Power Person

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I, the undersigned ..................................................... of ...............

nationality, holding Passport No. ................................. Issued from
......................................., on the.//200., do hereby appoint
Messers: Gamaluddin Mahmoud Hamam, Yaser Gamaluddin
Mahmoud Hamam, Mamdoh Farghaly Kasem, Waleed Ibrahim
Mohammad and Ibrahim Anas Ismail. all of Egyptian nationality as my
attorneys in fact to represent me separately before all private,
governmental and judicial bodies in the Arab Republic of Egypt including
all sort of courts at any stage.

The said attorneys have the right to pleading, defending, objection for
forgery, acknowledgment, denial, asking for oath and witnesses, asking of
appointment of experts, accepting there reports or objecting them, submit
objections and appeals in civil, commercial, penal and family cases,
prepare and submit memoranda and/or applications, pay official fees,
attend before any commission or governmental body and police stations,
submit and receive any documents, register any properties in my name,
obtain necessary documents and any official copies of any required
documents from governmental or private bodies and banks, and to
represent me before all juridical liquidators. They have the right to sign on
my behalf on any application undertaking or document whenever
necessary or appropriate to execute this Power of Attorney.

Any of the said Attorneys has the right to receive my moneys, dues and
compensation. Any of them has the right to delegate his power in full or
any part to any other person under his own responsibility.

In witness whereof, I have caused this Power of Attorney to be signed on
this: ....th of ... of the year 2008.


Signature: ..

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