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Quadratics Practice

1. The diagram shows the parabola y = (7 x)(l + x). The points A and C are the x-
intercepts and the point B is the maximum point.
A C 0
Find the coordinates o A! B and C.
2. The "uadratic e"uation #x
+ #kx + $ = 0! k > 0 has exactl% one solution or x.
Find the &alue o k.
3. The diagram shows part o the graph with e"uation y = x
+ px + q. The graph cuts
the x-axis at ' and (.
( ' ) 0 ) ' ( #
Find the &alue o
(a) p+
(b) q.
4. ,onsider the unction f(x) = 'x
-x + ..
(a) /xpress f(x) in the orm a (x p)
+ q! where a! p! q .
(b) Find the minimum &alue o f(x).
5. The diagram shows part o the graph o the cur&e y = a (x h)
+ k! where a! h! k
) ' ( # . *
' 0
) .
) 0
(a) The &ertex is at the point ((! )). 0rite down the &alue o h and o k.
(b) The point 1(.! $) is on the graph. 2how that a = '.
(c) 3ence show that the e"uation o the cur&e can be written as
y = 'x
)'x + )$.

6. The unction f is gi&en b% f(x) = x
*x + )(! or x (.
(a) 0rite f(x) in the orm (x a)
+ b.
(b) Find the in&erse unction f
(c) 2tate the domain o f
7. The e"uation x
'kx + ) = 0 has two distinct real roots. Find the set o all possible
&alues o k.

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