A. B. I. Ii. Iii. Iv. C. D.: 1. Preparing To Study 3 - 6

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The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan

1. Preparing to Study 3 - 6
a. Course outline and study materials
b. Study guidelines
i. Finding time to study
ii. Your study area
iii. Useful Strategies
iv. Reading and taking notes
c. Some important tips
d. Time management
2. Getting through your Exams 7 - 15
a. Testing yourself
b. Things to know before the exams
i. Exam schedule and your eligibility
ii. Instruction regarding registration for exams
iii. Guidelines for examinees
iv. Permitted calculators
v. Open book examination
c. Attempting the Exams
i. Control your nerves
ii. Plan your answers
iii. Attempting the question paper
iv. Answering scenario based questions
v. Presentation of your scripts
vi. Most common mistakes
d. Marking Criteria
i. Passing marks
ii. Gold medal and certificate of merit
3) Resources to update yourself 16
a. Website
b. Monthly Newsletter
c. The Pakistan Accountant Magazine
4) Student Events 17
a. Students Conference
b. Writing Skills Competition
c. Debate Competition
d. Presentation Skills Competition
Appendix A - ICAP Libraries 18
Appendix B - Weekly Study Planner 19
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions 20
This handbook contains important information that governs your registration for
examination and program of study. It has been designed to answer most of your
queries about the course.
Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
i) The CA program consists of modular based examination system and training. Each
module contains specific subjects which the student has to pass in order to make
ii) For details regarding subjects in each module, syllabus and list of recommended
reading relating to each subject please refer to our syllabus booklet.
iii) You may also find all these details on our website www.icap.org.pk.
iv) Please also consult your teachers or senior students to help you select good,
widely used reference books.
No two people study the same way, and there is little doubt that what works for one person
may not work for another. However, there are some general guidelines that seems to
produce good results.
i) Finding ti me for study - Time is the most valuable resource a student has. It is one of
the most wasted resources as well. To avoid that you should develop a detailed study
plan that guide you how to allocate the available time in the most productive manner.
ii) Your study area - Having a good study area can make a huge difference to how well
you learn. Study in a well lit, quiet area, away from noises and people in the house. If
this is impossible, it might be better to study in a library. ICAP has established libraries
for the benefit of student in various cities (Appendix A).
iii) Useful Strategies
Thinking skills - Everybody has thinking skills, but few use them effectively. If
you're not a good thinker, start now by developing habits that make you ask
yourself questions as you read. Often times, you can pick up valuable insights to
help you become a better thinker.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
The SQ3R method - The SQ3R method has been a proven way to sharpen study
skills. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. It is a good
slogan to commit to memory to carry out an effective study strategy.
Q Survey -Get the best overall picture of what you're going to study BEFORE you
study it in detail.
Q Question - Ask questions from yourself about what, why, how, when, who and
where of the study content. Ask yourself questions as you read or study.
Q Read - Reading is NOT running your eyes over a textbook. When you read,
read actively. Read to answer questions you have asked yourself. Always be
alert to bold or italicized print in the textbooks.
Q Recite - When you recite, you stop reading periodically to recall what you have
read. Try to recall main headings, important ideas of concepts presented in
bold or italicized type. Try to develop an overall concept of what you have read
in your own words and thoughts and make your notes out of it.
Q Review - A review is a survey of what you have covered. It is a review of what
you are supposed to accomplish. Re-reading is an important part of the review
process. During review, it's a good time to go over notes you have taken to
help clarify points you may have missed or don't understand.
Reading and taking notes
A primary means by which you acquire information is through reading. In
professional studies you're expected to do much more reading than in school.
Don't assume just because you've "read" the book that is the end of it. You must
learn to read with a purpose. Take care of the following things when you read.
Getting the main idea - Getting the main idea in reading is central to effective
studying. You must learn what the author's central idea is, and understand it in
your own way.
Extracting important details - Extracting important details means that you locate
in your reading the basis for main ideas. There is usually one important detail
associated with every main idea. The more links you can make between details
and ideas, as well as ideas themselves, the more powerful will be the efforts of
your study.
Don't Read Aloud- Generally, reading aloud to yourself does not help you study
more effectively. If you move your lips while you read, you're not reading efficiently.
Make an effort to read faster and retain more. (For more details refer book Learn
to speed read by Kris Madden or watch his videos on www.youtube.com)

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Taking notes
Like reading, note-taking is a skill which must be learned and refined. Learning
the ingredients of good note taking is rather easy; Take care of following things
while you are taking notes-
Recordi ng your notes - You must learn to keep notes logically and legibly.
Remember, if you can't read your own writing a few days after taking notes, they
are of little use.
Organizing your notes - The best place to keep notes is in a loose-leaf notebook.
Use dividers to separate the different classes you take. Make it a habit of using
your notebook to record ALL your notes.
Past exam papers - Always review past exam papers. They can be a useful insight
into what your exam will be like and can also provide a guide for what you know and
the areas in which you further need to improve. If possible, practice some under
exam conditions and get your teacher to mark them. You may find the past exam
papers of all the subjects at our website.
Study groups - Forming a study-group can be helpful to revise your notes and work
through past exam questions (it can also help you feel supported, keep you
motivated and focused). This will provide a useful platform to share and compare
your knowledge.
Know your preferred learning styl e - Some people work better using text based
memory tools, like acronyms (e.g. VIBGYOR - colours of the rainbow; acrostics e.g.
Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit). Other people find visual tools more useful, e.g.
spider diagram, mind maps or tree diagrams. (For details on mind mapping refer
book The Buzan Study Skills Handbook by Tony Buzan or watch his videos on
www.youtube.com )
Use Wallpaper - Write down key concepts you have to learn on small sheets of paper
followed by examples of how they are used. Post these sheets around your house,
e.g. - your bed, door, in front of your computer or CD collection. It helps with
remembering things like equations, formulas and diagrams etc.
Take regular breaks - Getting up, moving around and away from your desk at least
every 50 minutes for 10 minutes makes you concentrate and learn better.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Revise and learn (don't j ust re-read) - Sometimes reading through notes doesn't result
in learning or understanding. Include the following in revising each topic:
Q Vocabulary, technical terms definitions
Q Summaries of points
Q Formulae, rules, diagrams, charts
Q Ability to understand relationships
In order to improve your memory retention, it is recommended that you must revise
twice whatever you have already learnt i.e. 1st revision at the week-end and 2nd
at the month-end.
Avoid procrastination - Procrastination is when you do everything else but the task
you need to do. Managing your time and setting realistic goals for each study session
can be helpful ways to avoid procrastinating and make tasks seem less
Make a study timetable - Write down all the things you need to do each day of the
week, and how long you need for each, including time for enough sleep, relaxation,
and exercise. Find out the date of each exam and work out a study timetable. This
can give you some direction and help you focus on what to study each week or day.
(You may use the format available in Appendix B for your weekly plans).
Switch the phone or email off! - If you find that you are being distracted by the
phone or emails, it might help to disconnect it for a while. You can always respond
people back later.
Be flexible - Sometimes situations change and you may need to re-adjust your goals
or work plan to fit in with the changes.
Balance your time - Having a balance of activities in your life may help to avoid you
burning out. It is a good idea to find time for relaxing, being active and hanging out
with friends. Spending time relaxing or re-energizing yourself may help you with your
work and study.
Talk to someone - It is not uncommon to have lots of things we need to get done and
this may make it difficult to manage your time. If you are finding these hard it may be
helpful to talk to a teacher, lecturer, or counselor.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Atleast two weeks before the examination, conduct real time mock examinations
for your self-assessment. You may also participate in evaluation tests being
organized by the Institute on certain subjects from time to time.
Make an assessment of your answers by responding to the following questions
related to the marks gained:
Q What were your total marks?
Q How many marks were lost because you did not understand the main concept?
Q How many marks did you lose as a result of simple errors in your responses?
Q How many marks were lost because you could not interpret a question or you
answered a different question from the one you were asked?
Q How many marks were lost because you ran out of time?
Dealing with your weaknesses:
Q Identify your weak areas
Q Work hard again on your weak areas
Q Go through the suggested solutions
Q Try to actually attempt the questions and do not just go through the solutions
i) Exam schedule and your eli gibili ty -
Exam Schedule
The exami nations are held twice a year for all the modules as per fol lowing schedule:
Module Conduct of Examination Announcement of Result
A, B, C & D September and March November and May
E & F June and December August and February

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Your eligibi lity to appear i n examinations
Module A to D
Student would be eligible to appear in first due module(s) immediately after registration.
However, Students may appear in two consecutive modules simultaneously.
Module E
Students would be eligible to appear in Module E, 6 months after passing Intermediate
Stage or 18 months after registration as trainee student, whichever is later.
Module F
Students would be eligible to appear in Module F in the last year of their training and after
having obtained permanent credit in atleast three papers of Module E.
i i) Instructi ons regarding registration for examination
The last date for submission of examination forms along with fee is usually two
months before the examination.
Attachments required with the examination form: -
Every time by all students
Q Photograph - Two latest photographs of the candidate duly attested at the
Q Fee payment voucher - Blue copy of the duly receipted Bank Credit
Voucher/Bank Draft/Pay Order for payment of examination fee and annual
examinee registration fee.
Onl y by the fi rst attempter of Modul e E or F: -
Fitness / Service Certificate -
Q Candidates undergoing training will submit the Original copy of the certificate
of service and fitness for appearing Final examination on the prescribed form
O from the Member-Responsible-For-Training (MRT).
Q Candidates who have completed training under the C.A. Bye - laws 1983 are
required to submit the attested photocopy of the certificate of completion of
training on the prescribed form S from the MRT.
General Instructions -
Q Form Submissi on - The examination form duly completed in all respect along
with the required attachment should be submitted or dispatched under
Registered AD cover at any of the offices of ICAP before the last date of
submission of form.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Q Refunds - Examination fee once paid will not be refunded / adjusted provided
the application for refund / adjustment of fee is received on or before the last
date of submission of examination application form with normal fee.
Q Admit Card- Admit Card will be dispatched on the communication address
mentioned on the Examination Form ten days before the examination date. If a
student does not receive his / her Admit Card 5 days before the Examination
he / she should contact any of the ICAP offices for enquiry.
Q Mobile phones - Mobile phones and bags are strictly prohibited in examination
venue premises.
Q Strict adherence - The students are advised to read and strictly follow the
instructions issued along with the Admit Card and those mentioned on the
answer script. Failure to follow the instructions may lead to disciplinary action
under ICAP rules.
Please note that:
Q Application form will be out-rightly rejected if not filled appropriately /
Deficiency in Fee / not signed by the candidate.
Q Admit card will not be issued if arrears of Annual Examinee Registration Fee in
respect of all previous years are not paid.
i ii) Gui deli nes for the Examinees
Exam schedule: Candidates are advised to have exact knowledge about their
examination date, time and venue.
Admit Card: Candidates must bring their Original Admit Card with them.
Examination Hall -
Q Reach early: Candidates are advised to reach the Examination Centre well
before time to ensure that they are seated at their allocated seats before the
distribution of Answer Sheets.
Q Entry: Candidates would be permitted to enter the Examination Hall 30 minutes
prior to the commencement of the examinations. Those who have reached after
30 minutes of commencement of the examination would not be allowed to enter
into the Examination Hall.
Q Discipli ne - Candidates must observe strict silence in the Examination Hall. In
order to draw the attention of any attendant or supervisor, the candidates
should raise his/her hand.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
In the event of any differences with the invigilator, the student may seek the
intervention of the centre Supervisor immediately.
Q Exit: No candidate would be allowed to leave the Examination Hall within one
hour of commencement of the examination. Candidates who want to leave the
Examination Hall within two hours of commencement of the examination must
hand-over their Question Papers to the invigilators. Candidate must remain
seated at their respective stations during the last 15 minutes of the
Q Re-entre: Candidates who have handed over their Answer Sheets to the
invigilators would not be permitted to re-enter the Examination Hall under any
circumstances, whatsoever.
Your identity - Candidates must write their Name, Roll Numbers and particulars of
the subject and place their signatures on the perforated upper portion of the
Cover page of the main Answer Sheet only (not required on supplementary
copies) and disclosure of identity at any other place is strictly prohibited.
Disquali ficati on of Candidate - Be careful
Attendance - Candidates must sign the Attendance Sheets available with the
Invigilators otherwise their Answer Sheets will be treated as invalid.
Identity on Answer sheet stri ctly prohi bited - Disclosure of the candidate's identity
(Name, Roll Number, Address, Telephone No. etc.) at any other place (expect for
the perforated portion) in the Answer Sheets or supplementary copies would lead
to the disqualification of the candidates. Even in questions like writing letters,
memos, reports, etc. aliases such as ABC, PQR and XYZ, etc. should only be
used. Candidates must ensure strict compliance with these instructions.
Unfair means - Any candidates found using unfair means would be expelled from
the examination immediately. In addition, the Examination Committee may impose
any other penalties as it may consider appropriate.
Permitted Material s
The following material is allowed in the Examination Hall :
Q Writing requisites such as pens, pencils, scale, etc.
Q Permissible Calculators as per ICAP rules.
Q Books specifically allowed under the Open Book Policy.
Candidates must strictly refrain from carrying any notes, books, mathematical
tables, check lists, graphical exhibits, calculators with Programming functions
and mobile telephones into the Examination Hall.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
iv) Permissible Calculators
Students are allowed to bring the following calculators in the Examination Hall :
Q Simple Calculators with no scientific function
Q All models of Casio fx-82 series
Q fx-85 MS, fx-350 MS, fx-260 Solar, fx-100, fx100S,fx100D, fx-95MS, fx-992S,
fx-901, fx-85ES, fx-85ES Plus, fx-350ES, fx-350ES Plus, fx-95ES, fx-500ES,
fx-991ES, fx-570ES, fx-50F Plus, fx-50FH.
Q Any other model of calculator will not be allowed in the Examination Hall. (Other
models may be added to the list. For latest update you may visit our website).
v) Open Book Examinations
List of papers and books permitted under Open Book Examinations is as follows:
Papers Permitted Books
Module C Financial Accounting &
Module E Advanced Accounting and
Financial Reporting
Module F Advanced Auditing
Module F Business Finance Decisions
Please note that:
Q No book other than prescribed above shall be allowed under any circumstances.
Q Only the original books as specified above will be allowed. No photocopies,
handwritten copies or typed pages will be allowed except in case of BFD paper.
Q Only the bound (spiral/ring/stitched) volumes shall be allowed and the books in the
form of loose leaves are not permitted.
Q The books permitted above shall not contain any scribbling, notes, or summaries
either on the top page or on any other inside pages. However, students may
highlight or underline text if they like.
Infringement of any of the above instructions shall be considered as "USE OF UNFAIR
MEANS" and shall be penalized accordingly.
International Financial Reporting Standards
published by ICAP
Handbook of International Auditing & Assurance
Pronouncements and Code of Ethics published
Any three books of your choice including
revision kits, solved past papers, photocopied
notes or tutorials etc. provided they are all typed
and properly bound (spiral/ring/stitched).
However, two volumes of the same book will be
considered two separate books.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
i) Control your nerves
Stress can be positive only if it can make you mentally alert to perform better. You
must see exams as a chance to show your performance, and not as a way of
tripping you up.
Work out what to do if you panic. Take deep breaths.
Have a sound sleep before the night of examinations.
The only way to feel confident during the exams is to have thorough preparation
followed by a proper revision. You must also chalk-out your plan to attempt each
Avoid last minute revision.
ii) Pl an your answers
First plan your answer as to how you want to go ahead with your answer
Read the question paper carefully and mark the questions that you feel you could
answer well. Answer those questions first and split the remaining time between the
leftover questions.
Remember that the first 50% of the marks for a particular question are the easiest to
get; the next 25% are harder; the last 25% are the hardest.
If you run out of time, you may answer two half answers instead of one full answer
which may get more marks than otherwise. By writing down even the main points for
a leftover question you can at least secure some marks.
iii) Attempting the question paper
In theory papers, give a clear opening paragraph, present information in a clear
order, a final paragraph drawing conclusions/summarizing. The opening paragraph
should be linked with final conclusions through one of the following ways:
Q step by step points where there is a sequence or stage
Q a main initial point to make an impact which you then develop
Q Putting different sides of an argument
Q Grouping theories/concepts through a theme
However such paragraphing may not be necessary in short question having low
Present your work well by using a good layout and headings that make your work
easier to read.
Use clear and correct labeling while presenting Tables and graphs.
Use practical examples to illustrate your view-point subject to availability of time and
requirements of the question. It may not be logical to give examples where only brief
answers have been asked.
Arrange your answer in the form of pointers and showing the main heading and
supporting it with the appropriate details as required by the question. You may also
secure some marks by only giving pointers if you don't have enough time to explain.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
i v) Answering Scenario Based Questions
It has been noted that most students only give the conclusi on in scenario based
questi ons which is not appropriate -
The idea behind including such questions in the exam is to test your reasoning and
analytical ability, not just the conclusion.
Do remember that the examiner is also interested to know your thought process that
finally helped you to reach this conclusion.
You can conclude correctly by sheer guessing without any reasoning and you have
50% chance of getting it right. The examiner knows this and therefore no marks are
allowed for guessing the conclusion - you must support it.
v) Presentation of Your Scri pts
Do remember that marks awarded are based on two factors:
Q what you have answered and ;
Q how you have answered
Always use new page to start each new answer
Your writing plays a vital role in your examination. But you should not try to change
your style just for the examinations. You will have to practice it before the examinations
Use a dark ink and medium pointed nib and always write your headings in bold.
Leave space between subsections of answers
The subject matter of your answer should be broken into small paragraphs
Use apt sub-headings as it attracts the attention to the main divisions of your answer
The sentences while answering the question must be short and crisp
Make cancellations and corrections neatly by just crossing it.
Insert new words or sentences legibly and in an orderly way.
Watch your spelling and punctuation as it helps quick reading & prevent
vi) Most Common Mi stakes
Not taking adequate rest before the paper.
Ignoring instructions given on the answer scripts and on the admit card.
Doing selective studies and lack of syllabus coverage which are the main reason for
not fully attempting the paper.
Not reading the questions carefully.
Lack of planning before attempting the question.
Getting stuck over a single question for a long time.
Solving paper at a very slow pace.
Presentation and workings are not shown clearly.
Due to lack of studies students tend to repeat the same points again and again.
Not clearly stating the assumptions used in supporting your answer.
(However only those assumptions should be mentioned which are not evident in the
question paper or your answer. Please avoid using assumption, which change the whole
subject matter of the question or which the examiner is trying to test.)

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
i) Passing marks
Minimum Pass marks are 50% in all subject of Module A to F. Although there is no
compulsion of attempting all the questions but it will definitely impact your results.
ii) Gold medal and certi fi cate of merit
Gold Medals are awarded to students who have secured highest marks in that paper
subject to following criteria:
Q The Students has appeared in all the papers of that module.
Q The Students has secured the minimum benchmark marks in that paper.
Details of Gold Medals
S. No. Name of Medal Basis
ICAP Gold Medal
(Ameena Khatib Foundation)
Kasbati Memorial Gold Medal
ICAP Gold Medal
(Dewan Mushtaq Group)
Irtiza Hussain Gold Medal
S A Salam Memorial Gold
J P Patel Memorial Gold
Osman Ali Gold Medal
Bhimji Gold Medal
ICAP Gold Medal
ICAP Gold Medal
(Adam Patel)
NBP Gold Medal
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Financial Accounting of Intermediate Examinations
Awarded for outstanding performance in Modules 'C'
& 'D' (combined) of Intermediate Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Advanced Accounting & Financial Reporting of
Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Corporate Laws of Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Business Management of Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Management Accounting of Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Business Finance Decisions of Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Advanced Taxation of Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in the subject
of Advanced Auditing of Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in Module 'F' of
Final Examinations.
Awarded for outstanding performance in Modules 'E'
and 'F' (combined) of Final Examinations.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Details of Merit Certificat es
S. No. Subject Module
Functional English
Quantitative Methods
Introduction to Economics and Finance
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Mercantile Law
Business Communication and Behavioral
Company Law
Cost Accounting
Information Technology
12 Information Technology Management, Audit
& Control E
Merit certificates are awarded for outstanding performance in the following subjects of
Foundation, Intermediate and Final examinations:

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
In today's hi-tech world websites have become the most common and the
fastest medium of communication. Considering this fact, ICAP instantly updates all the
changes on its website, whether they are related to registration, examination or training.
So keep visiting our website for the latest updates.
Newsletters predominantly provides updates on all the news related to policies,
announcements and events etc, related to the Institute. We are regularly publishing and
dispatching our monthly newsletters to trainee students, RAETs and members. These are
available on our website as well.
The Pakistan Accountant Magazine has now become the symbol of our pride nationwide.
This quarterly Magazine is always enriched with hot issues related to profession, of
national as well as global importance and covers information, both on technical and non
technical topics. The Magazine has become the vital source for the education and
development of our members and students. The electronic form of the magazines is also
available on our website.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
The Institute organizes Students' Conference every year in various cities of Pakistan
to provide a forum to students to interact with each other and learn from their senior
professionals. Students from SAFA countries are also invited under Student Exchange
Programme to share their regional experiences.
The Institute organizes Writing Skill Competitions at national level every year on different
topics. The activity is gaining immense popularity among students and the participation
is growing rapidly every year. Attractive prizes are distributed to winners and runners
This competition is organized for Full-Time Scheme students to foster them in developing
their softer skills, This is currently being organized in Karachi, Lahore and
Islamabad and will soon be expanded to other parts of the country.
Every year our trainee students anxiously wait to participate in the Presentations Skill
Competition. Various Training organizations send their trainee students to take
participation in this event. This competition is also currently being organized in Karachi,
Lahore and Islamabad and will soon be expanded to other parts of the country.
Regulations are reviewed annually, and are subject to change. Examinations are
governed by the Regulations in force at the time of the examination and not at the time
that a student is initially registered. Students must, therefore, refer to the Regulations for
the latest examination at all times.
All students are required to comply with the regulations, as well as the procedures,
deadlines and instructions issued by the Institute.

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Libraries of ICAP
Timing: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Timing: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
ICAP City Library :
Timing: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Timing: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Timing: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Appendix - A
Chartered Accountants Avenue,
Clifton, Karachi. 75600
UAN: 111-000-422
ICAP, 155-156, West Wood Colony
Thokar Niaz Baig Raiwind Road.
UAN: 111-000-422
2nd Floor, Block 2 Awami Complex
Usman Block New Garden Town.
Phone: 042- 5940415
Sector G-10/4, Mauve Area
UAN: 111-000-422
ICAP, 1st Floor, Al Rehmat
Building Behind Central
Telephone Exchange LMQ Road.
UAN: 111-000-422
Timing: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Timings: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Note: Library timings may be extended before examinations. For details please visit our website.
ICAP, 36-Z, Commercial Centre,
Near Mujahid Hospital Madina
UAN: 111-000-422
ICAP, House # 72, Street # 2,
Defence Officers Colony Khyber
UAN: 111-000-422

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Appendix - B
Weekly Study Planner
6 am
7 am
8 am
9 am
10 am
11 am
12 noon
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
9 pm
10 pm
11 pm
12 midnight
1 am
2 am
3 am
4 am
5 am
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Student Handbook
The Insti tute of Chartered Accountants of Paki stan
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the passing marks ?
A. Passing marks for all subjects are 50%.
Q. Is the passing criteria for those students who have failed once or more different from
those who are appearing for the first time ?
A. No, passing criteria for all students are the same irrespective of the number of attempts. In fact, the
identity of students is not known to the examiner and, therefore, the examiner has no way of
knowing whether the student is making his/her first attempt.
Q. Does the performance in one question of a paper affect the marks obtained in the other questions?
A. The answer to one question will have no impact on the marks obtained in other questions.
Q. Does the inability to answer any one question will result in failure in that paper ?
A. If a student is able to secure 50% marks on the remaining questions attempted by him, he will be
declared pass in that paper. However, keep in mind that if you have been asked to answer nine
questions and you have answered only five, then you will have to produce perfect answers to
compensate the four you didn't answer in order to pass the examination. Therefore, be well
prepared and attempt all the questions.
Q Does a student's hand writing have any impact on his performance in the paper ?
A. No marks are allocated or deducted for hand writing. However, the writing should at least be
Q. While writing a letter or a report etc. should we use our real names/addresses or imaginary
names/addresses or the roll number ?
A. When it is necessary to write a name/address and the name/address has not been specified in the
question, you should use such names and addresses like ABC, XYZ, PQR, ABC Street etc. Specific
names and addresses or roll number whether your own or imaginary, should never be used.
Q. What are the applicability criteria of local and international pronouncements for the purpose of
examinations ?
A. For examination purposes all international and local pronouncements are considered applicable
after 6 months from the date when made public by ICAP by way of handbook, circular, technical
releases etc. even if their applicability date for practicing members are falling on a later date.
For examination purposes all pronouncements are applicable whether adopted or under
consideration by the ICAP (except those which are specifically made inapplicable).
Finance Act / Ordinance, Notifications and circulars issued within a period of less than 4 months
from the date of examination shall not be tested.
For more updated FAQs please visit our website.
Appendix - C

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