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Held on
November 21
2013 at the Riverside Centre, Newport

Officers: Councillors Gill Kennett, IWALC Chairman (Freshwater), June Davison, IWALC Vice Chairman
(Newchurch), IWALC Treasurer Dave Hardy (Lake), IWALC NALC delegate Dick Doran (Wootton Bridge). John
Medland, IWALC Secretary.
Other EC members, deputies and substitutes: Councillors Mick Thirkettle (Arreton), Fanny Oglander
(Brading), Peter Pugh (Bembridge), Cllr. Ken Taylor (Brighstone), Alan Lock (Chale), John Kingston and Phil
Slater (Chillerton & Gatcombe), Tony Cooper (Fishbourne), George Cameron (Freshwater), Aslam Javaid
(Gurnard), Derek Llewellyn (Newchurch), Geoff Lumley (Newport), John Kalaher (Nettlestone & Seaview),
Jon Young (Niton & Whitwell), John Ward (Northwood), Ian RigaudBarrett (Rookley), Tim Wakeley (Ryde),
Cathy Wright and Bob Blezzard (Sandown), Vince Fennell (Totland), Ken Knapman and Harry Rees (Ventnor),
Val Taylor (Clerk to Whippingham and IW SLCC Secretary), Vic Hickin (Wroxall).

Also Present:
Speakers Dave Burbage, Managing Director, and Steve Stubbings, Deputy Leader, Isle of Wight Council.
Clerks Maxine Yule (Chair SLCC) Barbara Herbert (Chale and Northwood), Vickie Ford (Niton & Whitwell),
Councillors Peter Ratcliffe (Brading), Mike Wheeler (Freshwater), Shirley Smart (Newport) and John Pullen
(Northwood). Monin Javaid.

1 Presentation by Dave Burbage, Managing Director of the IW Council and Steve Stubbings
(Deputy Leader of the IW Council).
Mr Burbages presentation explained that one third of local government funding has gone in five years and
that over the next 3 years the IW government grant will be reduced by 15 million as costs rise by 13
million. All this 28 million will need to be found from the 36 million of discretionary expenditure in the
225 million total budget.

Specific figures necessary for next years budget will not be published by HMG until December 18
Statement) The IW budget will be agreed in full council on the 26
of February.

Cllr Stubbings discussed the impact of the budget reduction which could lead to the closure of some
services/properties or their being managed by community groups. He offered to come to each Town and
Parish Council to discuss with them the current financial situation and the list of services and assets which
would be affected in their area. There would be some pump-priming funding to assist launching local

Cllr. Rees asked about the effect of the new business rate system. Mr Burbage confirmed it would cause a
fall in revenue.
Cllr Blezzard noted that there is a natural 4% increase in the Council Tax take, the only good news of the
Cllr. Doran noted that is helpful that the IW Council is continuing to pass on to local councils the Council Tax
Benefit. He said that NALC is urging the need for a strategic dialogue with HMG to plan for 2015-16. Mr
Burbage confirmed that this is important. Unforeseen measures may force damaging pre-emptive cuts
faster than these already planned.
Cllr Hardy asked about size of pump priming grants. Cllr. Stubbings said this would vary from one project to
another over the three year period.

Val Taylor asked if corporate charges would be reduced? Mr Burbage answered that they would. 14
million had already been saved from staffing costs.
Val Taylor asked if Planning could be decentralised to local councils. Cllr Stubbings confirmed that this might
be possible.

Cllr. Lumley pointed out that the IWC Overview and Scrutiny Committee had recommended spending 5
million of reserves to delay the immediate cuts to allow more time for preparation.
He noted that even if Newport Parish Council increased its precept by 10% it would only bring in an extra
13,000. Mr Burbage confirmed that the local councils total annual turnover is only 1.6 million compared
to the IW Councils 225 million.

Cllr. Lumley felt it would be politically impossible to raise the precept at such a rate. However Cllr Blezzard
and Val Taylor noted that Sandown TC had increased its precept by 37% and received only two letters of
complaint. They argue that the actual cash amount of increased precept is relatively insignificant. Cllr
Wakeley confirmed that Ryde TC had raised its precept by 40,000 mostly to cover taking responsibility for
the Waterside Pool and that this had been accepted without opposition. Cllr Stubbings said it is acceptable
to raise precepts if people can see the difference and understand that the expenditure is justified.

Cllr Ward said it was inconceivable for local councils to take on most of the offered properties and services.
Cllr Stubbings agreed for things like harbours but felt that others like Youth Services could be run better by
local councils in partnership with voluntary sector social partners such as the churches and sports clubs.

Cllr. Wakeley said he was horrified by what is on the table. Ryde TC could potentially be obliged to
consider the entire list of possible services at risk with enormous financial and managerial implications,
virtually restoring the old Ryde Borough Council. He pointed out that as services are localised in some areas
the loss of economies of scale would make them less viable in all areas so we will develop good services in
wealthy local council areas and declining services where local councils are too weak or poor to provide

Cllr. Lock suggested scrapping all yellow line parking restrictions to support local business. The localisation
of car park charges to local councils is being considered.

Cllr. Hardy suggested the Liverpool City Council phone app as a consultation method and pointed out that
Lake PC are still waiting for the IWC to complete a lease for one of the toilets they took management of four
years ago. Cllr Kennett agreed that IWC must accelerate its work on leases and that these leases should be
standardised so that all local councils receive the same conditions. Cllr Stubbings agreed and offered to
personally assist with progressing any outstanding legal processes,

It was agreed that it would be helpful to have a strategic meeting between IWALC and IWC to explore how
negotiations could go forward regarding the potential transfer to services or properties. Cllr Kennett to
arrange via Cllr Stubbings office.

Cllr Kingston requested that a message of particular thanks be sent to Mr Burbage and Cllr Stubbings for
their presentation.

2. To receive apologies.
Roy Penney (Brading), David Tolfree (Brighstone), Veronica Cowan (Cowes), Morris Barton (East
Cowes), Veronica Hattersley (Havenstreet & Ashey), Alison Child (Godshill), Jon Bioleau Goad (Niton
and Whitwell) Chris Riddet (Northwood), Jacquie Mereweather (Sandown), John Whitney

3. Declarations of Interest.
None were declared.

4. To approve the minutes of the Executive Meeting held on July 18th.
The Minutes were approved and the Minutes of the F&GPC were noted.

5. Matters Arising from the previous minutes.
There were no Matters Arising.

6. Island Roads dog bin emptying charges. Newport PC.
Cllr Lumley reported that Newport PC had 16 dog waste bins that were emptied by the IW Council Highways
services for 2,000. Newport Parish Council has decided to station another 4 dog bins and approached
Island Roads who quoted 1,000 to empty them, double the old rate. Cllr Young suggested that the IWC
negotiated tariffs with Island Roads that would later be charged to local councils. Val Taylor confirmed this.
She said Cowes TC was being charged an additional 800 for the installation of Christmas illuminations.
Maxine Yule wondered if we have to use Island Roads or if we could get cheaper alternative provision?
Resolved: That IWALC negotiate with Island Roads on this issue for all its members. Cllr Lumley and Maxine
Yule agreed to form part of a small IWALC negotiating team.
Resolved: That Island Roads be invited to come to an IWALC meeting to talk specifically on this and related
issues, separately from the meeting already planned for March.

7. Redrafted Consultation Protocol between IW Council and IW local councils.
The Consultation Protocol was approved with the rewording of 2:2.1 bullet point 5 and a request that the
nature of events be included in Temporary Event Notices.
Cllr Hardy questioned the Councils ability to take in consultations considering that the parish councils
majority view on the constitutional issue had been discounted in Full Council the previous evening. Cllr
Kennett said that with Cllrs Davison and Hardy that there was more regular communication with the Deputy
Leader and Leader of the IWC
Resolved: The Consultation will be passed as amended to the IW Council for consideration.

8. IWALC Representative Reports.
Cllr Doran said that NALC had agreed to a small increase in corporate membership fees to 5.5p per elector.
Agreement on this reflected confidence in the work of the Finance Committee.

Parish Poll legislation and the end of restrictions on financial instruments are in the legislative process.

The Sustainable Communities Act (2007) came into force for local councils on October 14
. This is an
opportunity to test assumed powers through direct challenge to the Secretary of State. NALC receive 40 to
service each question.

DCLG is putting 1 million into NALC and CALCs to promote extended emparishment. John Findlay is leaving
as Chief Exec in February and his successor will start on April 1
. Anyone interested to stand in the
December NALC elections should contact Cllr. Doran.

Cllr Davison explained that she had not been able to progress our motion on the Quality Council review at
the NALC AGM due to opposition from the staff and officers and the motion was referred to the Executive
Committee. Val Taylor thanked Cllr Davison on behalf of the SLCC branch. Cllr Doran said that the other SE
England County Officers were also opposed to the current conclusions of the Quality Council scheme.

Cllr Rees reported that he had attended the first Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting and had been
appointed to the panel of Paul Fuller currently addressing the car parking strategy. The strategy will first go
to IW Councillors and then come to IWALC for consultation with members.

He said that HMG was now fully informed of what the Island should be receiving under Assisted Area Status.
He said he had attended a meeting with Cllr Ian Stephens, the IW Council Leader, the day before and had
seen a personal encouraging letter from Vince Cable which should be followed up with a meeting.

Cllr Thirkettle was confirmed as the Deputy IWALC representative to the IW Sustainability Forum.

9. To receive the Secretarys Report including update on the training programme.
The Secretarys Report was accepted.

10. To receive the Treasurers Report
The Treasurers Report was accepted and the following payments were approved:-

J Medland Oct 2013 Salary 346.66
NALC Training Guides 75.24
Came & Company Insurance 265.00
Sue Chilton Training Provision 600.00
Riverside Centre Room Hire/ Training 199.00
D Doran NALC AGM 50.00
NALC Local Councils Explained 355.93

Cllr. Hardy said he will make the 2014-15 budget proposal at the next F&GPC (19.12.13) and that he
believes we can absorb the increased NALC contribution without any rise in capitation fees to members
and allowing for the creation of a 500 contingency fund. He said that Shanklin has decided definitively
to remain outside IWALC and therefore should not be invited to take part in any further IWALC actions.

11. Possibility of IWALC hosting a South East Regional County Association Forum meeting in 2014?
It was agreed that IWALC offer to host the South East Region County Association Forum (9 CALCs
including Chairs. Chief Officers and NALC representatives) in September at a venue in Cowes.

12. Date and venue of next Executive Committee January 16
. 2014 at 1900, Riverside Centre.

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