Outsiders Digital Journal

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By Grace Fried

Socs and Greasers

Todays relay race between rich and poor taught me some valuable
lessons about the time period in the book, the real world, and the struggle
between rich and poor. I was placed on the Soc team, and felt happy and
superior when we were given advantages over the greasers. I realize that this
stands for the opportunities we get in life; some of it depending on social
standing. Growing up in Tiburon, I know that kids here get a better education
because Tiburon has the money to pay for good schools, teachers, and supplies.
This helps in the long run because kids that get a head start now will more
likely be successful later in life. Students that have to learn in poor conditions
will not be as motivated to learn, and have little to no education to support
them later on in life. An individuals whole life including job, family, and social
standing depends on education and determination. There are definite
advantages to having great schools and supplies and a steady home life
opposed to children that go to a poor learning environment on an empty
stomach. It is sad to see that the situation today is not much different from the
situation is the 1960s.

Stereotyping is a premature judgment of a person or group of people. This is a
common theme in the story Outsiders and in our own lives. Stereotyping is one of the main
reasons that Socs and Greasers have conflicts. Each group assumes that the other group is all
alike and share similar personalities. Greasers assume the Socs lives are perfect and problem-
less and Socs assume Greasers are all hoods and bad, dangerous people. However, this unfair
discrimination is broken when Ponyboy and Sherri meet. Sherri points out that it is rough all
over and that just because an individual is part of a group doesnt mean the exhibit the same
personality traits as their fellow group members. Sherri says, Thats like saying all you greasers
are like Dallas Winston. I bet he has jumped a few people. This is when Ponyboy realizes how
he has wrongly stereotyped the Socs and how some of them are good people. He assumed all
Socs are like the Socs he has encountered; giving the whole group a bad name.
Stereotyping still occurs today and affects more of us than one would think. It takes
about 7 seconds to form an opinion of someone. Sometimes this is a survival instinct, like seeing
if someone is approachable on the street. Other times, stereotyping is bad. If you are at school
there is no reason to judge someone based on clothes, friends, or grades. This happens on a daily
basis, and although I havent heard anybody stereotyping me, I am sure it has happened. Just
like in the Outsiders, stereotyping causes conflict by giving people a false idea of who you really
are. They could be jealous of what they think your life is like, or think you have a certain
personality because of whom you hang out with.
Good Advice

If Ponyboy and Johnny came to me after killing someone in self-
defense, I would have told them the exact same thing that Dally did. I would
have told them to hide out in the country until the incident blows over. I
would have instructed them to change their appearance and the way they talk
so that no one will know that they are from the city. I would not have given
them a gun or anything that could be traced back to me.
However, if I knew that the jury and/ or judge would understand the
situation, I would tell Johnny to turn himself in. The punishment might
lessen, and the jury would see that it was self-defense. Although, if I knew
that the judge is a Soc and would take pity on a fellow Soc, running away is the
better option.
Depending on how busy the neighborhood is or how much I cared
about Ponyboy and Johnny, I might also try to cleanup the crime scene. I
would go back with bleach and an ultraviolet (black) light. Using these
materials I could clean up blood and clear any evidence that could convict my
friends. I could also use the fountain to my advantage by washing away
evidence. If I knew that police patrolled here or there were nosy neighbors I
wouldnt do this because I could end up going to jail for a crime I didnt

Stay Gold
I think that Robert Frost meant that things that are golden should
be cherished because nothing lasts forever. Wealth, materials, and even
happiness (Eden), can all be changed because everything is temporary. I think
that it also ties in to the circle of life; a child being gold, a young adult being a
flower, and eventually an adult is just another leaf.
This poem relates to the characters in many ways. Some people think
this poem relates to the innocence of a child, and this meaning relates to the
story because both Johnny and Ponyboy have lost their innocence. Johnny
killed someone and Ponyboy was witness to a serious crime. Another
interpretation of the poem is to cherish what is good or golden. Ponyboy and
Johnny both have to run away from their families and friends. They might not
have realized what they had until they lost it.
This poem relates to the Youth to Adulthood theme. As I explained
earlier, after this event, Johnny and Ponyboy really mature and grow up fast.
They have to take responsibility for what they did, and take care of themselves.
I think this is supposed to be a seize/appreciate the moment poem.
It makes me think of things that should be cherished, and the circle of life.
Comprehension Questions
1) Dally tries to convince Johnny not to turn himself in by telling him that You get hardened in jail.
I dont want that to happen to you and, Sure you want to go back? Us greasers got it worse than
anyone else
2) Johnnys behavior inside the church is ironic because it is the probably the last time he will be
able to walk. It is also ironic because Johnny is known as small and cowardly, and his actions in the
church were brave.
3) On the other hand, his behavior in the church is not ironic because Johnny is ready to risk his life
for kids that got trapped inside of the church. He might also feel responsible for the fire, because I
know that Ponyboy thought that they started it with burning cigarette.
4) It is ironic that Ponyboy wanted to takeoff Dallys coat because that is what saved his life. The
jacket stopped the flames from burning Ponyboys back.
5) When Ponyboy and Jerry are in the ambulance, Jerry says are you professional heroes or
something. This is ironic because Ponyboy, Dally, and Johnny killed someone and are hoods.
6) When Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry meet at the hospital, Ponyboy realizes that Darry cares
about him. Darry starts to cry, and Ponyboy remembers that Darry didnt even cry at his own
parents funereal.
One example of humor in the intense part of the book is a conversation between Ponyboy and
Johnny about the teacher Jerry following them into the church.
Is that guy coming?
Johnny shook his head the window stopped him
Too scared?
Naw... Johnny gave me a grin, Too fat

Just before Johnny died in the hospital, his last advice to
Ponyboy was to Stay golden. This directly relates to the Robert Frost
poem Nothing Gold Can Stay on p.77. I think Johnny is telling
Ponyboy to stay young, innocent, and cherish what will not last. I think
Ponyboy needs this advice now more than ever because he already lost
one friend, and more tough times are ahead. Maybe Ponyboy will
remember Johnny by this advice, and carry it with him through the rest
of his life. I hope Ponyboy will be able to follow this guidance, because
I know people can do crazy things when they lose someone they love.
His gang and family will help him get through this because
they all need to stick together, especially after these tragic events. It
always helps to talk to someone experiencing the same loss as you are,
and I think any one of the gang would grieve with Ponyboy, and
support him after losing people he cared about. Now that he knows
Darry cares about him, maybe this death could bring Ponyboy,
Sodapop, and Darry closer together.

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