Rainbow Reading

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Have you ever noticed colorful rainbows after raining? Do you

ever wonder how rainbows are created? Rainbows are actually formed
when the light from sun is reflected and refracted in water droplets in
the atmosphere. The seven colors that make up a rainbow come from
the spectrum of visible light: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo,
and violet. Rainbow is not a physical obect, so it cannot be touched!
Rainbow is actually a full circle of light. "ut because we are always on
the ground when we see rainbow, it looks like a semicircle of a colorful
arch to our eyes. #oreover, rainbows can be created not ust after
rain but also during mist, fog, or dew, times when there are water
droplets and light shining behind them. "ecause everyone see in
different places and angles, no two people can see the same rainbow,
every rainbow is uni$ue ust like you! %o ne&t time it rains, go out and
enoy the colorful rainbows!
Rainbow 'orksheet
(. 'hen can you usually notice rainbows?
*. How are rainbows formed?
+. 'hat are the seven colors that make up a rainbow?
,. -re rainbows physical obects?
.. Rainbows are actually what?
/. 'hy are rainbows uni$ue?
This document created by: 0icholas 1han, 2rant 0asution, 3i4beth 'alla, 5evin 6hou, 5aren 6ou

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