Leadership Styles Powerpoint

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*Being a leader is not just being chosen,
it is leading a group to achieve a certain

*There are three completely different styles
to lead a group:
*The leader has complete authority and
*Tells group members what to do
*Gives instructions and others carry them out
*Conscious of his/her position and authority
*Group work is rare
*Urges group members to bring their problems to
him/her and takes interest in all of the decision

*The entire group shares in decision making.
*Encourage creativity;
*Include the team members in the decision-making
*The leader makes the final decision
*Good communication

*The leader exerts little influence or control.
* The leader gives their team members a lot of freedom in
how they do their work
*Low group productivity
*They provide support with resources and advice if needed,
but otherwise they don't get involved.

Laissez Faire
Joining Leader
Delegating Leader
Telling Leader
Persuading Leader
Consulting Leader
*Joining Leader: participates as group member and
agrees with the groups decisions; allows for individual
*Delegating Leader: sets few guidelines; is
identified as a resource for the group
*Consulting Leader: selects the solution that
he/she regards as most promising
*Persuading Leader: makes decisions without
consulting the group; tries to persuade the group
members to accept it
*Telling Leader: makes a decision and tells the
group members what they are to do
*Telling & Persuading leaders work best in
Large and passive groups
Groups that meet infrequently and/or
When a group decision/ deadline must be met quickly
*Consulting leaders are most effective in
Large and motivated groups
Representative groups and/or
Organized groups
*Delegating & Joining leaders work best in
Small and highly motivated groups
Groups with a high tolerance for ambiguity
Strong groups with a need for independence
Groups with member that understand and
identify the goals of the organization & have
high task ability/ necessary knowledge to deal
with problems and/or
Groups where the members expect to share in
the decision making.

*Willingness to lead (desire to lead)
Do I want to take the lead?
*Ability to accomplish the task and achieve the goals of
the group (task ability)
Do I have the right people with the right skills to
achieve or goals?
*Ability to establish and maintain cordial and socially
satisfying relationships in the group (social ability)
Do I care whether or not people like me?
Praise, listen, and facilitate

Best for people who have:
High competence
Variable commitment
Guide and support

Best for people who have:
Some competence
Some commitment
Turning over responsibility for day-
to-day decision making

Best for people who have:
High competence
High commitment
Structure, control, and supervise

Best for people who have:
Low competence
High commitment
*Directing style-is for people who lack competence but are
enthusiastic and committed. They need direction and
supervision to get them started.
*Coaching style- is for people who have some competence
but lack commitment. They need direction and supervision
because they are still relatively inexperienced. They also
need support and praise to build self esteem, and
involvement in decision-making to restore their
*Supporting style- is for people who have competence, but
lack confidence and motivation. They do not need much
direction because of their skills, but support is necessary to
bolster confidence and motivation.
*Delegating style- is for people who have both competence
and commitment. They are able and willing to work on a
project by themselves with little supervision or support
*Competence is a function of knowledge and skills,
which can be gained from education, training,
and/or experience
*Commitment is a combinations of confidence and
motivation. Confidence is a measure of a persons
self-assuredness a feeling of being able to do a task
without much supervision, whereas motivation is a
persons interest in and enthusiasm for doing a task

*Directive behavior involves clearly telling people
what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, and
then closely supervising their performance.
*Supportive behavior involves listening to people,
providing support and encouragement for their
efforts, and then facilitating their involvement in
problem-solving and decision-making.

*Leadership happens when anyone in the group
does or says something that moves the
whole group further toward any of these
three goals:
The accomplishment of a task
The resolution of internal group problems
The ability of the members to work together
effectively as a group

*Involves everyone in the group and maintains productivity.
People tend to support what they help create.
Creates a feeling of ownership.
*Views leadership as service. This creates an atmosphere of
trust that helps the group accomplish its tasks.
Serves for the good of the group.
*Helps the group to see how it can deal with internal
conflicts that may disrupt meetings, slow down
accomplishments or goals, or alienate group members.
Avoids pointing blame.
*Encourages the group to accept conflict as a natural group
occurrence and to discuss and work through it so that
members can return to the tasks at hand.
Establishes an environment of growth.

*Participant/group member

*Beware of the following mistakes:
Loving the feeling of being in charge and becoming an
autocratic leader who misuses the position.
Becoming carried away with your own importance and losing
sight of the groups goals.
Failing to listen to the advice of others with experience.
Trying too hard and becoming involved in too many things.
Failing to organize.
Becoming frustrated by the group members; not all group
members will respond to the same motivating techniques.

1. Match the task to the capabilities of the group
2. Involve different people.
3. Delegate tasks.
4. Monitor progress.
5. Admit mistakes.
6. Evaluate the task.
7. Use criticism effectively.
8. Express appreciation.

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