EC Minutes 03.2014

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Held on
March 20
2014 at the Riverside Centre, Newport

Officers: IWALC Treasurer Dave Hardy (Lake), IWALC NALC delegate Dick Doran (Wootton Bridge). John
Medland, IWALC Secretary.
Other EC members, deputies and substitutes: Councillors David Tolfree (Brighstone), John Kingston
(Chillerton & Gatcombe), Veronica Cowan (Cowes), Tony Cooper (Fishbourne), George Cameron
(Freshwater), Aslam Javaid (Gurnard), Derek Llewellyn (Nwechurch), Geoff Lumley (Newport), Jon Boileau
Goad (Niton & Whitwell), Brian Harris (Ryde), Bob Blezzard (Sandown), Ken Knapman (Ventnor), Steve
Cowley (Yarmouth).

Also Present:
Speakers Gretel Ingham, Healthwatch, Jill Cowley.

1 Presentations.
Gretel Ingham described the work of Healthwatch which monitors IW health services and 89 nursing homes
on behalf of the public. This is a CiC including Citizens Advice Bureau and Community Action IW. The
powerpoint presentation will be forwarded with the minutes.

Jill Cowley introduced the WWI Memorial Orchards based on the Yarmouth Town Councils 2013 Local
Voices project. Plan for local research of those who served with the creation of new orchards with the trees
adopted by local groups as a lasting memorial to all those who served, not only those who died.

2. To receive apologies.
Councillors Gill Kennett, IWALC Chairman (Freshwater), June Davison, IWALC Vice Chairman (Newchurch),
Mick Thirkettle (Arreton), Peter Pugh and Gordon Kendall (Bembridge), Roy Penney and Fanny Oglander
(Brading), Veronica Hattersley (Havenstreet & Ashey), John Kalaher (Nettlestone & Seaview), Tim Wakeley
(Ryde) Cathy Wright and Jacquie Mereweather (Sandown), John Whitney and Helena Hewston (Shalfleet),
Maxine Yule (IW SLCC Chair) Harry Rees (Ventnor), Val Taylor (Clerk to Whippingham and IW SLCC
Secretary), Vic Hickin (Wroxall).

3. Declarations of Interest.
None were declared.

4. To approve the minutes of the Executive Meeting and F&GPC.
The Minutes and supplementary papers of the January EC and February F&GPC were approved (Cllrs.
Knapman and Blezzard).

5. Matters Arising from the previous minutes.
No Matters Arising were raised.

7. Coastal defence and the Committee for the Promotion of Maritime Regions.
As Cllr. Rees is still recuperating it was decided to defer this item.

8. The contract management of Island Roads. (Yarmouth Town Council)
Cllr. Cowley described the complaints caused by the geotechnichal works on Bouldnor Road.

Cllr. Lumley reported that as the newly appointed head of Scrutiny for the IW Council he will
establish a Start and Finish Group to watch over issues arising from the Island Roads contract.
Resolved: A letter of concern to be sent from IWALC to the IW Council and Island Roads.

9. Redrafted Consultation Protocol between IW Council and IW local councils.
Cllr. Hardy introduced the minor changes to the draft of the consultation protocol.
Resolved: The final draft was accepted and is recommended to the IW Council.

10. County Training Partnership.
No members of the CTP committee were present. Cllr. Hardy reported that 900 is still outstanding
as a loss on the February conference.
Action: Cllr Hardy to e-mail the CTP committee over promised additional payments of 750.

11. IWALC Representative Reports.
Cllr. Doran reported on the February meeting of SERCAF where regional progress was made on the
replacement of the Quality Council scheme. This month Cllr Doran attended the retirement of John
Chater, CEO of NALC, where he was approached by James Kingston of DCLG about bringing a
delegation from the ministry to visit best practice on the Island. Cllr Harris said that they could be
shown developments in Ryde.
Resolved to send a positive reply for a visit after Easter.
On April 1
Cllr Doran will again visit the NALC office for the installation of the new CEO Dr Jonathan

12. To receive the Secretarys Report.
The Secretary emphasised the visit of the LGA team to review the IW Council due to take place at
15.30 in Conference Room 1 at County Hall on April 2
. Cllrs. Cameron, Hardy and Knapman
volunteered. Cllr Harris proposed Cllr. Wakeley.

13. To receive the Treasurers Report.
Cllr. Hardy reported that 80% of the annual subscriptions had now been received. The loss of
Newport was manageable from within the existing budget but if further members leave IWALC it
may be necessary to issue an interim budget.

14. Requested approval for Internet banking.
This was approved.

15. Date and venue of next Executive Committee May 15
2014 at 1900, Riverside Centre.
Noted. The meeting closed at 20.40.

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