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Actions speak louder than words .
,+361+ 70 -999:39; <%2= ,-999>21+

Adversity tries friends
. ?A2 B-9996?99;1+ DE999G: ?99H+?9I&+

After clouds sun shine .
+E999K! E999KG&+ L0 8MN

After a storm comes a calm
. G&+ L0 8+ +EK! EK

All are not thieves that dogs bark at
. O& PQ) 70 ST V$& -X& Y%[&+

All is not gold that glitters
. -9999Q\] L9>%! -90 ST V$&

All is well with him who is beloved of his neighbours.
O)+E$( OQ^! 7>& -`$A\

All roads lead to Rome.
a@b: dEe&+ ST -04F <&g

All that glitters is not gold .
-Q\] L>%! -0 ST V$&
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All things are obedient to money
. ,->&+ 0?h iN BiJ ST

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
j@kQ&+ lF3! _+F kR S>G&+

Allms well that ends well.
F301+ ST h <%2 n999pq)+ +]g E$h E$

Among the blind the one eyed is a king
. r%0 8-99$>G&+ @kR iN F39921+

An occasion lost cannot be redeemed .
t3G: u GH-v&+ ;Ex&+

An old fox is not easily snared .
Y%G.&+ y-Aq6+ SpK! u #3'G&+

An old man in a house is a good sign .
3'G&+ S(E&+ E$h S$&@ ,"A>&+ iN #

An ounce of mirth is worth a pound of sorrow .
8"_ F-eA6 ,@-G! zE0 {\F@

An ounce of practice is worth a pound of precept.
}24 F-eA6 ,@-G! Y!F?: {\F@

An ounce of sense is worth a pound of wit .
70 ,-.0 70 E$h SG&+ 70 {\F@ Aex&+

An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue.
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O)-K%R S(E&+ 4 O$)ER F3.&+ RE!

Any port in a storm .
999IR "%Gq! "!E$&+

As they sow , so let them reap.
B+"'&+ S>G&+ VA( 70

As you make your bed . so you must lie in it .
32 S>^q: 8= r$%2 r%>2 Y6+

As you sow , so will you reap .
?99X^: %F": -9999>T

At Rome do as the Romans do.
{\F+@ iN n0@ -0 {\F+@

A bad workman always blames his tools .
O99:+4@= <%2 |3%&-R i%! S>p>&+ L)-X&+ &->H+@

A bird in a hand is worth two in the bush .
R F3xX2 jE'I&+ <%2 jEI2 70E$h ?$&-

A burnt child dreads the fire .
F-99A&+ {G' d(! 70 -\-I*!

A cat has nine lives .
99e%& z+4F= 99GK:

A contented mind is better than a full purse .
<A$&+ 70 E$h 2-A&+

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A cook crows on his own dunghill .
P$X! OqA0@ <%2 r!?&+

A drowning man will catch at a straw .
O99IR "%Gq! "!E$&+

A flattering mouth works ruin .
[%p0 "%>q&+
A foolish son is sorrow to his mother.
O01 8"_ F?X0 ,3qG>&+ 7Ru+

A full purse makes the mouth run over.
8-K%&+ "%e: ,->&+ jE.T

A good lawyer must be a great liar .
-R+(T 83[! 8= ?R u P(-A&+ i0-^>&+ +E\-0

A good name is better than riches .
<A$&+ u4 n$X&+

A guilty conscience needs no accuser .
{pq>& (-_ E$- iN {/1-R E2-I&+ E$>v&+

A hungry man is an angry man .
S(E&+ @-2 8-23'&+ 8-Qv- j

A hungry stomach has no ears .
,39999G&+ L999$9v: 83eQ&+ n64

A jack-of-all trades is a master of none .
a= 7q! u LQK&+ LH-AX&+ Y_-; 99GA;

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A lazy youth a lousy age .
Z-QJ KH-R h3*$J . ,3KT

A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit .
?$GQ&+ YK[>&+ u4 Q!E&+ jF-K*&+

A lewd bachelor makes a jealous husband .
F3$- /4# "5-N Z"2=

A liar is not believed when he tells the truth .
"^&+ ,3! -0?A2 d?X! u Z+([&+

A liar is worse than a thief .
Z+([&+ 0%&+ 70 =35=

A light purse makes a heavy heart .
,+?! n6-w 70 ,F?; d-w

A lightening before death .
j3^; o3>&+

A light-healed mother makes a heavy-healed daughter .
-pqAR+ 70 SG': S>G&+ S[R |3: iq&+ j=E>&+ (Exq0

A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse .
^%& +ET-J {$2G&+ 83[! ?6 E$

A lionms skin is never cheap .
-X$hF 4$%&+ ?%( 8-T -0

A little body often harbours a great soul .
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S>^! E$$; {K( +E$QT -Q%6

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing .
Oq%6 iN {%G&+ Eeh

A little labour , much health .
j?$( ^; . S$%6 ?p(

A little learning is a dangerous thing .
BiJ S$%&+ {%G&+ E$eh

A little neglect may breed great mischief .
FEI&+ E$XqK0 70 F-A&+ {2G0

A little pot is soon hot .
E'^&+ <%2 6A&-T E$X&+ iN {%Gq&+

A living dog is better than a dead lion .
70 E$h i_ Y%T n$0 ?5=

A long tongue is a sign of short hand .
,?! oEX6 O)-K& ,-' 70

A lover dreams of his mistress .
"Q*&+ d3KR {%^! LH-'&+

A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst .
+]g {\=35= j-qx&+ oF-qh+ 7$Q'G>&+ E.T

A man can do no more than he can .
@F= +]g %-eqK! ->R E08N %-e: 8= o

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A man can do no more than he can .
ug -Kx) 9+ :%[! u -pG54

A man canmt serve two masters .
?_+4 n64 iN 7!?$5 |?*9! 8= ?QG&+ F4?>R V$&

A man cannot die but once
. j?_+4 jE0 8-K)*+ o3>!

A man every inch of him .
(F O%T &3

A man is as old as he feels , and a woman as old as she looks .
-0 F?R j=E>&+ E>2 4 V^! -0 F?R S(E&+ E>2 DEG! 4?Q:

A man is known by the books he reads .
O%2 8+3A2 BE>&+ Z-qT

A man is known by the company he keeps .
72 S5 4 SK: u BE>&+ 72 !E6 OA

A man is the architect of his own future .
i&-G>&+ YK[: ?[&+ F?R

A man of silence is a man of sense.
O)-K& }x_ 70 S6-G&+

A man without a smiling face must not open a shop .
7& W3QG&+ P%x!

A man without reason is a beast in season.
S2 kR S(F "^R 8+3$_
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A man without religion is like a horse without a bridle.
8-X_ 7!@ kR S(F |-'& kR

A misty morning may have a fine day .
/Ex&+ OQG! "$v&+

A one-eyed man should not laugh at a hunch -back.
W-A&+ Z3$2 72 OQ$2 O%$J 7>& <R3'

A penny saved is a penny gained .
V%x&+ LN-A&+ V%x&+ 3\ ,Eh?: a(&+

A place for everything , and everything in its place.
O)-[0 iN ST 4 8-[0 BiJ S[&

A poet is born not made.
%3Qe0 E2-I&+ %3AX0 u

A poor beauty finds more lovers than husbands.
T= jE$x&+ j-qx&+ iQ^0 -pR /+4"&+ 84?!E! 7>0 E.

A poor manms tale cannot be heard
. V$& <=F E$x%&

A promise delayed is justice deferred
. BiJ iN ?23&+ {q: 8= @E: {& +]g 7&3: u ) {G) (
A prophet is without honour in his own country.
,?%R iN iQA& 0+ET u

A rolling eye , a roving heart.
{H-\ Y%6 . $H+# 7$2
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A rolling stone gathers no moss.
,+4"&+ <&g L>e&+ Q6-2

A secret between more than two is no secret.
7$A/u+ #4-( -0 EKR V$&

A secret foe gives a sudden blow.
jE- <%2 ZEv! ix*&+ 4?G&+

A servant is known by his masterms absence.
,?$5 Z-$- ?A2 |@-*&+ DEG!

A small leak will sink a great ship .
FEI&+ E$XqK0 7[0 F-A&+ {2G0

A soft answer turns away wrath .
Z+3'&+ Yv$&+ 7[99K! "$6E&+

A sound mind in a sound body.
{$%K&+ {K'&+ iN {$%K&+ SG&+

A still tongue makes a wise head.
LAX! n0-X&+ 8-K%&+ ,-(E&+

A stitch in time saves nine.
/kG&+ 70 E$h !-63&+

A storm in a tea cup.
8-'AN iN GR4#

A stumble may prevent a fall.
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e5 LA>: ->RF jE.2

A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.
DEG! ->T 0%&+ 0%&+ DEG! YH(&+ YH(&+

A thief passes for a gentlemen when stealing has made him rich.
W-A&+ OA2! 0%&+ <Aq-+ +]g -x!EJ

A trade is better than service.
0?*&+ 70 E$h Ap>&+

A tree is known by its fruits.
{99p)3NE9G: {p&->2= 70

A tyrant is most tyrant to himself.
*&+ )-$h E.T= 7H- OKxA&

A valiant manms look is more than a cowardms sword.
8-Q'&+ :$5 70 L64= %-'I&+ jE2)

A vaunter and a liar are near akin .
Z+([&+ 4 Eh-xq>&+ 8+3A;

A white wall is a foolms paper.
R-q[&-R B-p%Q&+ O/3%! =$R1+ H-^&+

A wise head makes a close mouth.
O)-K& rK0= 70 S6-G&+

A wise man cares not for what he cannot have
OTkq0+ L$eqK! u ->R S6-G&+ i&-Q! u

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A wise man needs not blush for changing his purpose..
u ON?\ E$$$: 70 S6-G&+ S'*!

A wise man never wants a weapon.
! u S6-G&+ zk5 <&g /-q^

A wolf in sheepms clothing.
S>_ Z3/ iN Y%G/

A woman and a cherry are painted for their own harm.
-pHk' jE.T 70 -\FEw #E[&+ 4 j=E>&+

A woman that loves to be at the window, is like a bunch of grapes on the
high way.
: 8= Y^: iq&+ j=E>&+ iN YA2 @3A2 S.0 j(N-A&+ 70 Se |-2 "!E'

A woman that more curious she is about her face, the more careless about her home.
>qp0 j=E>&+ n)-T ->%T O&"A>R -p0->q\+ S6 -pp(3R

A woman that paints , put up a bill to let.
& -)k2g Lv: . -pp(4 7!": iq&+ j=E>&+ F-'!?

A womanms tongue is the last thing about her that dies.
Eh@ j=E>&+ 8-K& -p$N o3>! -0

A womanms tongue wags like a lambms tail.
S>^&+ S!(T "qp! j=E>&+ 8-K&

A word to a wise man is enough .
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{99999999px! jF-J*+ 70 Y9$Q%&+ 8g

A young man idle, an old man needy.
EQ[&+ iN (-^&+ lF3! E$X&+ iN SK[&+
Barking dogs seldom bite .
Zk[&+ =G: -990 +F@-) 99^R-A&+

Be ever vigilant, but never suspicious.
&-R-:E0 u -2! 7T

Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear .
u ,+E: -0 ST d?X: OG>K: -0 ST :X: u 4

Better an open enemy than a false friend .
:H+# "!?; 70 E$h B+?G&-R sE\-'! 4?2

Better be sure than sorry .
83[: 81 -990@-) 83[: 8= 70 E$h -/+4

Better late than never .
0kK&+ i)8q&+ iN

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Better later than never .
Eh8q: 81 SGx: u 8= 70 E$h

Better wit than wealth.
j4E.&+ 70 E$h B-T(&+

Blood is thicker than water .
?J= |?&+ B-99>&+ 70 N-.T

By their fruits you will know them .
{99p)3NE9G: D35 {99\F-9>/ 70

By writing you learn to write.
R-q[&-R R-q[&+ {%Gq)


Call no man happy until he is dead .
999_+E&+ 3\ o399>&+ 999!?9R1+

Cast not at the shadow and lose the substance .
E\3'&+ S>p: 4 F3I&-R {qp: 8= s-!g

Charity begins at home .
83RE61+ D4EG>&-R <&4=

Cleanliness is next to godliness .
>!*+ 70 N-2A&+ 8-

Constant dropping wears away rock .
E99^K&+ 70 E990= 8+]A+ <%2 8"&+
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Corruption of the best becomes the worst .
@-99Kx&+ =35= S99;1+ @-99KN

Cowards die many times before their deaths .
SQ6 j?!?2 o+E0 83:3>! B-AQ'&+ {p%(=


Death is the grand leveler .
W-A&+ 7$R {$992G&+ a399K>&+ 39\ o399>&+

Deeds , not words .
u+36= u u-999>2=

Diamonds cut diamonds .
ug ?99!?^&+ S99x! u ?999!?^&+

Do as you would be done by .
S0-99G: 8= Y^: -99>T W-A&+ S0-92

Do good and cast it into the sea.
B-N4EG0 S>2= iN O0F+ 4 E^Q&+

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched .
Vx: 8= SQ6 rh+EN ?G: u ) CI&+ ,3X_ SQ6jE$QT &u-0= Lv: u (

Do not cross the bridge before you come to it .
8= SQ6 EK'&+ EQG: u O99$%Q:

Do not cut your nose to spite your face .
u r&->J <%2 rA$>$R 7':
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Dogs do not eat dogs .
-pvG99R Zk[&+ =G: u

Donmt put your head in the lionms mouth.
<&g {[!?!8R +3%: u [%pq&+

Donmt speak to the man at the wheel.
"H-K&+ L0 {%[q: u

Donmt wash dirty linen in public.
+4Eqq5-N {q$%R +]g


Early to bed to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise .
?G99K: ET-R

East or west home is best .
8-99'41+ SvN= iA'4

Easy come easy go .
99&39pKR L$v! 99&39pKR i:A+ BiI&+

Even Homer sometimes nods .
j399x\ {99&-92 S[&

Even the wicked hate wickedness.
<q_ EI&+ 83\E[! F+EJ1+

Every dog has his day .
O903! Y%T S[&
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Every man has his weak side.
:Gw e) 8-K)g S[&

Every man to his taste.
O64] 4 8-K)g ST

Every tide has its ebb.
L64 F-' ->T ug Lx:F+ 4 E$' F-' -0

Every why has a wherefore .

Z+3( ,+b5 S[&
Everybodyms business is nobodyms business .
?_= Y(+4 V$& L$>'&+ Y(+4

Everything comes to one who waits.
<A>: -0 ,-) <)8: 70 / z-99qx0 E99QX&+ /E99x&+

Evil communications corrupt good manners .
dkhD& j?99Kx0 B3K&+ 99Q^;


For age and want save while you may : no morning sun lasts a whole day.
r0Ep& rR-QJ 70 (h

For mad words , deaf ears
:$AG&+ ,3&+ <&g EX: u

For want of wise men , fools sit on benches.
Y;-A>&+ B-p%Q&+ S$J B-xT1+ @3(4 |?G&
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Forbidden fruit is the sweetest .
E>&+ %3A>0 Z3-

Four eyes see more than two .
GRF= 7$A/+ 70 E.T= <E: 83$2


God defend me from friends .
iH-6?;= EJ 70 iA2x_+ {p%&+

God helps them who help themselves .
-0 +4E$$! {& -0 |3R E$$! u 9+ 8g {pKx)8R


Handsome is that handsome does .
+ S$>'&+ LAX! 70 3\ S$>'&

He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour.
SA! {& ,+3\1+ YTE! {& 70 ,-0A+

He has not lived that lives not after death .
<ET] sEq! {& 70 7-2 -0

He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion.
{$[^&+ L)-X! 70 F301+ =GR iN

He is not laughed at , that laughs at himself first.
OA0 E*K! 7& . u4= OKx) 70 E*5 70 W-A&+
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He is poor that God hates.
70 E$N O$%2 9+ Yv-

He is rich enough that wants nothing .
BiJ <&g /-q^! u 70 iA-

He is rich enough who lacks not bread .
O03! o36 ,?A2 70 iA-

He is rich that is satisfied.
2-A&+ <A-

He is unworthy who lives only for himself.
N OKxA& 7-2 70 j-$^&+ "^q5+ -0

He is worth his weight gold.
-Q\] O)#4 a4-K!

He laughs best who laughs last .
->)g v! 70 !-pA&+ iN r^v! 70 E.T= r^

He lies like truth
. d?X&-T Z(T

He makes a mountain out of a mole hill
. Q6 Q^&+ 70 S>G!

He pursues the shadow instead of the reality.
B+F4 <E'! ,-$*&+

He that has a wife has a master.
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?$5 O& (4# O& 70

He that has but one eye , must be afraid to lose it.
8= <I*! j?_+4 7$2 O& 70 -\?x!

He that has lands , has quarrels .
ST-I>&+ 70 z-:E! ,->&+ r%0 70

He that has love in his breast , has spurs in his sides .
OQ)+3( n[J OQ%6 Y_= 70

He that has no servant must serve himself.
,?A2 V$& 70 OKx) |?*! 8= O$%2 |@-h

He that has nothing is frightened at nothing .
-`$J <I*! u O& ,-0 u 70

He that is warm, think all so.
,E$- @EQR EGI! u CN+?&+

He that lies down with dogs , must rise up with fleas .
k[&+ 54 |-A! 70 4$-+EQ&-R 3^X! Z

He that lives ill , fear follows him .
B3K&+ iN -$^! 70 D3*&+ O_k!

He that makes himself a sheep , shall be eaten by the wolf.
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Oq%T= 'G) OKx) SG( 70 Z-H(&+

He that marries for wealth sells his liberty .
%-R . -p&->& j=E0+ /4": 70 Oq!E_

He that mischief hatches , mischief catches .
"$^! u O%\8R ug C$K&+ E[>&+

He that once deceives , is ever suspected .
rI&+ Lw30 OKx) Lw4 ,E0 6- 70

He that preaches, gives alms.
o-6?X&+ ieG! }2+3&+

He that respects not is not respected.
-0 |Eq^! u |Eq^! u

He that runs fast will not run long.
k!3' aE'! 7& -G!E5 aE'! 70

He that shows his purse, bribes the thief.
V$T Ep2! 70 0%&+ <E-= ,@3)

He that travels far knows much.
E.T= D3I! EN-K! i%&+

He that will lie will steal .
K! Z([! 70 dE

He that will not work , shall not eat.
LQI! u S>G! u 70

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He that will steal a pin, will steal a better thing .
70 E$.[&+ dEK! S$%&+ dEK!

He that will steal an egg, will steal an ox.
7$>.&+ dEK! 4$&+ dEK! 70

He was very wise who first gave a reward.
a(&+ r&] S6-2 j8N-[0 B-e2MR =?R

He who is bitten by a snake is afraid of a rope .
SQ^&+ D-*! 8-QG.&+ O-?& 70

He who makes no mistakes , makes nothing .
u Ce*! u 70 S>G!

He who obeys his tongue repents.
&(0 8-K%&+ &]
He who peeps through a hole, may see what will vex him.
{TbK: {[& ?Q: 8+ B-$J= 72 +3&8K: u

He who promises runs into debt.
?24 O$%2 7!@ E^&+

He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.
u -0 L>K! Y^! -0 S! 70 Y^!

He who tries to please everybody pleases no body.
sF?: u !-- W-A&+ -wF

He who would gather roses must not fear thorns.
D-*! u @F3&+ Y%e! 70 s3I&+

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History repeats itself .
F!F-q&+ O9Kx) ?$G!

Honesty is the best policy .
j-'A0 0-q5u+

Hunger is the best sauce .
o-X%X&+ 7K_= %3'&+


I will not pull the thorn out of your foot and put it into my own.
FEv&+ rA2 LA0= 7& iKx) Ew1

If his nose fell off , he would not stop to pick it up .
,(_1 iA^A! u Ox)= L64 3&

If money be not your servant , it will be your master.
&+ 7[! {& +]g s?$5 83[$KN r0@-h ,->

If the blind leads the blind both will fall into the ditch .
<>21+ @-6 +]g ,Ex_ iN -e5 <>2=

If the staff be crooked, the shadow cannot be straight.
@3G&+ 4 S2&+ a3qK! u /32=

If you lie upon roses when young , youmll lie upon thorns when old .
s3I&+ 7EqxqKN -$Q; @F3&+ <%2 n$%q5+ +]g kpT

If you pay not a servant his wages, he will pay himself.
OKx) ieG$5 ,E(= E$(1+ ieG: {& +]g
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If you put nothing into your purse, you can take nothing out.
-`$J ?': 7%N Eh?: {& +]g

If you sing before breakfast youmll cry before night .
F3ex&+ SQ6 n$A- +]g B-IG&+ SQ6 n$[R

If you trust before you try , you may repent before you die.
|?A&-R V^: ->RF . jEQh 84@ n/4 +]g -G!E5

If you want a thing done, do it yourself.
sExG S.0 s?%( r_ -0

If you want peace be prepared for war .
{%K&+ o@F= +]g ZE^%& @+?Gq5+ <%2 7[N

Ill news travels fast .
2EKR EIqA! C$K&+ EQ*&+

Ill-gotten gains never prosper .
E>.: u |+E^&+ Y5-[>&+

In a calm sea , every man is a pilot.
-H@-\ E^Q&+ 8-T +]+ 8-eQ6 S[&-N

In the twinkling of an eye.
EXQ&+ P>& iN

In time of peace, be prepare for war.
ZE^%& ?Gq5-N {%K%& ?Gq5+

In time of prosperity , friends will be plenty ; in time of adversity, not one amongst twenty
. A^>&+ iN 4 B-6?;1+ E.[! B-hE&+ iN +?_= ?') u
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In too much dispute , truth is lost.
%+"A&+ 54 "^&+ L$v!

In trust is treason.
)-$h .&+ iN

In trust is truth.
.&+ iN d?X&+

In war, it is not permitted twice to err.
FE[q! 8= 8e*%& z3>K0 E$- ZE^&+ iN

It is a great victory that comes without blood.
|@ OQ^X! u a(&+ r&] {$22 EX)

It is a poor heart that never rejoices.
Y%&+ r&] 7$[K0 'pQ&+ DEG! u a(&+

It is better to be safe than sorry .
990+?A&+ 70 E$h 990k9K&+

It is easier to pull down than to build.
B-AQ&+ 70 Sp5= |?p&+

It is good to be merry and wise .
70 -A!#F 4 -_E0 83[: 8= E$*&+

It is good to be witty and wise.
k6-2 4 -$T] 83[: 8= E$*&+ 70

It is good to learn at other menms cost .
}G:= 70 S6-G&+ ,E$$R
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It is good tying the sack before it be full.
G5 BiJ S[&

It is hard to please all parties.
sF?: u !-- W-A&+ -wF

It is ill to waken sleeping dogs.
{p&-R i)ET(: u

It is never too old to learn .
<&g ?p>&+ 70 {%G&+ +3Q%'+ ?^%&+

It is no use crying over spilt milk .
<%2 i[Q: u Y$%^&+ Z3[K>&+

It is not how long , but how well we live .
Q$' j-$_ 7[& 4 %!3' j-$_ {p>&+ V$&

It is not lost tint that a friend (neighbour) gets.
F-'&+ ?A2 83[! a(&+ ,F-K*R V$&

It is not what is he, but what has he.
,?A2 -0 {p>&+ SR 3\ 70 {p>&+ V$&

It is only at the tree loaded with fruit, that people throw stones.
W-A&+ -pN(! jE>.>&+ jE'I&+ jF-'^&-R

It is the unforeseen that always happens.
8-QK^&+ iN 7[! {& -0 l?^! ->H+@

It is too late to shut the stable-door when the horse is stolen .
Oe&-0 Z+Eh ?GR
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It is true that all men say.
&+ 2->'&+ L0 Z+3X&+ a=E

It never troubles a wolf how many the sheep be.
jE.T YH(&+ "!-v! u /-GA&+


Judge not so that you not be judged .
8+?: 7!?: -99>T


Knowledge is power .
j396 999NE99G>&+


Ladies have leave to change their minds .
A%& 7pH+F@ 72 7G(+Eq! 8= iN "^&+ B-K

Last but not least.
S61+ V$& 4 E$h1+

Last in bed to put out the light .
Eh@ B3v&+ Cxe! |-A! 70

Last make fast .
iN 0kK&+ i)8q&+
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Last year always seems better .
O&-99>( iw-999>%&

Late children , early orphans .
F?; iN -0-q!= 83^QX! .h3*$I&+ iN 84?&3! 7!(&+ ,-x'1+ {p:-$_

Late to bed , late out of it .
+Eh8q0 =pA: . +Eh8q0 {)

Laugh and be fat .
PX: r^w=

Laugh and the world laughs with you , weep and you weep alone .
4 . {&-G&+ r& r^v! r^w= +?$_4 rQ: rR+

Law makers should not be law breakers .
O$x&-*0 +3K$& 7$)+3&+ +3Gw+4

Lawyersm houses are built on the heads of fools.
,#-A0 7$%x$>&+ W4BF <%2 <AQ: 7$0-^>&+

Lean liberty is better than fat slavery .
>5@ !@3Q2 70 E$h O%!"\ !E_

Learn to say before you sing .
{%G: B-A$&+ {%G: SQ6 |k[&+

Learn wisdom by the follies of others .
,E$$R EQq2+ 70 S6-G&+

Learn young learn fair .
<%2 6A&-T E$X&+ iN {$%Gq&+ E'^&+
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Learning is an ornament in prosperity , a refuge in adversity and
a provision in old age .
iN OA!# {%Gq&+ h3*$I&+ iN Eh?0 4 A^>&+ iN ]k0 . B-hE&+

Learning is better than house and land .
70 E$h {%G&+ F-G&+4 ,->&+

Learning is the eye of mind .
SG&+ 7$2 NEG>&+

Learning is the sceptre to some , trouble to others .
=GQ%& 8-'&3; {%G&+ "$w 4 7!EhH&

Leave (off) with an appetite .
ST1-R rAeR D>: u

Leeches kill with license .
XhF 70 {p!?& ->R <wE>&+ j-$_ <%2 83v! B-Q'1+

Lend your money and lose your friend .
"!?X&+ o?N ,->&+ nwE6= +]g

Leopards cannot change their spots .
&+ LQeq&+ Y%$! LQe

Let bygones be bygones .
o-990 o-N -0

Let not the sun go down upon the wrath.
k!3' <Q: u Yv$&+ <%2

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Let not your tongue cut your throat .
8-K& ?$X_ W=F ZF . O$[N 7$R S(E&+ Sq0

Let sleeping dogs lie .
>H-) OAqx&+ %@

Liars have need of good memories .
7[N -R4(T nAT +]g +F3T]

Liberty is not license .
!E^&+ <w3N nK$&

Lies have short (no) legs (wings) .
E$X6 Z([&+ SQ_

Life has many ups and downs .
,4@ |-!1+

Life is not in living but in linking .
-\-$^) 8= iN j-$^&+ nK$& -pQ^) 8= iN SR

Life is sweet .
j39%_ j-$^&+

Light cares speak , great ones are dumb .
<3[I&+ n>'&= <3%Q&+ o?qJ+ +]g

Light gains make heavy purses .
S$%&+ PRE&+ iN 9+ sF-R

Light neglect may breed great mischief .
70 F-A&+ {2G0 FEI&+ E$XqK0
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Like a red rag to a bull .
Yv$&+ E$.!

Like cures like .
I&-G! O%.>R BiI&+

Like father like son .
?51+ s+] 70 SQI&+ +(\

Like fault , like punishment .
S>G&+ VA( 70 B+"'&+

Like loves like .
Ox&MR ]3%! :&g ST

Like mother like daughter .
-p01 nAQ&+

Likeness causes liking .
Y^&+ YQK! "N+3q&+

Likeness is the mother of love .
Q^>&+ |&= pR-I>&+

Little strokes fell great oaks.
FEI&+ E$XqK0 70 F-A&+ {2G0

Little things are pretty .
x$e& jE$$X&+ B-$J1+

Little wealth , little care .
4 %$%6 j4E/ S$%6 {\
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Live and learn .
{%G: 4 62

Live and let live .
Y^: -0 sE$$& Y_= rKxA&

Live within your means .
?6 <%2 r$%(F ?0 rN-^&

Long absent , soon forgotten .
<K) ?N OR-$- ,-' 70

Look before you leap .
r%(E& F?6 -pGw30 3e*&+ SQ6

Lookers-on see more than players .
E.T= D3I! EQ&+ <%2 i%&+

Looks before love .
o+E2A&+ OQK: Y^&+

Lost time is never found again .
<v0 -0 @3G! 8= o-p$\

Love and business teach eloquence .
8->%G! S>G&+ 4 Y^&+ 6-Q%&+

Love at first sight.
70 Y^&+ ,E2) ,4=

Love begets love.
?&3! Y^&+ Y^&+
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Love cannot be compelled .
u Y^&+ tEx!

Love does much, money does everything .
BiJ ST LAX! ,->&+ 4 E$.[&+ LAX! Y^&+

Love is a bitter sweet .
3%_ Z+(2 Y^&+

Love is blind .
<>2= Y^&+

Love is full of fear ( trouble ) .
^&+ E'-*>&-R D3x^0 Y

Love is lawless .
83)-&+ DEG! u Y^&+

Love is never without jealousy .
u ,E$- 70 Y^&+ 3%*!

Love is not found in the market .
d+351+ iN Y_ %-Q! u

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending .
,Eh@ E0 . O&4= 3%_ Y^&+

Love is the reward of love .
B+"( -0 Y^&+ ug Y^&+

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Love is the true price of love .
Y^%& i$^&+ 7>.&+ 3\ Y^&+

Love is without reason .
Y^%& S2 u

Love laughs at locksmiths .
,-x61+ 70 Y^&+ E*K!

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts .
6$G! Y^&+ F3X&+ iN 6$G! ->T J+3T1+ iN

Love makes a wit of the fool .
->$[_ O%R1+ 70 SG'! Y^&+

Love makes all hard hearts gentle .
Z3%&+ 70 SG'! Y^&+ O$6F -R3%6 $5-&+

Love needs no teaching .
{$%G: <&g /-q^! u Y^&+

Love sees no faults .
E&+ 7$24 %$%T Y$2 ST 7$2 -w

Love your friend with his faults .
O:k2 <%2 r!?; Y_=

Love your neighbour , yet pull not down your hedge
rq$R F35 |?p: u 4 sF-( Y_=

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Maidens must be mild and meek , swift to hear and slow to speak .
$6F j-qx&+ 83[: 8= Y'! 4 2EKR L>K: G!@4 S'2 84@ {%[q:

Maids want nothing but husbands , and when they have them they want everything .
4 /4# <&g j-qx&+ /-q^: BiJ ST <&+ /-q^: n(4": +]g

Make hay while the sun shines .
-p_3A5 n64 ;Ex&+ "pq)+

Make a virtue of necessity.
+ %$vN Ex&+ 70 (*:

Malice drinks its own poison .
@3K^& _+F u

Man does what he can, and God what He wills .
?!E! -0 9+ SGx! 4 L$eqK! -0 8-K)*+ SGx!

Man needs money for the evil day .
iN LxA! @351+ 7E&+ @351+ |3$&+

Man proposes but God disposes .
E$R?q&+ iN ZE&+ 4 E$[xq&+ iN ?QG&+

Manms extremity is Godms opportunity.
;EN 8-K)*+ B-) 9+ 70 OR+Eq6u

Manners make the man.
OR+@KR BE>&+
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Many a true word is spoken in jest.
"^&+ ug ,3! u 4 z">!

Many dishes make many diseases .
%3Aq&+ Q%'0 >G'1+ iN t+E0D&

Many drops make a shower .
,4= E>pA! {/ jEe6 4$$&+

Many heads are better than one .
SvN= 2->'&+ a=F

Many love to praise right and do wrong.
{[Kx)= 83KA: 4 EQ&-R W-A&+ 84E08:=

Many small make a great .
L0 S$%&+ 88T S$%&+ E$.T

Many strokes fell great oaks.
?!?^&+ 7$%! EQX&-R

Many waters cannot quench love.
B->&+ -p`xe! u Y^&+ F-)

Many wells , many buckets .
|-_"&+ E$.T Z(G&+ SpA>&+

Many without punishment, but none without (fault) sin.
u4 83Q6-G! u W-A&+ 70 E$.T {/*+ 70 ?_= 3%*!

Marriage is a lottery.
}_ /+4"&+
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Marriage is destiny .
Y$X) 4 >K6 /+4"&+

Marriage makes or mars a man .
/+4"&+ >) 4= >G) -0g

Marriages are made in heaven .
/+4"&+ 9+ sF-Q!

Marry a wife of your own degree . /Marry your match .
iN 7>0 /4": s+3qK0

Marry first and love will come afterwards.
r&] ?GR Y^&+ i:8$KN u4= /4":

Marry in haste , and repent at leisure .
4 /+4"&+ iN %E5= Sp0 <%2 |?)+

Marry not an old crone , nor a fool for money.
S(= 70 ->_= u4 ->!?6 -!?; /4": u ,->&+

Marry your daughters betimes , lest they marry themselves
84?R 7(4"q! 8= $Ih +E[Q0 r:-AR /4# r!=F

Marry your son when you will , your daughter when you can
nGeq5+ <q0 rqAR+ 4 ?!E: <q0 rAR+ /4#

Master your temper lest it masters you.
Q2 7[: u s+3\ ?

Masters should be sometimes blind and sometimes deaf.
L>K! {&4 E! {& O)8R V$HE&+ E\-2q! 8= i$QA!
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Measure for measure .
%-X&-R %-X&+ S$T

Men are not angels .
[Hk0 +3K$& EIQ&+

Men love to hear well of themselves .
B-A.&+ Y^! 8-K)*+ O$%2

Mercy surpasses justice .
>_E&+ ,?G&+ d3N

Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people .
W-A&+ <%2 j3K6 |E'>&-R N=E&+

Merry meet , merry part .
S$>( %+@4 4 73IR B-&

Might is (makes , overcomes) right .
j3&+ d3N "^&+

Mildness governs better than anger .
Yv$&-R u @3K: {%^&-R

Mind your own business .
r$AG! u -0 sEqR r$AG! -0 |"&+

Misfortunes (hardships) never (seldom) come alone ( single).
<@+EN i:8: u YH-X>&+

Money answers all things .
BiJ ST LAX! ,->&+
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Money begets (makes , breeds , gets) money .
Y%'! ,->&+ ,->&+

Money is good servant but a bad master .
?$K&+ V`R 4 |@-*&+ {G) ,->&+

More belongs to marriage than four bare legs in a bed .
70 E.T= /+4"&+ $KA( Gq0

Much ado about nothing .
-A^' <F= u 4 G'G(

Much coin , much care .
O%--I0 oE.T O&+30= oE.T 70

Murder will out.
>!E'&+ Ep2: 8= ?R u

Music is the eye of the ear.
8]1+ 7$2 i\ <$53>&+

Must I tell you a tale and find you ears too?
L-v!= 7$)]= r& Ev_= 4 X&+ r$%2 06= 8= Y'! S\

My son is my son till he has got him a wife ; but my daughter is my
daughter all the days of her life.
7[& 4 /4"q! <q_ iAR+ iAR+ -p:-$_ ,3' iqAR+ <\ iqAR+

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Nature hates sudden things .
jExe&+ ,E[: G$Qe&+

Nature overcomes nurture .
LQeq&+ Y%$! LQe&+

Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians .
4 70"&+ 4 G$Qe&+ B+4?&+ {22= i\ EQX&+

Naughty boys sometimes make good men .
->$qK0 k(F VT-I>&+ Sxe&+ PQX! ?6

Necessity (need) has (knows) no laws .
z-Q: o+F4Ev&+ n64 o+F32^>&+

Necessity is the mother of invention .
%+Eqhu+ |= (-^&+

Needless and pains, needles and pins ./ When a man marries his troubles begin.
OQ2-q0 =?Q: 8-K)*+ /4"q! -0?A2

Nessesity needs no rules .
o+F32^>&+ P$Q: o+F4Ev&+

Never do things by halves .
Y^! 9+ 8g ! 8= k>2 {T?_= S>2 +]g OAq

Never mind what people say .
W-A&+ O&3! ->& u-R "%: u
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Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.
u ?$&+ <&g |3$&+ S>2 S(b:

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. It only doubles trouble and troubles others too .
2 +3&8K: u {[H3K: {[& 4?Q: 8g B-$J= 7

Nothing succeeds like success .
ug O&?G! u z-'A&+ z-'A&+

New grieves awaken the old .
>!?&+ }63: j?!?'&+ 8+"_1+

No flying from fate .
7$G&+ ON3I: |#u 7$Q'&+ <%2 Z3q[>&+

No larder but has its mice .
BiJ S[& N@

No lock will hold against the power of gold .
,->&+ |-0= :: 8= ,-x61+ L$eqK: u

No man can do two things at once .
70 S(E& 9+ SG( -0 ON3( iN 7$Q%6

No man is born wise nor learned .
->&-2 4= ->$[_ 8-K)*+ ?&3! u

No man is content.
LA! u 8-K)*+

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No pains , no gains .
F-) 84?R ,4k_ u

No remedy but patience.
B+4@ u EQX&+ ug

No rose without a throne.
u FEv&+ S>^! {& 70 LxA&+ iAq'!

No smoke without some fire
. F-) kR 8-h@ u

No sweet with out sweat.
F-) 84?R j4k_ u

No sweet without sweat .
i&-$%&+ Ep5 kG&+ Y%' 70

No time like the present.
Ew-^&+ 70 SvN= V$&

No wisdom like silence.
70 E%R= >[_ u o3[K&+

Not worth a needle .
a4-K! u -`$J

Not worth a nutshell .
a4-K! u -`$J

Not worth a pin.
-`$J a4-K! u
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Not worth a rotten apple.
-`$J <4-K! u

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
. j@+F*+ j36 |-0= S$^qK0 s-A\ V$&

Nothing is stolen without hands .
a?!1+ 84@ 6E5 u

Nothing new under the sun .
n^: ?!?( u V>I&+

Nothing so necessary for travellers as languages.
o-$%&+ 70 |"&= 3\ -0 EN-K>%& V$&

Nothing to be got without pains .
YGq&-R ug YKT u

Novelty gives pleasure .
j(& ?!?( S[&

Now or never .
kN ug 4 8A+


Of all wars , peace is the end.
Z4E^&+ ST !-p) {%K&+

Of sufferance comes ease (rest).
_+E&+ <:8: {&1+ 70
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Of two evils choose the least .
=GR 70 83\= EI&+ =GR

Of young men die many, of old men escape not any.
o3>&+ 70 ?_= ZEp! u J3$I&+ 704 . E$.[&+ o3>! Z-QI&+ 70

Old fish , old oil , and an old friend are the best.
r>K&+ B-$J1+ SvN= {!?&+ "!?X&+ 4 {!?&+ n!"&+ 4 E$Q[&+

Old fish and young flesh do feed men best.
E$$X&+ {^%&+ 4 E$Q[&+ r>K&+ 70 8-T -0 |-Ge&+ SvN=

Old foxes want no tutors .
/-q^! u {%G0 <&+ #3'G&+ Y%G.&+

Old love will not be forgotten .
,41+ Y$Q^%& ug Y^&+ -0

Old men are twice children .
" "%*&+ iN OK[A) ,E>G) 704 " . &3xe%& @32 h3*$I&+

Old peoplems words are weighed with scales .
-p)#4 -p& J3$I&+ o->%T

Older and wiser.
k2 P(F= 4 -A5 EQT=

Once a devil , always a devil .
L64 . ,E0 EI&+ iN L64 70 o+E0

Once a use and ever a custom .
+]g ,@-2 F-; -`$J n5F-0
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One cannot love and be wise .
OR+3; ?N Y_= 70

One cannot put back the clock.
70"&+ L(EqK: 8= L$eqK: u

One foe is too many , and a hundred friends too few.
4?2 83%$%6 "!?; H-04 E$.T ?_+4

One lie makes many .
Y!]-T1+ 70 %K%5 E': j?_+4 R(T

One manms meat is another manms poison .
?H+3N |36 ?A2 |36 YH-X0

One never loses anything by doing a good turn .
D4EG>&+ S>GR BiJ a= 8-K)*+ ?x! u

One never loses anything by politeness .
*+ ?x! u 8-K) O%h 7K_ 4 OR@8R BiJ a=

One scabby sheep spoils the whole flock.
O%T L$e&+ a?G: B-RE'&+ 'GA&+

One slumber finds (invites) another.
E'! |3A&+ |3A&+

One swallow does not make a summer.
O& {[_ u F@-A&+

One thief robs another.
-X& dEK! 0&
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One thing at a time .
?_+4 8@ iN 7$`$J SGx: u

One tongue for a woman .
?_+4 8-K& j=E>&+ ix[!

One volunteer is worth two pressed men.
70 E$h ?_+4 %3eq0 ,+ET*-R 7$A/+

Opportunities do not wait.
n)-_ <q0 ;Ex&+ "pq)+

Opportunities, neglected, are lost.
+]g n2-w ;Ex&+ nTE:

Opportunity makes the thief.
;Ex&+ 0%&+ LAX:

Oppression causes rebellion .
jF3.&+ ?&3! {%2&+

Oppression makes a wise man mad.
BkG&+ ,3GR Y\(! {%2&+

Ostrich policy .
0-GA&+ 5-$5

Other times, other manners .
,?$&-: 70# S[&

Our last garment is made without pockets .
Z3$( 8-xTD& V$&
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Out of debt, out of danger .
0k5 7!?&+ 72 ?GQ&+

Out of sight , out of mind .
Y%&+ 72 ?$GR 7$G&+ 72 ?$GQ&+

Out of temper , out of reason .
|?) ,Eh@4 83A( Yv$&+ ,4=

Out of the frying pan into the fire .
F-A&-R B-v0E&+ 70 E$'qK>&-T


Pain is forgotten when gain follows.
PRE&+ 4$_ {&1+ <KA!

Painters and poets have leave to lie.
B+EGI&+ 4 7$0-5E%& "_ Z([&+

Pardoning the bad is injuring the good.
F-$hD& <]= F+EJ1+ 72 3xG&+

Patience is a flower that grows not in every onems garden.
W-A&+ ST ?A2 Pqxq: u jE\# EQX&+

Patience is a plaster for all sores .
%-(41+ S[& /k2 EQX&+

Patience is a virtue.
%$vN EQX&+
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Patience is bitter but bears sweet fruit.
OA[& 4 E0 EQX&+ Q6-G&+ 3%_

Patience is the best remedy .
B+4@ 7K_= EQX&+

Patient men win the day.
/Ex&+ z-qx0 EQX&+

Penny and penny laid up will be many.
E$.T S$%&+ L0 S$%&+ 8+

Penny wise and pound foolish.
"xA! 4 SG&-R S$%&+ L>'! i24 kR E$.[&+

Physicianms faults are covered with death.
B-Q'1+ B-eh= ix*! o3>&+

Physicians kill more than they cure.
83'&-G! B-Q'1+ E$.[&+ 83q$>! 4 S$%&+

Pity is akin to love.
8+3A; Y^&+ 4 :eG&+

Pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor.
B+Ex&+ %30@ B-$A-1+ Gq0

Plenty breeds pride.
F4E$&+ Y%': j4E.&+

Plenty is no dainty.
jE.T jE.[&+ nK$& ou3T8>&+
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Plenty makes dainty.
jE.[&+ j(%&+ Y%':

Poison is poison though it comes in a golden cup.
Y\] 70 8-'AN iN 8-T 3& 4 {5 {K&+

Politeness (Courtesy) costs nothing.
-`$J :%[! u Z@1+

Poor and content is rich and rich enough.
iN-[&+ <A$&+ 3\ 2-A&+ L0 Ex&+

Poor and liberal, rich and covetous.
L0-' iA- . {!ET E$N

Poor but honest.
7$0= OA[& 4 E$N

Poor men seek meat for their stomach; rich men stomach for their meat.
x&+ 4^Q! {p0-Ge& j?G0 72 B-$A-1+ 4^Q! 4 {p:?G>& |-Ge&+ 72 B+E

Pour not water on a drowned mouse.
-)= S%Q&+ 70 iN3h ->N "!E$&+

Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it .
F-A&+ <%2 n!"&+ YX: u -p`xeq&

Poverty is no disgrace.
V$& +F-2 Ex&+

Poverty is no sin.
Ex&+ V$& -Q)]
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Poverty is the mother of health.
^X&+ |= Ex&+

Practice makes perfect.
,->[&+ 8+E>&+ iN

Practice what you preach.
O%.>R i:8: 4 "%h 72 <pA: u

Praise at parting.
?A2 W-A&+ z?q0+ d+Ex&+

Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.
B 35= C$K&+ 70 4 7K_= 7K^&+ 70 SG'! z?>&+

Praise the child . and you make love to the mother.
z?0+ |1+ ,#-- 4 Sxe&+

Praise to the face is open disgrace.
E\-G |] O(3&+ iN z?>&+

Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.
!+?R jkX&+ S$%&+ !-p) 4 F-pA&+

Prevention is better than cure.
/kG&+ 70 E$h !-63&+

Pride is the bane of happiness.
j@-GK&+ AG& F4E$&+

Procrastination is the thief of time.
ug :!3Kq&+ V$& n63%& G$v0
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Promise is debt.
E^&+ ?24 O$%2 7!@

Promise little but do much.
s?24 70 S%6

Public money is like holy water, every one helps himself to it.
W?>&+ B->&-T |-G&+ ,->&+ O$&g <GK! S[&+

Punctuality is the soul of business.
S>G&+ z4F i\ n63&+ <%2 2N-^>&+

Put an old cat to an old rat .
1+ I&-2 O^qK! ->R E0

Put by for a rainy day.
|-!1 Eh@+ j?I&+

Put off the evil hour as long as you can.
rA[0= -0 EI&+ 2-5 S(=

Put your finger in the fire, and say it was your fortune.
4 Ee*%& rKx) tEG: u F?6 +(\ ,3:


Quick at meat, quick at work
70 S>G&+ <&g %EK! ST1+ <&g %EK!

Quick thoughts are slippery thoughts.
0+?A&+ %'G&+ iN
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Quietness is best.
,-0 <= 70 E$h ,-Q&+ _+F


Rashness is not valour.
F3pq&+ V$& 2-'J

Rather death than shame.
%3': -p!?.R ST8: u4 jE^&+

Rather sell than to be poor.
6-x&+ 70 E$h S>G&+

Reading makes a full man , conference a ready man , and writing an exact man.
R-q[&+ 4 +?GqK0 O%G'! F4-Iq&+ 4 S0-[&+ 8-K)*+ LAX: jB+E&+ -$6@ O%G':

Ready money is a ready medicine.
Ew-_ B+4@ "\-'&+ ,->&+

Reason rules all things.
,-2 SG&+

Religion is the rule of life.
83)-6 7!?&+ j-$^&+

Rich folk have many friends.
B-6?;1+ 70 E$.[&+ {p&3_ B-$A-1+

Rich men may have what they will.
-0 83[%>! B-$A-1+ 84?!E!
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Right wrongs no men.
u "^&+ +?_= Yv$!

Rome was not built in a one day.
|3! iN -$)?&+ "%*: {&

Sadness and gladness succeed each other.
,4@ |-!1+

Safety lies in talking the truth.
j-'A0 d?X&+

Say well or be still.
n>Xq& 4= +E$h Sq&

Saying is one thing , and doing another thing.
J S>G&+ 4 BiJ ,3&+ Eh@ Bi

Second thoughts are best.
E2A&+ j@-2g BiJ SvN=

Seem not greater than you are.
rq$_ E$- <%2 4?Q: 8= ,4-^: u

Send a wise man on an errand and say nothing to him.
O;3: u4 -Q$Q& S5F=

Send not a cat for lard .
|-Ge&+ 8"*0 z-qx0 &+ {%K: u

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Service without reward is punishment.
B+"( 84@ 0?*&+ Z-2

Set a thief to catch a thief.
%@ 0%&+ rK>! 0%&+

Set not your loaf untill the oven is hot.
o-641+ YK)= E$*:

Set your heart at rest.
rQ%6 zF=

She has a mark after her mother .
0 P0k0 -p$N -p0= 7

Short and sweet.
Lq>0 OA[&4 E$X6 B-99&

Short pleasure , long lament.
7$A5 |?) 4 7$_ Gq0

Sickness is felt, but health not at all.
^X&-R EGI) ->%6 4 tE>&-R V^) -0 8-2E5

Sickness soaks the purse.
,->&+ D"AqK! tE>&+

Silence gives consent.
+ 0k2 o3[K& -wE&+

Silence is the best ornament of a woman.
j=E>%& A!# <pR= o3[K&+
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Silence is wisdom, when speaking is folly.
B-Q- |k[&+ 83[! -0?A2 >[_ o3[K&+

Silly season.
F-Qh= 84?R n64 0-\

Silver will have a silver sound.
vx&+ 7$)F -p& vx&+

Some are wise, and some are otherwise.
r&(T V$& =GQ&+ 4 S6-2 =GQ&+

Something is better than nothing.
BiJ u 70 E$h BiJ

Something must be left to chance .
u D4E2%& -R-K_ S>G: 8= ?R

Sorrow comes unsent for.
,32@ 84?R 8"^&+ i:8!

Spare when youmre young, and spend when youmre old.
iN "xAq& -QX&+ iN ?Xq6+ h3*$I&+

Sparing is a great revenue.
{$22 Sh@ @-Xq6u+

Speak fitly or be silent wisely.
n>X&+ |"&+ 4= |k[&+ 7K_=

Speak for yourself.
rKx) 72 {%[:
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Speak of what you understand.
{px: ->2 {%[:

Speak well of the dead.
75-^0 +4ET]+ {T-:30

Speak well of your friend , of your enemy say nothing.
s4?2 72 {%[q: u 4 E$*&-R r!?; ET]+

Speak when you are spoken to .
r>%T +]g {%[: W-A&+

Speech is silver , silence is golden .
N vN 70 |k[&+ 8-T +]g Y\] 70 o3[K&-

Speech is the picture of the mind.
SG&+ jF3; |k[&+

Speech shows what a man is .
S(E&+ DEG! O0k[R

Standing pools gather filth.
F53&+ L>'! ?T+E&+ B->&+

Step after step the ladder ascended.
/F?&+ <%2= BE>&+ E%Q! j3e*R j3eh

Step by step one goes far.
jER-.>&+ S01+ E%Q:

Still waters run deep.
n^: i\+4@ i\+3K&+
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Stool of repentance.
i5ET D+Eq2u+

Store is no sore.
F-h@u+ V$& F-2

Strange food tastes best.
(&= -Q!E- 8-T -0 |-Ge&+

Strike while the iron is hot.
-5 8-T -0 ?!?^&+ ZEw= -Ah

Suspect not without good cause.
,3G0 YQ5 84@ rI: u

Sweet discourse makes short days and nights.
n63&+ E>! Z(G&+ 4!?^&+ L0 -G!E5

Sympathy is what the indigent can bestow.
O230@ SG&+ ?p(

Wish you all the best!
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