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Civics Unit Plan

Content and Substance

Title: Congress
Primary Subject: Civics
Grade Level: 7
Estimated Length: 10 (50-minute) class periods
S.S. 7C.5: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and
of the national government
#xplaining concepts of separation of po$ers and chec%s and balances
among the three branches of state and national governments
CCSS.EL!Literacy."#.$!%.&& 'dentif( %e( steps in a text"s description of a
process related to histor()social studies (e*g*, ho$ a bill becomes la$, ho$
interest rates are raised or lo$ered)*
CCSS.EL!Literacy."#.$!%.7: 'ntegrate visual information (e*g*, in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) $ith other information in print and digital
1*) Students $ill articulate the characteristics of each house of the
legislative branch, including the differences bet$een representatives and
+*) Students $ill identif( and anal(,e the expressed and implied po$ers
given to Congress b( the -*S* Constitution*
.*) Students $ill evaluate the importance of Congressional committees*
/*) Students $ill explain the steps b( $hich a proposed bill becomes
5*) Students $ill identif( and explain the four factors that influence ho$
members of Congress vote on proposed legislation*

Essential (uesti)ns:
0hat are the main characteristics of both houses of Congress1
0hat po$ers are granted to Congress b( the -*S* Constitution1 0hat is
the difference bet$een expressed and implied po$ers1 2o$ is the po$er
of Congress limited b( the Constitution1
2o$ do committees function in Congress1 0hat are the main t(pes of
committees and subcommittees1
2o$ does a proposed bill become la$1
0hat four main factors influence members of Congress $hen the( vote on
proposed legislation1
3rgani,ation of 4no$ledge
Students $ill begin the unit b( ta%ing part in a Congressional simulation*
Students $ill learn $h( there are t$o houses of Congress and discover ho$ a
bicameral legislature ensures that all states have a voice in bills* 5he class $ill
create a school cell phone polic(, $hich $ill demonstrate $h( a bicameral, or
t$o-house, legislature is necessar(* 5he follo$ing da(, students $ill
independentl( complete a guided reading $or%sheet, $hich $ill be discussed and
revie$ed throughout the unit*
C)ntent +evel),ment:
'ntroduction (importance of a bicameral legislative branch)
6ain characteristics of the 2ouse of 7epresentatives and the Senate
#xpressed and implied po$ers granted to Congress b( the -*S*
8imits on the po$er of Congress according to the -*S* Constitution
Congressional committees
2o$ a bill becomes la$
5he four factors that influence members of Congress $hen voting on
proposed legislation
Summative assessment
*nstructi)nal Strategies:
Simulations and 9ames
5hematic instruction
Summari,ing and note-ta%ing
Strategic grouping
Classroom discussion
:onlinguistic representation
2ome$or% and practice
Cooperative learning
9raphic organi,ers
'ndividual research
Student affirmation
Clear and compelling product standards (use of rubrics)
!fter spending several da(s stud(ing the po$ers of Congress and the four main
factors that influence Congressional legislation, students $ill assume the roles of
-*S* Congressmen and vote on proposed bills* 5o revie$ for their summative
assessment test, students $ill participate in a ;game sho$< revie$ the follo$ing
#vidence of Student 5hin%ing and =articipation
ctivities and Pr)jects:
=lease revie$ the follo$ing lesson plans for a comprehensive overvie$ of all
activities and proects completed >a(s 1-?* >a( 10 $ill consist of a summative
assessment* !ssessments are included in the follo$ing section*
8earning =lan 11)+@)1+
-nit @, >a( 1 A 50 minutes
Title: -hy +) -e #ave a .icameral Legislature/
Primary Subject: Civics
Grade Level: 7
S.S. 7C.5: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
#xplaining concepts of separation of po$ers and chec%s and balances
among the three branches of state and national governments
CCSS.EL!Literacy."#.$!%.7& 'ntegrate visual information (e*g*, in charts,
graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) $ith other information in print and digital
Essential (uesti)ns:
0h( do $e have t$o houses of Congress1
2o$ does a bicameral legislature ensure that all states have a voice in
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill model the effect of unicameral and bicameral
voting s(stems b( participating in a series of votes regarding a school cell
phone polic(*
!ssessment& SimulationB classroom discussion
Cormative Dx E Summative D E
3bective& Students $ill determine the effect of a single-house s(stem b(
anal(,ing data about state populations and the number of representatives in
each house*
2alf-sheet activit(B 8arge vs* small state $or%sheet
Cormative DxE Summative D E
Learning ctivities
!ssign each student the role of either FteacherF or Fstudent< (there $ill be
more students than teachers*
Create groups of FstudentsF and Fteachers<Gapproximatel( one teacher
and three to four students per group* 9ive each student a card $ith his or
her role $ritten on it*
2ave students complete a half-sheet activit(* 7evie$ the ans$ers to the
Huestions about Congress*
'nform students that the( $ill ta%e part in a role-pla( activit( to understand
ho$ Congress $or%s*
9ive each student one voting activit( $or%sheet* !s% students to chec%
their role and complete the Cell =hone =olic( Huestionnaire* 7emind
students the( must do this from the perspective of their assigned roles*
>ispla( the ;Iattle of the =lans< =o$er=oint presentation* =oll ;students<
and ;teachers< on each Huestion and mar% the $inning ans$ersto create
t$o separate ;bills< about a cell phone polic(*
!llo$ t$o rounds of voting and record the results* 'n the first round, each
person gets 1 vote* 'n the second round, each group gets 1 vote
(;students< $ill $in the first round, $hereas ;teachers< $ill $in the second)*
>ispla( the compromise Huestions on the =o$er=oint* Cor each Huestion,
help the class decide on a compromise*
!llo$ t$o final rounds of voting* #xplain that in order to Fpass,F the
compromise plan must $in both rounds* ('f it fails, discuss $ith the class
$hat additional compromise might help*)
>istribute ;large vs* small states< $or%sheet* 7ead the table and
directions $ith the class*

2o$ students $ill access ne$

SimulationB classroom discussion
2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&
!s%ing Huestions, classroom discussion
2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&
Students $ill complete half-sheet
activit(, $or%sheet, and final exit slip*

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%
5eacher $ill $al% around and monitor
students" progress* Students $ill then
go over their $or%sheets $ith the
teacher, $ho $ill provide further
'ndependent practice& Students $ill $or% independentl( to complete both sides of
the $or%sheet*
Closure& Students $ill be as%ed to $rite do$n t$o $a(s in $hich Congress
compares to the teacher)student
0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& role cardB half-sheet activit( and $or%sheetB
pen or pencil
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& role cardsB copies of half-sheet activities and
$or%sheetsB =o$er=oint presentationB board and mar%ers
=reparation for the lesson& =repare materials needed for simulationB create
=o$er=oint presentation and $or%sheetsB ma%e copies*
+i11erentiati)n Plans: Simulation allo$s all students to be involved and engage
in discussion* 0or%sheets help to brea% do$n the information for students*
0hile $or%ing independentl(, teacher is able to $al% around and help struggling
students one-on-one*
8earning =lan 11)+7)1+
-nit @, >a( + (50 minutes)
Title: C)ngress
Primary Subject: Civics
Grade Level: 23
S.S. 7C.5: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
J #xplaining concepts of separation of po$ers and chec%s and
balances among the three branches of state and national governments
Essential (uesti)ns:
0hat are the main characteristics of the Senate and the 2ouse of
0hat are the po$ers granted to Congress b( the -*S* Constitution1
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill complete a guided reading $or%sheet for Chapter @,
Sections 1 and +*
!ssessment& Chapter @ stud( guide
Cormative DK E Summative D E
Learning ctivities
Irief classroom discussion $ill assess understanding of the material
covered in the previous lesson* Students $ill ans$er Huestions posed to
the class* Students $ill receive a guided reading $or%sheet* -sing their
textboo%s, students $ill complete this stud( guide independentl(*
2o$ students $ill access ne$

Students $ill follo$ through their
textboo% to complete guided reading

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

5eacher $ill $al% around the room,
monitoring each student"s progress,
discussing the terms $ith them, and
ans$ering an( Huestions
2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&

Students $ill appl( this ne$ information
b( completing the $or%sheet

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

5eacher $ill monitor students"
progression and assess completed
'ndependent practice& Students $ill $or% independentl( $hile teacher $al%s
around to ans$er Huestions, discuss terms, and monitor progress*

Closure& Cive minutes before the bell, students $ill be instructed to put a$a(
their $or%sheets* 'f the( are not completed, students are to finish them for
home$or%* Students $ill be told to ta%e out a piece of paper and $rite do$n t$o
things the( learned from completing their stud( guides*

0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& ! list of the %e( termsB textboo%B guided
reading $or%sheet
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& Copies of $or%sheet and list of terms
=reparation for the lesson& Create $or%sheet and ma%e copies

+i11erentiati)n Plans: !s students complete their $or%sheets independentl(,
teacher $ill be able to help individual students* Several students in third period
$ho cannot read $ere assigned a peer helper*

8earning =lan 11)+L)1+
-nit @, >a( . - 50 minutes (1 class period)
Title: Structure )1 C)ngress
Primary Subject: Civics4G)vernment
Grade Level: 7
SS.7C 556: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
Essential (uesti)ns:
2o$ and $h( is Congress a bicameral legislature1
0hat are the essential characteristics of the t$o houses of CongressGthe
Senate and the 2ouse of 7epresentatives1
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill explain ho$ and $h( Congress is a bicameral
!ssessment& Iell ringer, guided reading $or%sheet, =o$er=oint)classroom
discussion, exit slip
Cormative DK E Summative D E
3bective& Students $ill identif( essential characteristics of the Senate and the
2ouse of 7epresentatives*
!ssessment& Iell ringer, matching game, exit slip
Cormative DKE Summative D E
Learning ctivities
'ntroduction& Students $ill begin b( completing a bell ringer* Students $ill
be as%ed to interpret a map and discuss ho$ population shifts affect
representation in the 2ouse of 7epresentatives* Students $ill also
anal(,e a chart of Congressional committees and explain the roles of
these committees* 0hile students complete the bell ringer, teacher $ill
$al% around to assess each student"s guided reading $or%sheet ($hich
$as class$or% and home$or% the previous da()* Students $ill receive
credit for completion*
Students $ill go over guided reading $or%sheet as a class* 5eacher $ill
have students ta%e turns ans$ering the Huestions* !ns$ers $ill be
displa(ed on the proector via a =o$er=oint presentation* Students $ill be
told to correct an( errors on their $or%sheet* Students $ill engage in
classroom discussion and)or as% Huestions about content covered*
Students $ill each receive t$o pieces of cardstoc% paper* 3n one sheet,
students $ill be instructed to $rite ;Senate,< on the other ;2ouse of
7epresentatives*< 5eacher $ill randoml( choose a card from a box and
read the card aloud* Students $ill be instructed to hold up the card that
correctl( corresponds to $hat is $ritten on the card* Cor example, the
teacher $ill sa(, ;5his house has /.5 members<Gand students $ould thus
hold up the card that sa(s ;2ouse of 7epresentatives*<
!fter completing the game, students $ill use the remaining five minutes to
$rite do$n t$o things that the( learned from toda("s lesson and one
Huestion the( have*
2o$ students $ill access ne$
5extboo% (bell ringer)B classroom
discussionB guided $or%sheet

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&
5eacher $ill monitor students as the(
complete their bell ringer, engage
students in classroom discussion, and
monitor as the( record an( added
notes)information on their guided reading
2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&
Iell ringer, completion of stud( guide,
classroom discussion, and matching
2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&
!ssessment of bell ringer, assessment
of student responses during matching
game, and assessment of exit slips*

'ndependent practice&
Students $ill independentl( $or% on the bell ringer at the beginning of
class and independentl( ma%e decisions for the matching game*
Students $ill complete an exit slipGt$o things the( learned, and one Huestion
the( still have*
0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& =encil, paper, textboo%, guided reading
$or%sheet, t$o pieces of cardstoc%
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& =o$er=oint presentation)computer)proector,
cardstoc%, notecards, a box in $hich to place cards, board, mar%ers
=reparation for the lesson& Create =o$er=oint presentation, displa( bell ringer
on the board, $rite Huestions)descriptions on notecards and place them in a box,
cut cardstoc% into smaller sHuares
+i11erentiati)n Plans: 9uided $or%sheet $ill be gone over as a class* 5eacher
and students $ill read the ans$ers orall(, $hile the ans$ers $ill also be displa(ed
on the proector* 6atching game allo$s students to listen and respond, $hich
ma( help those $ho struggle $ith reading*
8earning =lan 11)+?)1+ A 11).0)1+
-nit @, >a(s /-5 - 100 minutes (+ class periods)
Title: C)ngressi)nal P)7ers and
C)ngressi)nal Limits
Primary Subject: Civics4G)vernment
Grade Level: 7
S.S. 7C 556: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
Essential (uesti)ns:
0hat po$ers does the -*S* Constitution grant and den( Congress1
0hat is the difference bet$een expressed po$ers and implied po$ers1
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective&Students $ill identif( po$ers granted to and denied Congress in
the -*S* Constitution*
!ssessment& =o$er=oint)classroom discussion, group sorting activit(
Cormative DK E Summative D E
3bective& Students $ill explain the difference bet$een expressed and
implied po$ers*
!ssessment& =o$er=oint)classroom discussion, group sorting activit(
Cormative DKE Summative D E
Learning ctivities
+ay 2& 5eacher $ill begin class b( as%ing for a volunteer to fill up her
$ater bottle* !llo$ one student volunteer to leave the room for $ater*
0hen student begins to open the door, stop the student and as% $hat he
is doing* 0hen the student sa(s, ;9oing to get $ater,< sa( ;:o, $hat are
(ou actuall( doing right no$1< (opening the door)* 'nform student that (ou
told him)her to get $ater, not open the door* Student $ill sa( that he)she
has to open the door to get $ater* !llo$ student to leave* 0hen student
gets bac%, as% him)her $here he)she $ent for $ater (do$n the hall)* 0h(
did he)she not go upstairs for $ater1 (Continue in this $a( to sho$
students the difference bet$een expressed and implied po$ers)*
Students $ill go over guided reading $or%sheet as a class (Section +)*
5eacher $ill have students ta%e turns ans$ering the Huestions* !ns$ers
$ill be displa(ed on the proector via a =o$er=oint presentation* Students
$ill be told to correct an( errors on their $or%sheet* Students $ill engage
in classroom discussion and)or as% Huestions about content covered*
Students $ill receive graphic organi,er on expressed po$ers, implied
po$ers, and limitations* Students $ill $or% independentl( to complete
graphic organi,er*
+ay 8& Students $ill be given time to complete graphic organi,er in pairs*
5eacher $ill $al% through graphic organi,er $ith students and record
ans$ers on board*
Students $ill be divided into groups of four* #ach group $ill receive a
stac% of note cards* #ach card includes a ne$spaper headline* Students
are to sort the cards into three stac%sGthose representing expressed
po$ers, implied po$ers, and limits* 5eacher $ill $al% around to each
group, assessing their sorting and helping $hen necessar(* 0hen all
students have finished sorting their cards, students $ill be as%ed to give
examples of expressed po$ers, implied po$ers, etc*
2o$ students $ill access ne$

Classroom discussion, =o$er=oint,

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

5eacher $ill engage students in
classroom discussion and monitor as
students complete their graphic

2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&

Completion of stud( guide (Section +),
group sorting activit(, graphic organi,er

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

!ssessment of student responses during
classroom discussion, monitoring of
student sorting activit(, assessment of
graphic organi,er*
'ndependent practice&
Students $ill fill out the graphic organi,er independentl( the first da( and
$ill complete their exit slips at the end of da( +*
Students $ill be as%ed $hich of the po$ers granted to Congress the( feel is the
most important and $h( (exit slip)*
0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& =encil, paper, guided reading $or%sheet,
notecards (provided b( teacher), graphic organi,er
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& =o$er=oint presentation)computer)proector,
notecards, copies of graphic organi,er, notecards, board)mar%ers
=reparation for the lesson& Create =o$er=oint presentation, $rite headlines on
notecards and sort them into groups, create graphic organi,er
+i11erentiati)n Plans: 9uided $or%sheet $ill be gone over as a class* 5eacher
and students $ill read the ans$ers orall(, $hile the ans$ers $ill also be displa(ed
on the proector* Sorting notecards provides students $ith a hands-on activit(,
$hile $or%ing in groups ma( help struggling students*
8earning =lan 1+)0.)1+
-nit @, >a( @ - 50 minutes (1 class period)
Title: C)ngressi)nal C)mmittees
Primary Subject: Civics4G)vernment
Grade Level: 7
S.S. 7C 556: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
Essential (uesti)ns:
0hat role do Congressional committees and subcommittees pla( in the
legislative process1
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill examine the role that Congressional committees
pla( in the legislative process*
!ssessment& Congress simulation, classroom discussion, Huestions in
Cormative DK E Summative D E
3bective&Students $ill explain ho$ oneMs Congressional representatives
can influence legislation through their specific committee assignments*
!ssessment& 5extboo% Huestions, exit slip
Cormative DKE Summative D E
Learning ctivities
>ivide the class into seven groups* #ach group $ill receive a bag $ith ./
letters and directions for completing their tas%* :o tal%ing bet$een groups
!fter the teacher has given the signal for each group to open the bag and
complete the tas%, the groups $ill read the directions and complete the
tas%* !s motivation, tell the class that the last group finished has a
$or%sheet to complete for home$or% and the first group finished $ill receive
a re$ard*
5he group $ith the easiest set of directions usuall( finishes Huic%l(*
9raduall( each group finishes* 0hen all the groups are done, the class is
directed to remain Huiet as each set of directions is read from most difficult
to easiest*
#ngage students in classroom discussion* #mphasi,e ho$ %no$ing more
about the challenge resulted in more po$er to overcome it* 5he same holds
true in Congress, i*e*, the more a Congress member or committee %no$s
about a subect, the more po$erful the( are li%el( to be* Sho$ ho$
congressional committees speciali,e in certain subects* 2ave students
complete Huestions about committee chart on page 1@0 in their textboo%*
2o$ students $ill access ne$ 2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
Classroom simulation and discussion

understanding and give feedbac%&
5eacher $ill monitor students" progress
during simulation and lead classroom
discussion to chec% for understanding

2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&

Completion of Huestions in textboo%, exit

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

!ssessment of student responses during
classroom discussion, assessment of
ans$ers to Huestions and exit slips

'ndependent practice&
Students $ill complete the textboo% Huestions independentl(*
Students $ill be as%ed to imagine the( are Congressmen* 3n a sheet of paper,
the( $ill $rite do$n $hich committee the( $ould $ant to be assigned to*
Students $ill explain $h( the( chose this committee and to list t$o issues the(
thin% this committee $ould handle*
0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& cardstoc% paper, plastic sand$ich bags,
textboo%, paper, pencil
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& cardstoc% paper, plastic sand$ich bags,
index cards, mar%ers, scissors, board and dr( erase mar%ers
=reparation for the lesson&
:eatl( print the follo$ing phrase, ;>#63C7!5'C C3:S5'5-5'3:!8
93N#7:6#:5,< seven times on card stoc% paper* Cut out the letters of
the first ;>#63C7!5'C C3:S5'5-5'3:!8 93N#7:6#:5< and place
the letters into a plastic sand$ich bag* 7epeat for each of the remaining
six phrases* 5here should be seven plastic bags $ith the same phrase in
umbled letters, ;>#63C7!5'C C3:S5'5-5'3:!8 93N#7:6#:5,< in
each of the seven bags*
0rite each set of directions* 5he first set of directions should read, ;=ut
the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*<
5he second sent should read, ;=ut the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*
5here are three $ords*<
5he third set should read, ;=ut the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*
5here are three $ords* 5he beginning letters for the three $ords are OC,"
O>," and O9" but not necessaril( in that order*<
5he fourth set should read, ;=ut the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*
5here are three $ords* 5he beginning letters for the three $ords are O>,"
OC," and O9" in that order*<
5he fifth set should read, ;=ut the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*
5here are three $ords* 5he beginning letters for the three $ords are O>,"
OC," and O9" respectivel(* 5he first $ord is O>emocratic*"<
5he sixth set should read, ;=ut the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*
5here are three $ords* 5he beginning letters for the three $ords are O>,"
OC," and O9" respectivel(* 5he first $ord is O>emocratic" and the second
$ord is OConstitutional*"<
5he seventh set should read, ;=ut the ./ enclosed letters in correct order*
5here are three $ords& >#63C7!5'C C3:S5'5-5'3:!8
+i11erentiati)n Plans: Strategic groupsB struggling students $ill be in groups
that receive the easier directions* !s students $or% independentl( to ans$er
Huestions, teacher can help individual students*
8earning =lan 1+)0/)1+
-nit @, >a( 7 - 50 minutes (1 class period)
Title: #)7 a .ill .ec)mes La7
Primary Subject: Civics
Grade Level: 7
S.S. 7C 556: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
CCSS.EL!Literacy."#.$!%.&& 'dentif( %e( steps in a text"s description of a
process related to histor()social studies (e*g*, ho$ a bill becomes la$, ho$
interest rates are raised or lo$ered)*
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill map and explain the step-b(-step process b(
$hich a bill becomes la$*
!ssessment& 9raphic organi,er
Cormative DK E Summative D E
3bective& Students $ill identif( and explain the four options the =resident
has $hen a bill ma%es it to the 0hite 2ouse*
Cormative DxE Summative D E
Learning ctivities: Students $ill complete a short bell ringer* 3n a sheet of
paper, the( $ill ans$er the Huestion& 0ho can propose bills in Congress1<
Students $ill $atch Schoolhouse 7oc% video (;'"m ust a Iill on Capitol 2ill< -
http&))$$$*(outube*com)$atch1vP2-eQIRC#,fL)* Iefore $atching the video,
students $ill be told to listen for the different steps the bill must ta%e in order to
become a la$* Students are to $rite these steps on the same paper as their bell
!fter $atching the video, students $ill discuss the steps the( recorded as teacher
distributes graphic organi,er* !s a class, students $ill complete graphic
organi,er (teacher $ill follo$ along $ith =o$er=oint, discussing each step and
as%ing Huestions)* 3nce the bill reaches the 0hite 2ouse, students $ill be
directed to page 1@1 in their textboo%* Students $ill read the t$o paragraphs
under ;=residential !ction< and list (on the same bell ringer paper) the four
options the =resident has once a bill reaches his des%* !fter a fe$ minutes,
students in regular classes $ill ta%e part in a ;thin%-pair-share< of the four
options* 5eacher $ill discuss these options $ith students* Cinall(, students $ill
be instructed to $rite a Huestion (from the entire Congress unit) the( $ould li%e to
see on their test Crida( along $ith the correct ans$er*
2o$ students $ill access ne$

5extboo%, =o$er=oint, classroom

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

!ssessment of classroom discussionB
leading =o$er=oint presentation
2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&
2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

Completion of Huestions and graphic

!ssessment of Huestions and graphic
'ndependent practice& Iell ringer, recording the four options the =resident has
once a bill ma%es it to his des%
Closure& 0riting a Huestion)ans$er for Crida("s test
0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& paper, pen)pencil, textboo%, cop( of graphic
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& =o$er=oint presentation, copies of graphic
organi,er, proector, computer, Schoolhouse 7oc% video clip
=reparation for the lesson& Create graphic organi,er and =o$er=oint
presentationB do$nload video clip as a file (in case Qou5ube)internet does not
+i11erentiati)n Plans: =o$er=oint presentation provides visual aidB graphic
organi,er brea%s do$n material for struggling studentsB thin%-pair-share helps
struggling readers
8earning =lan 1+)05)1+
-nit @, >a( L - 50 minutes (1 class period)
Title: 9)ting in C)ngress: -hat G)es
*nt) a 9)te/
Primary Subject: Civics
Grade Level: 7
S.S. 7C 556: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill describe the factors members of Congress $eigh
$hen voting on bills*
!ssessment& Classroom discussionB $or%sheet
Cormative DK E Summative D E
3bective& Students $ill evaluate information in order to appl( each factor
to real-life issues in h(pothetical bills*
!ssessment& $or%sheet
Cormative DxE Summative D E
Learning ctivities: Students $ill receive a blan% sheet of paper* 5he( $ill be
instructed to fold the paper into fourths* !s students do this, teacher $ill revie$
material covered in previous lessons* Students $ill be as%ed to thin% about the
da( the( chose to be on a Congressional committee* :o$ imagine the( are
actuall( voting for a bill* 0hat do the( thin% might influence their voting1 !fter a
brief discussion, students $ill be instructed to $rite ;Cactor 1< in the first sHuare*
!s the teacher sho$s a =o$er=oint presentation on the four factors, students $ill
follo$ along and fill out the four sHuares* 5eacher $ill as% Huestions throughout
the presentation to chec% for understanding*
!fter completing a four-sHuare, students $ill be told that the( are no$
Congressmen and $ill vote on proposed bills* Students $ill receive $or%sheet
and complete personal information (7epresentative or Senator1 :ame1 0here
do (ou represent1, etc*)* Students $ill then loo% at t$o proposed bills and
ans$er Huestions about each factor* Cinall(, after completing this information,
students $ill vote on each bill* 5eacher $ill tall( votes to see if bill passes*
2o$ students $ill access ne$

=o$er=oint, classroom discussion

2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

!ssessment of classroom discussionB
leading =o$er=oint presentation
2o$ students $ill appl( and)or process
ne$ information&

Completion of $or%sheet and voting on
proposed bills*
2o$ the teacher $ill monitor for
understanding and give feedbac%&

!ssessment of $or%sheet and classroom
'ndependent practice& Noting $or%sheet
Closure& Students $ill be as%ed to thin% about the four factors $e have
discussed* 0hich factor do the( feel $ould influence them the most $hen
voting1 0hich factor do the( thin% is the most important1 0h(1

0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& paper, pen)pencil,
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& =o$er=oint presentation, copies of
$or%sheet proector, computer
=reparation for the lesson& Create $or%sheet and =o$er=oint presentationB
ma%e copies of $or%sheet
+i11erentiati)n Plans: =o$er=oint presentation provides visual aidB students
ma( be divided into strategic groups to complete $or%sheet in regular classes
8earning =lan 1+)0@)1+
-nit @, >a( ? A 50 minutes (1 class period)
Title: Unit $ "evie7 : -i,e)ut; revie7 game
Primary Subject: Civics
Grade Level: 7
S.S. 7C 556: Compare duties and functions of members of the legislative,
executive, and udicial branches of !labama"s local and state governments and of
the national government*
'bjectives and ssessments
3bective& Students $ill demonstrate %no$ledge of all material covered in -nit @
!ssessment& 7evie$ 9ame
Cormative DK E Summative D S
Learning ctivities: Students are divided into three teams* 3ne person from
each team rolls the dice to determine ho$ man( points the Huestion is $orth* 2e
or she dra$s a number to determine $hat Huestion he or she $ill be as%ed* 'f
student does not ans$er the Huestion correctl(, the other t$o teams have a
chance to steal it* ;Steal< Huestions are team HuestionsGstudents can discuss
the ans$er* 'f the team gets the correct ans$er, the( steal the points* 'f the( get
it $rong, the points are deducted* Some numbers that students can dra$ also
come $ith conseHuences, such as ;s$itcheroo<Gif the student gets the ans$er
correct, the( can s$itch their score $ith another team (if that team has more
points)* 5here are + numbers that, if chosen, $ipe a$a( all of the team"s points*
'ndependent practice& Students are allo$ed to have paper and ta%e notes as
individuals and teams ans$er the Huestions*
Closure& Irief overvie$ of overarching themes and important information to
0aterials and ,re,arati)n
6aterials that students $ill need& paper,
6aterials that the teacher $ill need& :umbered cards, dice, scoreboard, list of
=reparation for the lesson& Create rules, divide teams, number cards, $rite
+i11erentiati)n Plans: Struggling students $ere given a printed list of the
Huestions so that the( $ere not reHuired to $rite the Huestions as the( $ere
Six formative assessments $ere graded for this unit&
2alf-sheet activit( and Senate)2ouse of 7epresentatives $or%sheet
Chapter @ guided reading $or%sheet
=o$ers and 8imits graphic organi,er
2o$ a bill becomes la$ graphic organi,er)bell ringer
Cour Cactors that 'nfluence Congressional Noting $or%sheet
-nit proect)essa(
3ne summative assessment $as graded for this unit&
Cinal test
Cooperative learning A 9roups are strategicall( planned so that those
struggling are placed $ith students $ho can help them*
J Students $ho reHuire modifications and accommodations $ill be
given more time and receive individual help for the summative assessment*
J 'f students are unable to $rite their summative assessment, ' $ill
allo$ them to ans$er the Huestions orall(*
J ' $ill be available during m( planning period and after school to
ans$er an( Huestions or to help students $ith an( assigned $or%*
J ' $ill tr( m( best to present information in a variet( of $a(s (audio,
visual, oral, $ritten, etc*)*
J Creativit( and variet( is encouraged for both group and individual
proects* 5hose $ho excel in different areas can sho$case this*
J 'n regular (not pre-!=) classes, thin%-pair-share strateg( ma( be
implemented $hen students are as%ed to read and ans$er Huestions
' struggled $ith m( second placement for the first t$o $ee%s* !ll of m( clinicals
and the first half of m( student teaching too% place in a high school environment*
6iddle school $as the ultimate un%no$n--and ' $as nervous* Cortunatel(, m(
cooperating teacher $as phenomenal* ' could not have as%ed for a better
example of an effective, dedicated, and creative teacher* She $as able to
maintain control in her classroom $ithout (elling, and she al$a(s remained calm
and positive despite the exorbitant amount of $or% given to her*
Still, ' initiall( felt li%e an outsider at 9adsden 6iddle* !t 9adsden Cit( 2igh
School, ' began leading instruction m( first $ee% there, and ' began teaching m(
o$n lessons b( the second $ee%* !t m( second placement, ' did not have the
same opportunit(* Cinall(, during m( third $ee%, m( cooperating teacher left
during third period due to sic%ness* ' $as thro$n into leading instruction--and '
loved it* !ll Huestions and fears about management, demeanor, smiling-vs*-not-
smiling became irrelevant, and ' ust did $hat came naturall(* 5o be honest,
middle school students are easier to manage in some $a(s* 5hough the( $ant
to believe the( are adults, the( still have a bit of fear and respect for teachers
that man( high school students lac%* 5hough the( have to be reminded to stop
tal%ing and focus much more often than older students, m( seventh graders
nevertheless listened and follo$ed directions fairl( $ell* :o$, after seven $ee%s
at 96S, ' am left unsure $hich ' $ould rather teach--high school or middle
school* 5hose precious 1+-(ear-olds officiall( converted me*
6( lessons $ere better organi,ed and flo$ed much more smoothl( during m(
second placement* 6( timing)pacing has greatl( improved* ' am much more
organi,ed and self-confident than $hen ' began student teaching* 'n fact, though
it seems li%e ' ust started, ' cannot believe ho$ far ' have come in the last
fourteen $ee%s*
Alabama Course of Study: Social Studies (+010)&
Civics Today (+00/)* 9lencoe)6c9ra$-2ill School =ublishing Compan(
CongressLink (http&))$$$*congresslin%*org)printUteachingUrelatedlessons*htm)
iCivics (http&))$$$*icivics*org) A #xcellent resource for lesson plans and games* '
adapted t$o lesson plans from this $ebsite and included them in m( unit*
YouTube- Schoolhouse 7oc% ;'"m Vust a Iill< (http&))$$$*(outube*com)$atch1

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