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Sciatica is a type of neuralgia (nerve pain). The sciatic Fortunately most cases of sciatica gradually get better in
nerve is a huge nerve (about the size of an adult's small finger) about 6-12 weeks. Sometimes the pressure on the nerve is so
that controls the function of the leg, especially the foot. It great that the leg, especially the foot, becomes weak and
passes from the spine into the buttock, then into the back of the floppy. In such cases, an operation is required to relieve the
thigh and leg. pressure.
Rarely a disc prolapse will cause severe weakness and

  numbness in the legs, and lack of control of the bladder or
It is caused by pressure, usually from a prolapsed disc, on bowels. This is very serious and needs urgent attention.
the nerve roots from the lower back that form the sciatic nerve.
This problem is often called a 'slipped disc', but it is not a good    
term because the disc is big and only part of it bulges to cause
pressure. 2 
Sciatica can be caused also by the nerve roots being trapped When the pain is acute, it is most important to rest lying
in the tunnel at the side of the spine through which they pass. down for 2 or 3 days if you cannot cope. Rest on a firm
This pinching effect causes the nerve to become irritated and mattress or on the floor. However, try to keep as mobile as your
swollen. The tunnel is made smaller by surrounding arthritis or pain will allow.
a flattened disc space. This problem is quite common in elderly After the acute phase, you should try to return to normal
people. activities. Avoid lifting, bending your back and sitting in soft
A rare cause is a haemorrhage around the nerves in people chairs for long periods.
who are taking blood-thinning tablets.
     Your doctor will prescribe some tablets for your pain and
The patient usually feels a burning pain or a deep aching perhaps some tablets to relieve inflammation around the nerve.
pain in the buttock, the thigh, the calf and the outer border of
the leg, ankle and foot. Sciatica is not a pain covering the
These are very good if you can manage them, and
whole leg like a stocking. It commonly causes a pain around swimming is one of the best. Your doctor will advise you.
the outer part of the leg into the ankle. The pain may vary from
very severe to mild. A 'pins and needles' sensation or numbness )   
may be felt in the lower leg and the foot. Your doctor could advise traction, gentle stretching or
The pain is usually made worse if you sneeze, cough, strain mobilisation of your lower back or epidural injections to
at the toilet or lift something. accelerate healing. Some people find electrical stimulation and
acupuncture helpful.

Typical sciatic pain


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