Lzamoraesarmiento Bim Desktoppublishingnotes

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Desktop Publishing Notes

Lesly Zamora & Erika Sarmiento

Period BIM
The page-layout tab has the column feature on it,
which is used to separate word documents
into more than one columns per page. Clip art, smart
art, charts, pictures, shapes, and word
Art are found in word 2007 in the desktop publishing.
Desktop publishing documents can store
Pictures from other files. In desktop publishing pictures
from clip art can be inserted. Desktop
publishing allows to add several different shapes.
Organizational charts can be shown in Smart
Art which is great for illustrating steps in a process. To
illustrate data in desktop publishing
Documents it is recommendable to use charts. To add
color and excitement to the text in your
Document, word art is a great way to do that. Text
wrapping is to change the text alignment
To fit around the graphic. One of the text wrapping
styles is the In line with text style which
Inserts the picture in the place you want it to. The
square style wraps the text around all the
Sides of a square bounding the picture. The tight style
bounds the actual picture in an
Irregular shape. The Behind text has no border around
the picture. The front of text is similar to
The behind text style because it has no border that
surrounds the picture. The top and bottom
Style divides text below and above the picture.

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