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Chapter 3

Research Methodology
The function of this study is to examine the commonly misused words used by the Grade
8 students of St. Marys Academy of Caloocan City.
This chapter discusses the research method, the respondents, the research instrument,
the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data.

A. Research Design
The descriptive survey was used to assess and examine the Grade 8 students of St. Marys
Academy of Caloocan Citys commonly misused words. This method seeks to present, in study,
consisted of the commonly misused words that the students use in conversations and in writing
until now.

B. Respondents
The respondents were the Grade 8 students of St. Marys Academy which consists of 5
sections: St. Felix, St. Felicity, St. Florian, and will be chosen randomly to answer the
questionnaires. To avoid discrepancy among unanswered questionnaires and to those who are
not around, only 10 students per section are involved through stratified random sampling

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