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Several weeks ago, the School

Climate Committee sponsored a

Words Can Hurt, Words Can
Help Assembly for the school.
This powerful assembly helped
draw attention to kind words
and hurtful words through a
wonderful skit and PowerPoint
presentation. Student
participants were able to
visually show the student body
how hurtful words can deflate a
persons self-esteem by popping
a balloon when a hurtful word
was spoken.
School Climate Committee Update
May 2014
Share with others
Nice and kind behavior
Attitude sets the tone
Positive words and actions

The poster has been displayed on the
wall outside the gym in the 4
hall. Daily students are stopping (both
with and without their teachers) to
review the poster and what each letter
represents. Please continue to
encourage students to think about
SNAP when they are working and
playing with others.

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