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Completa los recuadros con How much o How many.

birds are there?

There are two birds.
money is there?
There are three thousand dollars.
dolphins are there?
There are two dolphins.
pencils are there?
There are thirteen pencils.
books are there?
There are three books.
milk is there?
There are four litres of milk.
Completa los recuadros con los nombres de los
Elige la opcin ms adecuada para responder a las
siguientes preguntas.
Is there any milk?
Yes, there is.
Yes, there are.
How many people are there in the cinema?
There are two hundred people.
There is two hundred people.
How much bread is there?
No, there is not.
There is a kilo.
How much sugar do you need?
Yes, I do.
One kilo.
How many students are there in your rench class?
There are ele!en students.
Yes, there are.
How many tomatoes are there?
Yes, there are.
How much money do you ha!e?
I ha!e one dollar.
Yes, there is.
How many cups are there?
No, there aren"t.
There is only one.
#re there any kids here?
Yes, there are some.
Yes, you are.
Is there any milk in the fridge?
Yes, there are.
Yes, there are two litres.
The Time - La Hora
$ara preguntar %u& hora es se pueden utili'ar las formas(
)hat time is it?
)hat"s the time?
# lo %ue se responde con( It's + la hora.
It"s nine o"clock.
$ara decir la hora, se usan algunas palabras cla!e.
o'clock( $ara decir la hora e*acta.
It's four o'clock.
+on las cuatro en punto.
past( $ara decir la hora hasta pasados los ,- primeros minutos.
It's ten past four.
+on las cuatro y die'.
to( $ara decir la hora pasados los ,- primeros minutos.
It's ten to five.
+on las cinco menos die'.
half past( $ara decir .y media..
It's half past five.
+on las cinco y media.
quarter past( $ara decir .y cuarto..
It's quarter past five.
+on las cinco y cuarto.
quarter to( $ara decir .menos cuarto..
It's quarter to five.
+on las cinco menos cuarto.
08:00 08:05
eight o'clock five past eight

08:10 08:15
ten past eight quarter past eight

08:20 08:25
twenty past eight twenty-five past eight

08:30 08:35
half past eight twenty-five to nine

08:40 08:45
twenty to nine quarter to nine

08:50 08:55
ten to nine five to nine
/ompleta los recuadros con la hora. /omien'a con It's...

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