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Royal Mail still on the attack...


REstart strikes
ational strikes meed 24-hour strikes in close succession last
to start again in Royal
Mail. Managers are using
week—had widespread support within
the union. ‘we need a
divide and rule tactics in a bid
to fracture resistance and force
We would be in a much stronger
position now if they had gone ahead.
through the cuts and union-busting And the prospect of further hard- “Management are trying to turn
revealed weeks ago in their secret hitting action had both management and us against each other.
documents. the government on the ropes. “Managers here are being
Bosses are brushing aside key deliberately obstructive. Last
elements of the deal they signed and are It’s not all over week I asked for a meeting to
discuss the executive action
acting so brutally that there have been It is testimony to the strength of
strong calls—from London reps for imposed on delivery offices. I was
the union that Royal Mail was forced given a flat ‘no’.
example—for the executive to restart repeatedly to return to talks—and to “Instead they said they wanted
the strikes. offer a number of concessions. to talk about doing a deal to
At a meeting on Wednesday, London But a significant victory was within ensure that Christmas working
reps said they would call for strikes to postal workers’ grasp. patterns were to their advantage.”
be put back on unless bosses retreat by Now national strike action must be Ryan Ward, CWU rep Romford
Friday. restored quickly in order for the union
The “interim agreement” signed to regain the initiative. “The interim agreement says
earlier this month that put an end to CWU members can be united and clearly that there should be no
strike action stipulated that the company motivated—if the decision to restart settling of scores and that there
must negotiate changes to workers’ strikes is made soon. should be a period of calm.
terms and conditions rather than using “If that’s the case, why did
executive action. No cooperation with management. managers at our mail centre
But it is clear that managers in Lift all disciplinaries/sackings now. choose to sack one of our reps
some parts of the country—including CWU activists have set up a petition on trumped-up charges when all
East Anglia, Essex and London—are calling for strikes at Royal Mail to be our senior reps were attending a
continuing their offensive. reinstated. meeting in London?
They are refusing to even discuss Postal workers can sign the petition “I believe that this was a
the most contentious changes, such on the web at www.petitiononline. calculated act of revenge on the
as new delivery rounds that cannot be com/CWU1109/petition.html (note union. We asked for our local
the CWU is in capitals), or ask your strikes to be put back on after
completed in normal working hours.
Socialist Worker seller for a paper Royal Mail refused to enter
Opportunity missed copy of the petition
If you would like to join the SWP or
meaningful negotiations about
changes to our conditions.”
In some areas Royal Mail seems John Hunt, CWU branch
get these leaflets direct through email,
prepared to enter negotiations. secretary Chelmsford
please email or
But it’s crucial that workers are phone/text 07986 936094.
not divided on the basis of whether
their local management is smiling or
frowning. ■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
The attacks taking place are designed
to break the union. ■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
They are a strategy to win national
gains against workers, and need a Name.................................................................................................................
national response.
The attacks taking place now
underline the weakness of the interim ..........................................................................................................................
There was no reason for the union to Phone.............................................e-mail........................................................ Post 18/11/09
sign up to it.
Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London Circulation 020 7819 1171
The proposed escalation of strike Editorial 020 7819 1180
action—that would have seen two

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