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An Introduction to Ergonomics

Maddie Stewart
Ergonomics is the study of how the physical health of the workers is affected by their
Circulation refers to air circulation. It reduces the amount of dust and bacteria in the air,
keeping workers healthier.
Neutral refers to the resting position where there is the least amount of tension or
pressure on neres and muscles. .
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$. %here were no other words that were difficult for me.
&. Ergonomically correct means that a work place uses the design of tools and materials
as best they can in the neutral position to create a healthier work area. %he workers are
all in the proper position and are able to work for longer periods of time due to the fact
that they hae the proper techni'ue for what they are doing and will not result in in(uries.
). a* A musculoskeletal in(ury happens when a worker preforms the same task oer and
oer, causing stress on the neres, muscles, tendons, or other body parts.
b* An e+ample of a musculoskeletal in(ury is carpal tunnel syndrome. %his occurs when
a nere in the wrist is used oer and oer with the wrong e'uipment. %he wrist is then
unable to moe properly, and the person suffering cannot input data or hold ob(ects in
that hand.
,. a* -ne way a work enironment can be ergonomically improed is by, ad(usting the
temperature of the work place. It should be between $. and && degrees C. /ood
circulation also reduces the amount of dust in the air causing less workers to get sick.
b* Another way that a work place can be ergonomically improed is, the tables and
desks should proide enough space under the desk so they are not bumping into one
.. In order to be ergonomic, chairs should hae . legs for stability, %he height of the
seat should be between ) and .& from the floor and a firm seat back should
allow the elbows to be bent at a 12 degree angle. %he seat should be padded for
comfort, but firm to maintain good posture. A good chair will help the workers back and
circulation remain healthy. In oreder to be ergonomically correct the tables and desks
should proide enough room under them so that workers are not bumping into one
3. Monitors should hae should hae flat screens to reduce eye strain. %hey should be
placed ,.cm to 32cm from the face to reduce stress on the eyes and neck. %hey should
be fre'uently cleaned to reduce allergies.
0. 4eyboards should be placed at elbow height. CS% occurs when the keyboard is not
properly ad(usted.

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