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Donovan Cleveland

2719 Claymont Circle

Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
!'(ective) To obtain a position in ******* utilizing my current training and
*ducation) +ryant High School
Course of study: Academics
Diploma: sy !"#$
Chester County Technical College High School% &randy'ine Campus
Course of study: Honors
,-ills and
A'ilities) To complete this section% use a copy of the competencies for your shop.
(ist the s)ills that you ha*e learned.
+nclude personal s)ills such as: good communication s)ills% 'or)ing
'ell 'ith others% or if you are bilingual
.or- /istory) Starting date , -resent
Company name
City% -A
Starting date . #/0/#1
Tuscaloosa% A(
/onors and
0artici1ation) Chester County Technical College High School% &randy'ine Campus
-erfect Attendance 3"4ears5
Student of the 6uarter 3"4ears5
S)ills 7SA member 3#4ears5
&ryant High School
Honor 8oll 31 4ears5
2e"erences: A*ailable upon re9uest

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