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poem by kirt kom

date 31 may 2014

pray, wisdom
no, one will not get to see so much,
in actuality real events are
flighty and without sense.
why does one decide otherwise?
it's true reality doesn't begin and end with us.
if we decide too cleverly
we will miss the whole picture.
advised to be open-minded,
be tough-minded too.
don't just accept anything.
the rain doesn't begin to rattle
on the window panes.
lightly one floats.
glittering paths do beckon,
one knows more as one traverses.
be wise as serpents
be calm as doves.
pray with trust,
pray without ceasing.
i have no worries, i have no cares.
the world needs more wisdom.
look, look,
those are wonders without replies.
one cannot allow dregs to fool.
one must see immediately.
the universe is virtuous,
it only gives you goodness
because you understand it.
knowing is not enough.
it is not by knowing, that you
why not believe in anything?
the world, the universe need
more understanding.
just think, why can't the universe fulfill
everything you need?
you are the greatest power.
you know that you can spin
everything into
multiverse, branes, parellel worlds,
other dimensions, anti-gravity places,
zero point energy, vacuum energy,
wonders after wonders.
there are so many things
that you still don't know.
trust and believe is the way to go.
the only way is no-way.
everything is no-way.
they are created by no-way.
a wise human can detect it.
music one listens to
is very powerful.
like and learn.
home is when this universe
provides for you.
you just need to use everything it has.
give your greatest power
and live freely throughout the universe.

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