10 الاصطلاحات الأساسيـة فـي اللغة الإنكليزية

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Lessons in Simplified Practical Translation

Part Ten

: !" #$%
John Rupert Firth
John Rupert Firth (1890-1960), British linguist
and a key figure in the deelop!ent of linguisti"s
in Britain# $entral to his %ork, "olle"tiely
kno%n as Firthian linguisti"s, are his "onte&tual
theory of !eaning and his ideas on "ollo"ation
and polysyste!i"is!# $ollo"ation is the
arrange!ent of %ords and other linguisti"
ele!ents in language# 'olysyste!i"is! is an
analyti" approa"h (ased on the ie% that a single
syste! of prin"iples and "ategories "annot
a""ount for patterns in language# )n the !id-
19*0s, Firth "on"eied prosodi" phonology, a
syste!ati" approa"h to sound patterns in
language# +his syste! is (ased on the phone!e
(s!allest unit of spee"h) and in"orporates su"h
ele!ents as pit"h, te!po, and loudness#
Firth %as (orn in ,eighley, -orkshire, .ngland# /e %as
a professor of .nglish at the 0niersity of 'un1a( in
2ahore, )ndia, fro! 1919 to 1938# /e %as 4enior
2e"turer in phoneti"s at 0niersity $ollege in 2ondon
fro! 1938 to 19*8, and %as "hair of the 5epart!ent of
6eneral 2inguisti"s at the 0niersity of 2ondon fro!
1977 to 1986# /is pu(lished %orks in"lude Speech
(19*0) and +he Tongues of Men (19*9)# :any of his
other %ritings appear in Papers in Linguistics 19*7-
1981 (1989) and Selected Papers of J#R# Firth 1983-
1989 (1968)#

) ;<=> ?<=@AB CDE CF 1890 - 1960 DG (
X<YH R Z[\] K> U^_<` # T=STIH<a@ LV[Wb c[]
d] L=eT=MWb ZfH<gh@A CT=iH<=jWb LV[Wb c[Y@ kT\EF
L\gSlb A ?T`mnf\Wb oPH T\=> pBTq>rA shY\Wb
# LHtuYfWb
% & Kv> LHtuYfWb L\gSlb T`r #
wTghWb Cx@ yNTzWb Ur<Wb s[] shaJ L=[=[{J LzH<|
}T\Sr ~<Q Zhq\H k ?T>TbA tTa\[W t<j\Wb
;<=> uzf]b ?T=h=niWb bAr K>A # LV[Wb K>
L=A<YWb ( T=EDWDSDjWb c[]) ?T\=SDjWb c[] Cx@
Ar L=JD uA) c=SDjWb s[] Kha\Wb wTghWb DG
(^=\f` L=JD uA yqJ ?bDr L]D\`
L]<A R ?DOWb Lza| pv_ <Th] xhJA
LHBDvWbA L=STiWT@ |Tz\Wb tuY@ L@DM{\Wb wnqWb
# LaTOWb
# b<f[qS@ <HTQ BDH R K[V=_ K> ;<=> uWA
ThaWb LY`TE K> LH^=[qSb LV[Wb Tfr CT_A
d` uhvWb R BDGn@ 1919 sWF 1938 CT_A
L=[qWb K> ?bDlb c[] K> T`uer b<T{`
d` Cuh[@ LY`TWb 1938 sWF 19*8 CT_ T\_ #
d` CuhW LY`TE K> wTYWb LV[Wb c[] cMe =NB
1977 sWF 1986 BDh\Wb ZWT\]r d\fJA #
' ) 19*0 ( ( )$ ) 19*9 <vgJA #(
K> <lb uHuYWb ZJT@Tf_ *+ ,-
19*7 - 1981 ) 1989 ( A ./ 0$ W J#R#
Firth 1983- 1989(1968)#
Choose the correct answer a,b,c,d or e to complete the meaning:
1- /e spoke .nglish %ith a ######## Fren"h a""ent# # L=MS<> <ah@ LH^=[qSb LV[Wb c[qJ
a. aerage b. "areless c. %idespread d. pronoun"ed e. "hroni"
- /is ne% noel has !et %ith ######## a""lai!# # T\=g] Ta=<J uHuWb ZfHbAB ek
a. "areless b. dreadful c. great d. pronoun"ed e. %holehearted
!- e need to !ake sure that there is enough ########
a""o!!odation to house all the delegates#
X<J yNTA Z=> =a` tDEA d` u_xfWb sWF Tf{S
# d=@Auh\Wb y_ UAJ KqW L=>T_
a. "areless b. dreadful c. yello% d. lu&ury e. %holehearted
"- /e gae us a ######## a""ount of all that you had
a"hieed oer there#
T` yq@ LVWT@ L=\Gr TSkAr # ThG ZJ^Sr
a. ready b. yello% c. "areless d. lu&ury e. glo%ing
#- $ould you please gie !e an ######## a""ount T=[=OjJ T@TM KNTI]F =IfMJ yG TjIW
a. ite!ised b. dreadful c. great d. lu&ury e. glo%ing
$- e need to "ra"k do%n hard on the ######## a(use of
tuO@ UDeA cT b<EF TPJb sWF Tf{S
# ?bBuP\Wb T\Yfk bDWb BTfSkb
a. aerage b. outright c. %idespread d. freneti" e. "areless
%- /e %as a(le to predi"t %hat %as going to happen %ith
######## a""ura"y#
Nb< d` ;u{= T\W Leu@ ahfWb d` dq\J
# LY=aIWb K> LeBT
a. ite!ised b. un"anny c. "areless d. lu&ury e. glo%ing
&- They'(e made some hi)hly ........ accusations about us. # <`u\Wb cvfWb Ya@ TSD\vJb
a. ite!ised b. un"anny c. da!aging d. lu&ury e. glo%ing
*- e need to find a ne% site %ith ######## a""ess to the
.uropean !otor%ay net%ork#
^GTE yu` Z=> eD` d] {aWb sWF Tf{S
# H<MWb K@BAlb P[W
a. ready b. outright c. %idespread d. pronoun"ed e. %holehearted
1+- This ,ill probably be the ........ achie(ement of her career.
.-./0.1 23 45/678 9-:;<8 =5>?@ A;B C6/D678 E1
a. ite!ised b. un"anny c. da!aging d. "ro%ning e. glo%ing
11- ) did all the ground%ork on this pro1e"t (ut he only
gae !e a ######## a"kno%ledge!ent in his report#
R A<\Wb bG K> L=Blb T\]lb yq@ \e
#b<`f` T>b<f]b p<H<zJ K> KSTI]r ZSr u=@
a. ite!ised b. un"anny c. da!aging d. "ro%ning e. grudging
1- ) dont kno% hi! ery %ell# /es 1ust a ##################
ur t<` Dv> R buE u=E BDO@ Z><]r k KhSF
# d=={IMWb K@T{r
a. "asual b. un"anny c. da!aging d. "ro%ning e. grudging
1!- ere fighting for the ############ a(olition of the death
# Tvf`<@ wbu]b L@Dz] TVWF yEr d` >TqS d{S
a. aerage b. outright c. de"isie d. freneti" e. "hroni"
1"- )! afraid he %as inoled in a ######## a""ident# # L]A<\Wb LtT{Wb K> }BDf` ZSr sr
a. ready b. dreadful c. %idespread d. pronoun"ed e. %holehearted
1#- /e inited !e around to see his ######## a"uisition, a
ne% B:#
BT=MW ZaMf_r T` LH<W ThG KST]t B:
# uHuWb
a. "asual b. latest c. da!aging d. "ro%ning e. grudging
1$- e need to take so!e ######### a"tion (efore it is too late# # CbAlb ?bD> yae cT Bb<e TPJb sWF Tf{S
a. "asual b. latest c. de"isie d. "ro%ning e. grudging
1%- /e %asnt parti"ularly good# /e %as of a(out ########
L=[@Te b CT_ uz> # LT BDO@ bu=E dqH cW DG
# LIDf`
a. aerage b. latest c. de"isie d. freneti" e. "hroni"
1&- ) dont think %e "an su""eed %ithout the ################
a""eptan"e of the unions#
Lz>bD\Wb CAu@ ~ThWb =IfMS ThSx@ uzf]r k
# L[Wb CuW d` LetTOWb
a. aerage b. polite c. "areless d. pronoun"ed e. %holehearted
1*- +here al%ays a lot of ######## a"tiity going on (ut L[O{\Wb Cr kF <\fM` wD\{` }TS T\Nbt uEDH
nothing !u"h see!s to get done # KQ k TvSx_A AuaJ
a. "areless b. latest c. yello% d. freneti" e. grudging
+- F'm afraid her husband has )ot a ...... addiction to )amblin). #<`Tz\Wb K> T|<j` TST`tF TvEAm uW Cr sr
a. "areless b. latest c. de"isie d. freneti" e. "hroni"

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