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On Monday, June 9, the Visitation Committee of the Presbytery of

Huron-Perth will be with you from 69 pm !he purpose of the "isit
is pastoral !he #ommittee "isits with all the #on$re$ations in
Presbytery on a rotation, and espe#ially durin$ the first two years
followin$ the arri"al of a minister !he time frame for the "isit is% 6%&&
pm, with the 'ulin$ (lders) *%&& pm, with the Mana$ers) and +%&&
pm, with any others in the #on$re$ation who may wish to spea, with
the #ommittee -!he #ommittee meets with 'e" Mar, earlier in the
afternoon. !he $atherin$s will happen in 'oom /C
HOUSE OF BLESSING - !han, you "ery mu#h for partnerin$ with
House of 0lessin$ to help those in need in our #ommunity On a
monthly basis, we would appre#iate it if you would in#lude a bulletin
announ#ement that we will send outlinin$ our #urrent needs 1eel
free to use the en#losed information in as many forms of
announ#ements as you would li,e wee,ly bulletins, newsletters,
power point, "erbal announ#ements, et#
For I was hungr an! ou ga"# $# so$#%h&ng %o #a%'(
Ma%%h#w )*+,*
Our FOO- n##! %h&s $on%h &s+
Cra./#rs0 C#r#a1 2 Cann#! Fru&%
2e $ladly a##ept fruits and "e$etables from your $arden to be
handed out throu$h the foodban,
M&n&s%#r+ 'e" Mar, 3ed#,e 4/9-4*4-++/*
or by email at m$ed#,e5,no6stratford#om
-&r#.%or o3 Mus&.+ 7u8anne 7trahan
O33&.# A!$&n&s%ra%or+ 9athy 0a,er
Tr#asur#r+ 7hannon :r#her
O33&.#+ *45-)64-7,6, ,no6s5wi$htman#a
OFFICE HOURS 5a$- 48$ Tu#s!a %hrough Fr&!a
;un# 40 )74< 44+77 a$
3uest Minister% 'e" ;r 0ryan <apier
Musi# ;ire#tor 7u8anne 7trahan
PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP - Prayer, Meditation and Visitin$
PRELUDE: !heme from Jupiter 3 Holst, arr H O6ley
CALL TO =ORSHIP+ %(minister)
!o the God who #reated all and is outside us)
to the Son who re"eals the infinite and wal,s beside us)
to the Spirit who ma,es all thin$s new and dwells inside us,
let us lift our souls in worship

Holy and $ra#ious 3od, you #all us to$ether to refle#t on your 2ord,
and our life in your world 0e with us now as we sin$ and pray
to$ether, that we may hear your "oi#e and understand your way !his
we pray throu$h Jesus Christ out <ord :men
OPENING HYMN+ =*/> :rise ?our <i$ht Has Come
3ra#ious 3od, as people #alled to be your presen#e in the world,
we sear#h our hearts, and as, your for$i"eness%
for opportunities not ta,en, for #are not $i"en,
for$i"e us, we pray
1or sorrow not shared, for @oy not #elebrated,
for$i"e us, we pray
1or lo"e not offered, for$i"eness not e6tended,
for$i"e us, we pray
1or those failin$s we #annot spea, aloud, for$i"e us, we
3ra#ious 3od, we see, your healin$ $ra#e, and as, for$i"eness in
the name of Jesus :men
<eader% !he Pea#e of Christ be with you
Congregation: And also wit !o".
CHIL-REN>S HYMN+ =**A Jesus 0ids Bs 7hine
Csaiah D9%/-6 The Servants Mission
Mar, /&%D>-D4 Jesus Teaching on Servanthood
SERMON+ Dealing wit Dragons
HYMN+ =49> C !he <ord of 7ea and 7,y
OFFERTORY+ Mer#y E<a 3ra#eF - !elemann
OFFERTORY PRAISE+ =D>4 2e praise you, O 3od -"/.
0e#ause God has pro"ided the world and all its resour#es, be#ause
the Son has $i"en us an e6ample of sa#rifi#e, and be#ause the Spirit
has inspired our desire to share, we $i"e these $ifts for the $lory of
the !riune 3od :men
HYMN+ ==A&A Holy, Holy, Holy -sin$ twi#e.
Our 1ather, in hea"en, hallowed be your name
?our 9in$dom #ome, ?our will be done on earth as it is in hea"en
3i"e us today our daily bread 1or$i"e us our sins,
as we for$i"e those who sin a$ainst us
7a"e us from the time of trial, and deli"er us from e"il
1or the ,in$dom, the power and the $lory, are ?ours
now and fore"er :men -=46D !he 0oo, of Praise.
CLOSING HYMN+ =6A4 0rother 7ister <et Me 7er"e ?ou
POSTLU-E+ :lleluia, :menG - C Hordman
Chur.h o8#n&ng %o!a+ 3eor$e Hider
Chur.h o8#n&ng n#?% w##/+ 3eor$e Hider
Ush#rs %h&s w##/+ 7ean 'alei$h, 9ir, I <ori 7peiran, !om Hislop
Ush#rs n#?% w##/+ 7ean 'alei$h, 9ir, I <ori 7peiran, !om Hislop
Gr##%#rs %h&s w##/% 3erry 1eeney I ;arlene 0rid$e
Gr##%#rs n#?% w##/+ (lmer I 0arb ;red$e
Co33## %h&s w##/+ 7haron !ays I Marlene Hanson
Nurs#r %o!a+ <aura Ma#Hames I Jenn 'alei$h
9INTAIL ON THE ROA- - E9intail on the 'oadF will
be ta,in$ pla#e at our #hur#h from Monday to 1riday,
July * to // : plannin$ meetin$ will ta,e pla#e in the
Parlour immediately followin$ the worship ser"i#e this
mornin$ <un#h will be pro"ided ?ou are wel#ome
to attend and @oin the team
On Sun!a, ;un# @
, we share to$ether in #ommunion
1or this ser"i#e, let us worship 3od
with @oy and $i"e than,s for all
those who #ome to be with usG
STU-Y LEAVE 'e" Mar, is on 7tudy <ea"e from !hursday, May
to 2ednesday, June D
He will be doin$ study towards a
#ourse on 7piritually Cnte$rated !herapy that he is ta,in$ at 2aterloo
<utheran 7eminary
on your #alendars our Con$re$ational 'etreat
happenin$ on 7aturdayJ7unday, June >/J>> at
Camp 9intail 2e share this retreat time with 7t
Marys Presbyterian Chur#h Our worship ser"i#e
will be at Camp 9intail, startin$ at /&%D4 am
More details, in#ludin$ the 'etreat 1orm, are
#omin$ soon
FUN- RAISING I-EAS - :t the :pril >+
0oard of
Mana$ers meetin$ it was de#ided that we should be$in to
plan some fund raisin$ pro@e#ts 2e are loo,in$ for people
who ha"e ideas for pro@e#ts to #ome to$ether to brain storm
and loo, at what is possible for us to underta,e
2e ,now there are people who ha"e some $reat ideas Cf
you would li,e to share your ideas and be part of the
brainstormin$ pro#ess please @oin us in the parlour on Mon!a ;un#
a% 6+77 8$A Cf you are unable to attend the meetin$ and ha"e
ideas to share please send them to the #hur#h offi#e
!his meetin$ is @ust for $atherin$ ideas
9no6 Presbyterian 7tratford 1inan#ial Bpdate as of :pril A&, >&/D
shows that we are in a defi#it of KA4,9*9 year to date !he annual
bud$et predi#ted a defi#it due to in#reased staff #osts and
#han$es in transfers from trustees ;ue to hi$her heatin$ #osts
and lower wee,ly offerin$s we are further behind than e6pe#ted
!here is some $ood news as the rental in#ome has in#reased and
the insuran#e e6penses are e6pe#ted to be redu#ed 2e need the
#on$re$ationLs support in order to address this $rowin$ defi#it !he
0oard appre#iates your support throu$h time, prayers and
!his mornin$, we wel#ome ba#, 'e" ;r 0ryan <apier as our 3uest
Minister as 'e" Mar, is on study lea"e
THE GREAT MUSICAL -EBATEB Classi#al "ersus @a88 is an a$e old
feud between musi#ians of all a$es and instruments Come to 7t
:ndrewLs Chur#h, ->4 7t :ndrew 7treet. and @oin us on =#!n#s!a0
;un# < a% 6 8$ as we try somethin$ ne"er before done Ct will #ost
you only K> at the door to wat#h the EClassi#alistsF and the EJa88ersF
du,e it out throu$h musi# in hopes of findin$ an answer to the e"er
Muarrelled o"er Muestion E2hi#h is better, #lassi#al or @a88NF
ALLEY SUPPORT FOR CAMPERS - !he :lley is on#e a$ain
offerin$ finan#ial support to #hildren from the #hur#h who will be
attendin$ #hur#h #amp Cf you ha"e a need for finan#ial assistan#e
please #omplete the form and submit it to the offi#e no later than
;un# )0 )74<A 1orms are a"ailable in the offi#e or in the May-June
The Five Guys in #on#ert toni$ht at *%&& pm Cn lieu of ti#,et
sales, donations to the Canadian 1ood$rains 0an, would be
appre#iated and re#eipts will be issued !he 1i"e 3uys are an a
#apella $roup made up of fi"e $uys from the 2ards"ille :rea
Performin$ throu$hout 7outhwestern Ontario, their repertoire is sure
to lift your spiritsOtou#h your soul and ma,e toes tap 2ith a
#ombination of 3ospel, 7a#red and 7e#ular musi#, there is
$uaranteed to be a pie#e that resonates with you and ma,es you
smile Cf you ha"e any Muestions please #onta#t <ois Horne -email at
$randma&&*5li"e#a or 4/9->*/-/969
COME BO=L =ITH US OH( C:'( Home I Community 7upport
7er"i#es is holdin$ a fun and fundraisin$ bowlin$ e"ent
on 1riday, June 6 from *-9 pm at Mi,eLs 0owlin$ <anes
in 7tratford Cndi"iduals and teams wel#ome to @oin
0owlers of all a$es wel#ome !wo $ames of bowlin$,
pri8es, food Minimum pled$es only K>&&& per adult or
K/4&& per #hild !o re$ister #all 7helley at OH( C:'(
/+**4&>+>** or by email shaist5one#aresupport#a Come out,
ha"e some fun and raise funds for pro$rams li,e Meals on 2heels,
(asy'ide !ransportation and home #are ser"i#es
For real change, vote Jesus into your life!

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