Work and Energy

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1 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720


The scalar product of force
and displacement
d is called wor!
Work Done by Constant Force
Consider an object which is being displaced (or pulled) by a constant force
at angle to the
direction of motion !his force
produces a displacement
"nder the action of this force
object mo#es from $ to % then work will be
r r
Work & Fd
Work & Fdcos
!he 'uantity (Fcos ) is the component of force in the direction of the displacement

!hus( the work done on a body by constant force is defined as the product of magnitudes of the
displacement and the component of the force in the direction of displacement
!he amount of work done on the pail when a person holding the pail by the force
is mo#ing
)n this case force is being applied perpendicular to the direction of motion of the pail *o the
angle between
is +,
Work & Fdcos
& Fdcos+,
Work & Fd - ,
& ,
!he amount of work done on the wall as shown in figure
2 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
When a wall is pushed by the force( the displacement will remain .ero
*ince d & , therefore
Work & Fcos
Work & ,
Graphical Explanation
)f we plot a graph between
and displacement
( where
is constant force (measure in /ewton) )n
this graph the distance d is taken along 01a0is and F is taken along y1a0is
From the graph we see that( it is straight line showing that force does not change
)f the constant force
(/) and the displacement
(m) are in the same direction then work done is
Fd (2oule) !he area under the straight line represents the work done by the force
is not in the direction of displacement( the graph will be plotted between Fcos and d )n this fig
we will take the component of F along the direction of d as Fcos
Work & Fcos d
Work & Fdcos
Important Points about the Work
3 Work is scalar 'uantity
4 Work is positi#e when 5+,
6 )f &+, then Work & Fdcos+, &,
7 )f 8+, ( the work done is said to be negati#e
eg( if &39,
Work & Fdcos39,
& Fd -13
Work & 1Fd
: !he unit of work in *) system is /-m or 2oule
Joule !he wor is said to "e one #oule if a force of one newton displaces a "od$ throu%h
one meter!&
Work Done by a Variable Force
3 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
Consider a particle mo#ing in 0y1plane under the action of #ariable force( the particle mo#es from
point a to point b
)n order to find the work done on the particle mo#ing along the path ab( we di#ide this path into n
small segments ha#ing displacements
( ;
!he forces acting during theses
displacements are
During each small inter#al (or displacement) the force is supposed to
nearly constant
!he work done for displacement
3 3 3
W &F d
r r
3 3 3 3
W &F d cos
For the displacement(
4 4 4 4
W &F d cos
6 6 6 6
W &F d cos
n n n n
W &F d cos
Fig. a
!he total work done is gi#en by
W =
W =
3 3 3
F cos d
4 4 4
F cos d
6 6 6
F cos d
n n n
F cos d
Graphical Explanation
)f we plot a graph between Fcos and d( it will be of the form shown in fig b
Fig. b
!he #alue of Fcos at the start of each inter#al is represented by dotted hori.ontal lines
!he area of the shaded rectangle &
i i i
Fcos =d
Which is the work done during the distance into a large number of #ertical strips called rectangle !he
length of each strip (or rectangle) is Fcos and width =d
*um of areas of all strips &
W =
3 3 3
F cos d
4 4 4
F cos d
6 6 6
F cos d
n n n
F cos d
)f =dapproaches to .ero then e0act result for work done is
4 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
i & n
!otal i i i
=d ,
i & 3
W lim Fcos =d


From the fig b we see that total area of rectangles approaches the area between the Fcos cur#e
and d1a0is from a to b as shown in the shaded portion
!hus the work done by #ariable force in mo#ing a particle between two points is e'ual to the area
under the Fcos #erses d cur#e between the two points a and b as shown in the fig c
Fig. c
Gra!itational Fiel"
!he space around the earth in which its gra#itational force acts on a body is called gra#itational filed
Work "one by Gra!itational Fiel"
Consider a body of mass m placed inside the gra#itational field under the action of the gra#itational
force !his force is e'ual to the weight( mg of the body
!he body is displaced from $ to % with constant #elocity !he body reaches the point % by following
the different paths as shown in the figure 3 !he work done by the gra#itational force along the path
$%D can be split into two paths as
$D% $ D D %
W& W < W

$ D
W &Fdcos

$ D
W &,

D %
W &Fdcos&mgh cos39,

mgh( 3)
D %
W & mgh

>ut these #alues in e' 3

W&,<( mgh)
W& mgh
*imilarly if we consider the path $C% then
$C% $ C C %
W& W < W

5 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
$ C
W &Fdcos&mgh cos39,

$ C
W & mgh

C %
W &mgd cos+,

C %
W &mgd ,

C %
W &,

>ut these #alues of

$ C

C %

in e'4
W& mgh<,
W& mgh
!he amount of work done along the paths $D% and $C% is same ie( 1mgh
$o% I& the Path is #ur!e"
!his cur#ed path is broken into hori.ontal and #ertical steps as shown in the figure
!here is no work done along the hori.ontal steps because mg is perpendicular to the displacement
/ow the work done by the force( mg will be only along the #ertical displacements
3 4 6 n
$ %
W W y <W y <W y <<W y

uur r uur r uur r uur r

3 3 4 4 6 6 n n
mg y cos mg y cos mg y cos mg y cos = + + + +
( )
3 4 6 n
&mg y cos39, y cos39, y cos39, y cos39, + + + +
( )
3 4 6 n
mg y y y y ( cos39, & 13) = Q
( )
3 4 6 n
mg y y y y = + + + +
3 4 6 n
$ %
W & mgh where y y y y h

+ + + + =
$ %
W & mgh

!he net amount of work done for cur#ed path is still ?mgh
!hus the work done in the gra#itational field is independent of the path followed
#onser!ati!e Fiel"
!he field in which the work done is independent of the path followed or work done in a closed path is
.ero is called conser#ati#e filed
@ra#itational field( electric field( magnetic filed
#onser!ati!e Forces
3 @ra#itational Force
4 Alectric Force
6 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
6 Bagnetic Force
$on'#onser!ati!e Fiel"
!he field in which work done in mo#ing a body between two points depends upon the path followed
by the body between the two points
$on'#onser!ati!e Force
!he frictional force is a non1conser#ati#e force because if an object is mo#ed o#er a rough surface
between two points along different paths( the work done against the frictional force certainly depends
on the path followed
(ther examples o& $on'#onser!ati!e Force
3 $ir resistance
4 !ension in string
6 >ropulsion force of a motor
7 >ropulsion force of a rocket
: /ormal force or reaction
). Pro!e that %ork "one along the close" path is *ero.
We can pro#e the work done along a closed path such as $D%$ is .ero as shown in fig3
$ D D % % $
W < W W ,

+ =
CD*&mgdcos+, mghcos39, <mg%$cos
CD*&mgd(,) mgh(13)<mg%$cos
From the fig we see that
$ D D % % $
$ D D % % $
$ D D % % $
W < W W , mgh<mg%$
W < W W mgh<mgh
W < W W ,

+ =
+ =
+ =
*imilarly we can pro#e for a closed path such as $C%$ is .ero
$ C C % % $
W < W W ,

+ =
!hus the work done in mo#ing a body along a closed path is .ero
*uch field is called conser#ati#e field or closed field $lso gra#itational field is a conser#ati#e field
E!he rate of doing work is called >ower FG
E>ower is the measures of the rate at which work is being done
7 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
)f work =Wis done in a time inter#al =t ( then the a#erage power
> during the inter#al
is defined
)f work is e0pressed as a function of time( the instantaneous power > at any instant is defined as

is the work done in short inter#al of time

following the instant t
elation bet%een Po%er an" Velocity
)t is sometimes( con#enient to e0press power in term of constant force

acting on an object mo#ing at
constant #elocity

When the propeller of a motor boat causes the water to e0ert a constant force

on the boat( it mo#es
with a constant #elocity

!he power deli#ered by the motor at ay instant is then gi#en by


-nits o& Po%er
!he *) unit of power is a watt( defined as one joule of work done in one second
*ome times( eg( in electrical measurements( the unit of work is e0pressed as watt second Dowe#er
a commercial unit of electrical energy is kilowatt1hours
.ilo%att hour 'ne ilowatt hour is the wor done in one hour "$ an a%enc$ whose power
is one ilowatt!&
E(ner%$ of a "od$ is its capacit$ to do wor
/asic 0ypes o& Energy
!here are two basic types of energy
3 Hinetic Anergy(HA)
4 >otential Anergy (>A)
!he kinetic energy is possessed by a body due to its motion and is gi#en by the formula
Where m is the mass of the body mo#ing with #elocity

!he potential energy is possessed by a body because of its position in a force filed eg(
gra#itational filed or because of its constrained state !he potential energy due to gra#itational
filed near the surface of the earth at a height h is gi#en by the formula
>A & mgh
!his is called gra#itational potential energy !he gra#itational >A is always determined relati#e to
some arbitrary position which is assigned the #alue of .ero >A !he earthJs surface or a point at
infinity from the earth can be choose as .ero reference le#el of gra#itational >A )n the present
case this reference le#el is the surface of the earth as position of .ero >A
!he energy stored in a compressed spring is the potential energy possessed by the spring due to
its compressed or stretched state !his form of energy is called elastic energy
Work'Energy Principle
)t states as follows
) Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
E*or done on the "od$ e+uals chan%e in its inetic ener%$&!
Whene#er work is done on a body( it increases its energy eg( a body of mass m is mo#ing with
#elocity #i $ force acting through a distance d increases the #elocity #f( then from e'uation of

From 4
law of motion

Bultiplying e' 3 and 4

Where the left hand side of the e'uation gi#es the work done on the body and right hand side gi#es
the increase or change in kinetic energy of the body
)f a body is raised up from the earthJs surface( the work done changes the gra#itational potential
energy *imilarly if a spring is compressed( the work done on it e'uals the increase in its elastic
potential energy
+bsolute Potential Energy
!he absolute potential energy of an object at a certain position is Ethe wor done "$ the
%ra,itational force in displacin% the o"#ect from that position to infinit$ where the force
of %ra,it$ "ecomes -ero!&
!he relation for the calculation of work done by the gra#itational force or potential energy (mgh) is
true only near the surface of the earth where the gra#itational force is nearly constant %ut if the body
is displaced through a large distance in space from( let ( a point 3 to / (as in fig) in the gra#itational
filed( then the gra#itational force will not remain constant( since it #aries in#ersely to the s'uare of the

)n order to o#ercome this difficult( we di#ide the distance between point 3 and / into small steps each
of length

so that the #alue of force remains constant for each small step Dence the total work done
can be calculated by adding the work done during the all these steps )f r3 and r4 are the distances of
point 3 and 4 respecti#ely( from the centre F of the earth( the work done during the first step ie(
displacing a body from point 3 to point 4 can be calculated as
!he distance between the centre of this step and the centre of the earth will be



;; (3)
!he gra#itational force F at the centre of this step is

;; (4)
Where m & Bass of an object
B & Bass of the earth
@ & @ra#itational Constant
*'uaring e' 3( we ha#e


( so this term can be neglected as compared to


*ubstituting the #alue of

. Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720

Dence e' 4 becomes

;; (9)
$s this force is assumed to be constant during the inter#al

( so the work done is
!he negati#e sign indicates that work has to be done on the body form point 3 to 4 because
displacement is opposite to the gra#itational force
*imilarly the work done during the second step in which the body is displaced from point 4 to point 6
$nd similarly the work done in the last step is
Dence( the total work done in displacing the body from point 3 to / is calculated by adding up the
work done during all these steps

Fn simplification( we get
)f the point / is situated at an infinite distance from the earth( so

( then
!herefore the general e0pression for the gra#itational potential energy of a body situated at distance r
from the earth is
!his is also known as the absolute #alue of gra#itational potential energy of a body at a distance r
from the centre of the earth
3 /ote that when r increases( the gra#itational force does negati#e work and " increase ie(
becomes less negati#e
4 When r decreases the body falls toward the earth( work is positi#e and >A decrease ie( it
becomes more negati#e
6 " is .ero when (r &

)( the mass m is infinitely away from the earth( this is 'uite a different
choice from making " & , at some arbitrary position %ut we know that the choice of .ero
point is arbitrary and that only difference of >A( from one point to another is significant( so
negati#e #alue of " should not be too alarming
7 !he absolute potential on the surface of the earth is formed by putting r & G (radium of the
$bsolute >otential Anergy &
!he negati#e sign shows that the earthJs gra#itational filed for mass m is attraction
: !he abo#e e0pression gi#es the work or the energy re'uired to take the body out of the
earthJs gra#itational field( where its potential energy with respect to earth is .ero
Escape Velocity
EThe minimum initial ,elocit$ of a "od$ thrown ,erticall$ upward/ from surface of earth/
due to which it crosses the filed of earth/ is called escape ,elocit$!&
10 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
)t is our daily life e0perience that an object projected upward comes back to the ground after rising to
a certain height !his is due to the force of gra#ity acting downward With increased initial #elocity( the
object rises to the greater height before coming back )f we go on increasing the initial #elocity of the
object( a stage comes when it will not return to the ground )t will escape out of the influence of
gra#ity !he initial #elocity of an object with which it goes out of the earthJs gra#itational filed( is known
as escape #elocity
!he escape #elocity corresponds to the initial kinetic energy gained by the body( which carries it to an
infinite distance from the surface of the earth

We know that work done in lifting a body from earthJs surface to an infinite distance is e'ual to the
absolute potential energy of the body at earthJs surface

Where B and G are the mass and radius of the earth respecti#ely !he body will escape out of the
gra#itational filed if the initial HA of the body is e'ual to the absolute >A( then
From e' 3 and e' 4


!he #alue of

comes out to be appro0imately 33kmKsec
Inter'#on!ersion o& ..E. 1 P.E.
Consider a body of mass m at rest( at a height h abo#e the surface of the earth as shown in fig We
release the body and as it falls( HA and >A associated with it interchanges
Cet us calculate >A and HA at the position % when the body has fallen to a distance 0( ignoring air



( at % can be calculated from the relation

$s #f & #%( #i & , and s & 0( then

0otal energy at /


+t Point #
$t position C( just before the body strikes the earth( >A & , and


can be find out by the
following e0pression

!hus at point C( kinetic energy is e'ual to the original #alue of the potential energy of the body
$ctually when the body falls( its #elocity increases ie( the body is being accelerated under the action
of gra#ity !he increases in #elocity results in the increase in its kinetic energy Fn the other hand( as
the body falls( its height decreases and hence its potential energy also decreases



are #elocities of the body at the heights


respecti#ely !his result is true only when
frictional force is not considered
11 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720

)f we assume that a frictional force f is present during the downward motion( then a part of >A is
used in doing work against friction e'ual to fh !he remaining >A & mgh ? fh is con#erted to HA

#onser!ation o& Energy
(ner%$ can not "e destro$ed! 0t can "e transformed from one ind into another/ "ut the
total amount of ener%$ remains constant!&
!he kinetic and potential energies are both different form of the same basic 'uantity( ie( mechanical
energy !otal mechanical energy of a body is the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy $s
we know in a falling body( potential energy may change into kinetic energy and #ice #ersa( but the
total energy remains constant
!otal Anergy & HA < >A & Constant
!his is one of the basic laws of physics We daily obser#e many energy transformations from one
form to another *ome forms such as electrical and chemical energy( are more easily transferred than
others( such as heat "ltimately all energy transfers result in heating of the en#ironment and energy is
wasted For e0ample( the potential energy of the falling object changes to HA but on striking the
ground( HA changes to heat and sound )f it seems in an energy transfer that some energy has
disappeared( the lost energy is often con#erted into heat !his appears to be fate of all a#ailable
energies and is one reason why new sources of useful energy ha#e to be de#elopedM
$on #on!entional 2ources
!here are the energy sources not #ery common these days Dowe#er( it is e0pected that these
sources will contribute substantially to the world energy demand of the future *ome of these are
introduced briefly here
Energy &rom 0i"es
Fne #ery no#el e0ample of obtaining energy from gra#itational field is the energy obtained from tides
@ra#itational force of the moon gi#es rise to tides in the sea !he tides raise the water in the sea
roughly twice a day )f the water at high tide is trapped in a basin by constructing a dam( then it is
possible to use this as a source of energy !he dam is filled at high tide and water is released in a
controlled way at low tide to dri#e the turbines $t the ne0t high tide the dam is filled again and the in
rushing water also dri#es turbines and generates electricity

Energy &rom Wa!es
!he tidal mo#ement and the winds blowing across the surface of the ocean produce strong water
wa#es !heir energy can be utili.ed to generate electricity $ method of harnessing wa#e energy is to
use large floats which mo#e up and down with the wa#es Fne such a de#ice in#ented by >rofessor
*alter is known as *alterJs duck )t consists of two parts
3 Duck Float
4 %alance Float
!he wa#e energy makes duck float mo#e relati#e to the balance float !he relati#e motion of the duck
float is then used to run electricity generators

2olar Energy
12 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
!he earth recei#es huge amount of energy directly form the sun each day
2olar #onstant
*olar energy at normal incidence outside the earthJs atmosphere is about 37HWm
which is referred
as solar constant
2olar Energy reaching Earth
While passing through the atmosphere( the total energy is reduced due to reflection( scattering and
absorption by dust particles( water #aporous and other gases Fn a clear day at noon( the intensity of
the solar energy reaching the earthJs surface is about 3HWm

,. !his energy can be used directly to heat water using large solar reflectors and thermal
absorbers or be con#erted to electricity(
3. )n one method the flat plate collectors are used for heating water $ typical detector is
shown in the Fig )t has a blackened surface which absorbs energy directly from solar
radiation Cold water passes o#er the surface and is heated up to about N,
4. Buch higher temperature can be achie#ed by concentrating solar radiation on to a small
surface area by using huge reflectors (mirrors) or lenses to produced steam for running a

5. !he other methods are the direct con#ersion of sunlight into electricity through the use of
semi conductor de#ices called solar cells known as photo #oltaic cells *olar cells are thin
wafers made from silicon Alectrons in the silicon gain energy from sunlight ot create a
#oltage !he #oltage produced by a single #oltaic cell is #ery low )n order to get sufficient
high #oltage for practicle use( a large number of such cells are connected in series forming
a solar cell panel
6. for cloudy days and nights( electric energy can be stored during sun light in /ickel cadmium
batteries by connecting then to solar panels !heses batteries can then pro#ide power to
electrical appliance at bights or on cloudy days
7. solar cells are although e0pensi#e but last a long time and ha#e low running cost *olar
cells are used to power satellites ha#ing large solar panels which are kept faring the sun
other e0amples of the use of solar cells are remote ground bases weather stations and rain
forest communication systems *olar calculators are also in use now a day
Energy &orm /iomass
%iomass is a potential source of renewable energy !his includes all the organic materials such as
crop residue( natural #egetation( trees( animal dung and sewage %iomass energy or bio con#ersion
refers to the use of this material as fuel or its con#ersion into fuels
8etho"s &or #on!ersion o& /iomass into Fuel
!here are many methods used for the con#ersion of biomass into fuels %ut the most common are
3 Direct combustion
4 Fermentation
,. Direct #ombustion
Direct combustion method is usually applied to get energy from waste product commonly known
as solid waste
3. Fermentation
%io fuel such as ethanol (alcohol) is a replacement of gasoline )t is obtained by fermentation of
biomass using en.ymes and by decomposition through bacterial action in the absence of ari
!he rotting of biomass in a closed tank called a digester produces biogas which can be piped out
to use for cooking and heating

13 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
!he waster product of the process is a good organic !hus production of biogas pro#ides
us energy source and also sol#es the problem of organic waste disposal
Energy &rom Waste Pro"ucts
Waste products like wood waste( crop residue and particularly municipal solid waste can be used to
get energy by direct con#ersion )t is probably the most commonly used con#ersion process in which
waste material is burnt in a confined container Deat produced in this way is directly utili.ed in the
boils to produce steam that can sun turbine generator
Geothermal Energy
!his is the heat energy e0tracted from inside the earth in the form of hot water or steam
Deat within the earth is generated by the following processes
3 a"ioacti!e Decay
!he energy heating the rocks is constantly being released by the decay of radioacti#e element
4 esi"ual 9eat o& the Earth
$t some places hot igneous rocks( usually within 3Hm of the earthJs surface( are in a molten and
partly molten state !hey conduct heat energy from the earthJs interior which is still #ery hot !he
temperature of theses rocks is about 4,,
C or more
6 #ompression o& 8aterial
!he compression of material deep inside the earth also cases generation of heat energy

i )n some places water beneath the ground is in contact with hot rocks and is raised to high
temperature and pressure )t comes to the surface as hot springs( geysers( or steam #ents
!he steam can be directed to turbine of electric generators
ii Where water is not present and hot rocks are not #ery deep( the water is pumped down
through tem which returns as steam as shown in this fig
iii $n interesting phenomenon of geothermal energy is a geyser )t is a hot spring that
discharges steam and hot water( intermittently releasing an e0posure column to air Bost
geysers erupt at irregular inter#als !hey usually occur in #olcanic regions A0traction of
geothermal energy often occurs closer to geyser rights !his e0traction seriously disturbs
geyser system by reducing heat flow and a'uifer pressure $c'uirer is a layer of rock
holding water that allows water to pre1locate through it with pressure
14 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
Short Questions
)., $ person holds a bag of groceries while standing still( talking to a friend $ car is stationery
with its engine running From the stand point of work( how are these two situations similarM
+ns. $ man holding a bag and standing still( and a car is stationery with its engine running( ha#e .ero
#alue of displacements )n both of these two cases work done is .ero )n this respect both the cases
are similar
).3 Calculate the work done in kilo joules in lifting a mass of 3,kg (at a steady #elocity) through a
#ertical height of 3,m
+ns. !he work done against gra#ity is
W & mgh
W & 3, - +9 - 3,
W & +9, 2
).4 $ force F acts through a distance C the force is then increased to 6F( and then acts through a
further distance of 4C Draw the work diagram to scale
+ns. !he work diagram is shown in the graph
C 4C 6C
).5 )n which case is more work doneM When a :,kg bag of books is lifted through :,cm( or when a
:,kg crate is pushed through 4m across the floor with a force of :,/M
+ns. )n first case )n *econd case
W3 & :, - +9 - ,: W4 & 4 - :,
W3 & 47: 2 W4 & 3,, 2
!his shows that work done in the first case is larger
).6 $n object has 32 of potential energy A0plain what it means
+ns. $n object ha#ing 32 potential energy means that it has capacity to do work( 3 2 work
).7 $ ball of mass m is held at a height h3 abo#e a table !he table top is at a height h4 abo#e the
floor Fne student says that the ball has potential energy mgh3 but another says that it is mg (h3<h4)
Who is correctM
+ns. !he >A of the ball of mass m( with respect to the table top & mgh3
!he >A of the ball of mass m( with respect to the ground & mg (h3< h4)
!herefore both the students are correct( pro#ided they gi#e the reference point
).: When a rocket re1enters the atmosphere( its nose cone becomes #ery hot Where does this
heat energy come fromM
+ns. When the rocket re1enters the atmosphere( it has #ery high #elocity and therefore( has #ery
large HA !he HA is con#erted into frictional work which appears as heat energy *o nose cone of
the rocket becomes hot
).; What sort of energy is in the followingM
a Compressed spring
b Water in a high dam
15 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720
c $ mo#ing car
+ns. a )n a compressed spring( the energy stored is elastic >A
b When the water stored in a high dam there is gra#itational >A
c $ mo#ing car has HA
).< $ girl drops a cup from a certain height( which breaks into pieces What energy changes are
+ns. )n falling the cup its >A is con#erted into HA and when it strikes the floor( its HA is con#erted
into heat and sound
).,= $ boy uses a catapult to throw a stone which accidentally smashes a green house window Cist
the possible energy changes

!he possible energy changes are
i >A of stone into HA
ii $ part of HA of stone is con#erted into heat energy and sound energy( and a part is con#erted
into HA of glass pieces
16 Lecturer Arshad Ali 0333-6504720

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