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Electrical Hazards Quiz

1. Suitable warning notices (tags) must be posted at power switches and signed by
individuals doing the work.
a. True b. False
2. Mobile euipment must not operate closer than !!!!!!!!!!! "eet to energi#ed
power lines rated $%kv or below.
a. si&
b. eight
c. ten
d. none o" the above
'. (ow many keys can you have with your personal lockout padlock)
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. doesn*t matter
+. ,ocking out euipment is reuired only i" the procedure takes more than 1%
a. True b. False
$. Simple steps to remember "or locking out are -
. proper planning
. noti"ying all a""ected personnel
. shutting down at operating controls
. isolating all energy sources
. locking / tagging each isolating device
. dissipating all stored or residual energy
. veri"ying isolation
a. True b. False
0. 1nspection and cover plates on electrical euipment and 2unction bo&es must be in
place e&cept when testing or making repairs.
a. True b. False
3. The di""erent types o" energy besides electricity may include -
a. chemical
b. hydraulic
c. mechanical
d. gravity
e. pneumatic
". all o" these
4. ,ug terminals on an arc welder need to have insulated covers to prevent
accidental contact by workers.
a. True b. False
5. 1t is 67 to pull on a power cord in order to remove the plug "rom the wall outlet.
a. True b. False
Signature ___________________________________ PR# _____________ Date ___________________

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