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Career Plan

Rivian Andrews
3405 24
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
Career Field and Specific Jobs
Write a paragraph or two using complete sentences and correct English to explain the following
In the future, Id like to research the etail! "ashion #areer$ I selected this field %ecause e&en in hi'h
school I( )hoto'enic, so this field *ould %e )erfect for *hat I like to do$ Id like to %e a (odel for *ell+
kno*n )u%lished LA (a'a,ines$ This 'i&es (e the o))ortunit- to not onl- sell the )roduct Ill (odel, %ut
it *ill ho)efull- )ro(ote (e as a (odel$

Specific Jobs in Chosen Field
A))arel .usiness /*ner
#ostu(e 0esi'ner
1roduct 0e&elo)er
#reati&e 0irector
Sketch Artist
Certifications or !egrees "eeded
2)dated infor(ation is a&aila%le at ***$%ls$'o&!oco! /ccu)ational /utlook 3and%ook$ esearch -our career
choice to ans*er the 4uestions %elo*$ 5ou can co)- and )aste the 6Trainin', /ther 7ualifications and
Ad&ance(ent8 section fro( the hand%ook, but you must document it as a quote by changing text to italics and
giving credit by typing in parentheses as above.
#$ "etwor%
&ist people who could be helpful with $our 'ob search( )nclude some of the following people
School Teacher+ oi'
9uidance #ounselors+ eddin'
1arents+ Ton- : ;o- .ro*n
"a(il-!"riends+ Lisa 1ruitt, .ianca 3orton, #arlos ;ohnson
Include )eo)les na(e, )osition, and their school or %usiness$
Action Plan
Write a paragraph or two using complete sentences and correct English to explain the following
Startin' ri'ht no*, *hat ste)s do -ou need to take to start and kee) -our career on the ri'ht track<
=hat courses should -ou take to )re)are for -our career 'oal< I should take "ashion Institute of
0esi'n and >erchandisin' courses$
After hi'h school do -ou )lan to take an- additional courses or trainin'< =here< 5es, at a
2ni&ersit- in Atlanta$
=hen do -ou )lan to enroll< .efore "resh(an -ear of colle'e$
=hat do -ou )lan to acco()lish ne?t -ear, in t*o -ears, etc$< In t*o -ears I )lan to 'raduate hi'h
school *ith honors$
=hat are -our future career 'oals< I )lan on finishin' all school -ears *ith scholarshi)s and
a))l-in' for one of the to) *ell+)a-in' @o%s in (- career field$

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