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Donovan Cleveland

2719 Claymont Circle

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404
Phone Number
Email A!!ress
"ay 30, 2014
Abraham #e$is
%esi&ns ' (s
Pitts)illrCity, A# 35404
%ear "r #e$is
Than* you +or ta*in& the time to inter)ie$ me +or the ,osition o+ -ea! %es&iner. /
en0oye! meetin& $ith you an! !iscussin& ,ossible em,loyment $ith your com,any.
/ am con+i!ent that my trainin& in 1111 has ,ro)i!e! me $ith s*ills that $ill be a bene+it
to your com,any. / loo* +or$ar! to &ainin& the ,ractical e2,erience necessary +or success
in this in!ustry.
/ a,,reciate bein& consi!ere! +or the ,osition o+ 11111. /+ you ha)e any +urther 3uestions,
/ can be reache! at 41115 1111111. / ho,e to meet $ith you a&ain soon.
Than* you +or your time an! attention.
6incerely, %ono)an
%ono)an Cle)elan!

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