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List of Practicals Biology 9

1. Study of different types of bacteria with the help of prepared slides.
2. Study of Amoeba with the help of prepared slides/fresh culture/charts.
3. Study of external structure of Mustard plant (Brassica ampestris!.
". #dentification of $elly fish% &arthworm% Starfish% artila'inous fish% class reptilian
and class mammalian from fresh and preser(ed specimens based on salient
taxonomic characteristics.
). Microscopic obser(ation of an animal cell (from Blood of *ro'! and plant cell
(from epidermis of onion!.
+. &ffect of tonicity on plasmolysis and deplasmolysis on plant cells or blood cells.
,. &ffect of en-yme pepsin (in(itro! on meat/albumin.
.. &xperiment for action of en-yme diastase on Starch.
/. &xperiment to show the process of photosynthesis usin' a0uatic plant 1ydrilla.
12. &xperiment to pro(e that arbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.
11. &xperiment to pro(e that respiration ta3es place in 'erminatin' seeds usin' lime
12. *ood 4ests5.
(i! Benedict6s 4est for 7lucose (reducin' su'ars!.
(ii! #odine 4est for Starch (non reducin' su'ars!.
(iii! &mulsion 4est and Spot 4est for fats.
(i(! Biuret 4est for protein.
13. &stimation of loss of water from both surfaces of leaf usin' obalt hloride
1". 8bser(ation of transpiration in a potted plant 3ept under a bell 9ar.

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