or&. (his in not because I do not
thin& the essay is good" this is because I belie!e that nothing can e!er be anyone,s best or&. (here is
no such thing as $erfection so there is no such thing as your -best..
Overall: o!erall I feel as if this essay did nothing else it hel$ed 'e to i'$ro!e 'y research
s&ills hich ill definitely hel$ 'e in 'y future courses/

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