911 Terror Attacks

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Warren Niles

Period 5
Journalism Product
911 Terror Attacks
It was one of the darkest days in American history. A day were so many
families were torn apart, so many people widowed. It was one of the worst, most
terrifying moments in American history. Two Twins were felled that day along with
thousands of innocent Americans. One witness said, When we got to about 50 feet
from the South Tower, we heard the most eerie sound that you would ever hear. A
high-pitched noise and a popping noise made everyone stop. We all looked up. At
the point, it all let go. The way I see it, it had to be the rivets. The building let go.
There was an explosion and the whole top leaned toward us and started coming
down. I am of course talking about the devastating terror attacks of 9/11. The walls
and pillars split into fragments as the first plane smashed into the tower. The
building exploded with flames as innocent civilians where ignited or incinerated.
The hot fire ravaged their body, their skin peeling away and melting as they
screamed in agonizing pain. Some bodies were mere ashes, while somewhere still
burning corpses as the hope of survival slowly drained out of them. The flames
danced over the floors as random objects caught fire. It was chaos. The first tower,
which had been assaulted by the American Airlines flight 11 hijackers, creaked in
pain as an iron shaft broke away from its brothers, crushing the people inside as it
began to implode. The tower shook as flames bursted out of its side as the
explosions continued. The tower shook and rumbled; the people of NY still trapped
inside the falling behemoth. The tower gave out a final sigh as it collapsed, crushing
thousands of innocent people and destroying many families as the burning rubble
came crashing down. According to National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial,
911 was, The deadliest day in U.S. law enforcement history, 72 officers were killed
as a result of the terrorist attacks on America. The people of NY were left in shock,
meanwhile the next plane, American Airlines 175, prepared to crash into the second
tower, the south tower. The flames were like insatiable beasts, devouring everything
that they touched. The towers groaned and began to crumble. The smoke rose into
the sky, writhing like a snake towards the heavens. The smoke seemed to be
writhing with the agony of the victims of this attack. The people of NY watched as
the South tower bursted into flames, as so many innocent Americans died and so
many dreams were cut short. The building exploded as flames poured out of its
gaping wound. The wound festered for hours as the twin slowly groaned and shared
the same fate as its brother collapsing many other buildings in the WTC complex
and destroying many of the other building sin the WTC complex. Over 2693
Americans died that day. As the people of NY watched in horror as family and
friends died, the third plane, Flight 77, prepared its decent on the Pentagon. The
plane went diving down as it collapsed most of the western side, along with the lives
of 184 Americans not including the five hijackers. Even though this was a very
straightforward attack, there are many conspiracy theories about the plane being a
missile that was launched at the pentagon that caused the explosion. However, even
though this theory is very outlandish, many videos, and much evidence does support
it, the main piece of evidence was from two new reports, where if you pause the
Warren Niles
Period 5
Journalism Product
video the planes head is poking out of the building before impact and a video taken
from the pentagon where its seems as if it was cut in certain places.

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