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A method statement is a document that sets out how a job will be completed and the control
measures to be adopted and followed. Although contractors are not legally obliged to produce
them, it is considered to be good practice. A method statement should identify any hazards
that may be present in the job and the safety precautions that need to be taken to deal with
them. It should state whether the works will be compatible with the activities of any other
contractor on site.
Description: - confirm here brief details of project
Dates work to start: - confirm here
Dates work to complete: - confirm here
Duration of works (how long: - confirm here
!hen (normal hours or others: - confirm here
"rief #escription of works: - confirm greater details as required the table
bo will epand.
Other comments: - confirm here if necessary.
Scope of works: - confirm here
!oise. If persons employed at work have to shout or have to raise their voice
to be heard when standing about two metres apart from each other a noise
problem eists.
"ibrations. In the early stages, vibrations cause slight tingling and numbness
in the fingers. #ften this stops at breaks and lunch times. Individuals take little
or no notice and therefore it not noticed and the condition can go un-checked.
$ust % &umes.
'ontrols required form the basis of assessments under the 'ontrol of
(ubstances )azardous to )ealth *egulations. It is epected that dust and
potentially fumes will be created. +earing in mind that the working area is a
domestic environment there is limited action that can be taken.
,he installation crew will receive -tool-bo. talks on the potential risks and
hazards from the use of vibrating power tools. /ersonal protective equipment
will be issued and will include hand protection.
,he above have been added for partial guidance. ,he table bo will epand.
*I(0 A((1((21!,3-
!oise 4 a risk assessment has been recorded.
/age 5 of 6 www.groveservices.couk
$ust 4 a risk assessment has been recorded 7'#())8.
&umes 4 a risk assessment has been recorded 7'#())8.
"ibration 4 a risk assessment has been recorded.
Access and egress3
9se of scaffold towers
:alking to location.
!ot required.
Access keys or arranged access 0eys and;or prior arrangement
#ther risks3
#ccupants, drug use, social groups,
understanding 1nglish language
,o be advised by client.
'#()) assessments <es for other substances
!oisy activity3
Is assessment required3
Is personal monitoring required3
If over -!oise at :ork *egulations.
$usts and;or fumes3
Is assessment required3
Is personal monitoring required3
<es '#()) assessment.
,o check amount of eposure.
"ibration 7)and arm vibration
Is assessment required3
Is personal monitoring required3
<es for longer term eposure.
If eposure time eceeds guidance
2anual handling3
Is assessment required3
Is training required3
<es, generic assessment may
discover training required.
Are personal identification required3 <es.
(pecial training3
'('( scheme3
'ompetent staff3 see training
certificates etc3
/ossible check certificates.
/ossible check certificates.
'heck qualifications
*emoval of waste and waste
'onsider '#()) assessment and
ensure controls are in place
=eneral housekeeping3 *equired 4 employees working in
domestic environment
#ther risks3
(E&SONA' (&OTE$T%)E E*+%(MENT NE! O& E,%ST%N-
As per risk assessment check list
:here to obtain first aid3 site agents office
!ame of first aid qualified person3 7to be advised8
)ow to contact them3
2obile number3 7to be advised8
/age ? of 6 www.groveservices.couk
#ther phone number3 7to be advised8
#ther communication system3 7to be advised8
%SS+ED ".
:ho alters or amends (ite agent 7to be advised8
:ho updates or amends (ite agent 7to be advised8
(ite inspection and monitoring of compliance with this to be completed by the
site agent 7to be advised8 % appointed safety advisers.
$ust 7from work task or otherwise8
1lectricity 4 installation
1lectrical shock 4 eposed to live circuits
1ye eposure
&alls into holes;of materials;from stepladders;from scaffolding;from
&ires 4 from work task or flammable materials
&lying materials or debris
&umes and gases
)and held tools 7mechanical and non-mechanical8
)ot works
>ifting equipment
2anual handling
!oise 7from work task or otherwise8
/ermits to work required
/ressure systems
(lips, trip and falls
:ork at height 4 scaffolding;roof work;mobile towers
As risk assessment has been prepared and will be monitored for all
of the above.
(&E$A+T%ONS &E*+%&ED (((E T%$/
$ust masks
/age @ of 6 www.groveservices.couk
1ye protection
&ace protection
=loves and hand protection
)ard hats;bump caps
)earing protection
)igh visibility jacket
(afety shoes or boots
T&A%N%N- T%$/
,ool bo talks
(afety awareness
+arriers 4 tapes or fied
(ite induction
/ermits to work
:arning signs
2ethod statement clarification
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/age 6 of 6 www.groveservices.couk

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