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Jacob Beeler

Ms. Parrish
English 1010
Self Reflection: Delayed thesis
Pre-Writing: I was really excite when we got this !ro"ect "#st beca#se I li$e to tell stories. %o#
can as$ any o& 'y &riens an they will tell yo# that I a' big on story telling( so'eti'es I &orget who
I)*e tol the sa'e story to an they get a o#ble or e*en a tri!le ose. +#r !re,write o#tline really
hel!e 'e o#t on this one beca#se I-' not #se to #sing the elaye thesis 'etho when writing.
Drafting: I really en"oy the !eer re*iew !rocess that is in !lace in o#r English 1010 class.
.eeing others wor$ an how they thin$ hel!s 'e to i'!ro*e #!on 'y own. It is also hel!&#l to get
a*ice an co#nsel &ro' 'y !eers. I really li$e &eebac$ &ro' so'eone who is 'y age. It is really $in
o& &#nny to seethe st#!i little sy'bols that !eo!le write in. an when I #se the wor yo# I-' s#re to
get so'e $in o& angry &ace /0
Editing: there were a &ew ti'es in this essay where I "#st scra!!e entire sentences beca#se I
in-t li$e they way that they so#ne. It was also !retty har to steer clear o& %+1 beca#se I ten to
#se it when I a' telling a story.
Revising: Beca#se o& !eer re*iew re*ision is not nearly as har as it #se to be &or 'e. I wish I
wo#l ha*e been #sing !eer re*iew since I starte 2riting3
Final Draft: I o not belie*e that 'y &inal ra&t is 'y best wor$. 4his in not beca#se I o not
thin$ the essay is goo( this is beca#se I belie*e that nothing can e*er be anyone)s best wor$. 4here is
no s#ch thing as !er&ection so there is no s#ch thing as yo#r 5best6.
Overall: 4his essay really hel!e 'e to get a gras! on the whole elaye thesis iea. I can see
now why it wo#l be e&&ecti*e in this style o& narrati*e.

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