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Insides from political

communication and campaigning

From the perspective of a media adviser

Glamour ??

Hard work??

How does it look a typical day of a media
In office at eight a clock in the morning, back home at eleven at night or maybe
During morning hours reading the daily press, making the summary of the
summary and - in case - formulating special proposals, options for reactions,
actions. Cold calling, pitching journalist on reactions or future topics, events.
Crafting strategic messages (news releases, posts, articles, briefs for press
conferences, visits, talk shows, interviews).
Requesting information from the directorates about programs, policies,
Keeping up with daily news, events and keeping my boss informed.
Brainstorming events, strategies with the other aids.
Networking with journalists, influencers.
Going home, exhausted.
How do you get into working closely with a

Usually, by recommendation.
In my case: initially by pure luck, then by recommendation.

That time I have been translating legal texts a very very boring job - therefore when I heard rumors that
Marko Bela, the president of DAHR, that time deputy premier in the Triceanu government is looking for a
press assistant, I instantly recognized my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The position was outer the
government and I must admit that therefore I had had very few competitors.
After an year during which I edited the daily newsletter of the party, compiled the daily news-summary for
the government officials and corrected several press releases sent by different press aids of different DAHR
officials (inclusive in weekends), I was approached by one of the aids of Borbely Laszlo, that time deputy
minister who proposed for me a personal assistant position related to media relations handling

With whom I have
worked closely?

Bla Mark

Former leader of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, he also has been the Deputy
Premier in the Triceanu and the Emil Boc governments.

Lszl Borbly
Since December 2009 he has been the Minister of the Environment in the Emil Boc
government, previously serving in the Clin Popescu-Triceanu cabinet as Deputy
Minister forTransportation from 2004 to 2007, and Minister of Regional Development,
Public Works and Housing from 2007 to 2008.

Attila Korodi
Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development in the Ungureanu

One word which defines the role of the media
adviser in handling media relations

Political rivals

Media adviser = Lighting rod
Occasionally the adviser/aid could be the
What is the standing of a media adviser in cabinet?

What is the place of a media adviser in a campaign?

Between the devil and the deep sea

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