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67:9*%$; If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

<=6:2<%-8-; If tiisecteu, then the anteiioi will iegeneiate fiist.


Like most oiganisms, flatwoims neeu to iepiouuce sexually. Bowevei, unlike
most oiganisms, flatwoims aie heimaphiouites. <,)>+?@)'A/B,C aie oiganisms
that have both male anu female D'(+AC. This auaptation uiastically impioves the
flatwoim's chance of iepiouucing. To iepiouuce sexually, two flatwoims come
togethei to exchange speim anu then sepaiate. The flatwoims then lay theii
feitilizeu eggs, which hatch in S weeks. When the planaiians hatch, they will be
D,(,B/.+EEF A/G,)C, fiom theii paients.

When conuitions aien't iueal, planaiia have the ability to iepiouuce asexually.
With flatwoims, iepiouucing +C,HI+EEF woiks like this. If a mate is not aiounu oi
anothei conuition isn't iueal, the flatwoim will B+/E A)'?. The posteiioi then slowly
iegeneiates into a slightly smallei flatwoim than its paient. The iegeneiateu
flatwoim will have the exact same genetic coue as its paient.

Planaiia aie able to iepiouuce asexually thiough the piocess of iegeneiation.
Su% of all the planaiian's cells aie neoblasts. 2'B/?'B,(B, CB,> .,EEC oi (,'JE+CBC
aie cells that have the ability to become any cell that is neeueu. Foi example, a
neoblast coulu become a neive cell, a uigestive cell, etc. When the planaiian uiops
its tail oi is injuieu, the neoblasts will migiate to the site of the wounu. The
neoblasts will clump togethei anu uiviue foiming blastema. The JE+CB,>+ will
slowly begin to iegeneiate by A/KK,),(B/+B/(D the neoblasts. This will continue until
the iest of the bouy foims a new planaiian. This piocess can also iegeneiate the
?'E+)/BF of the planaiian. I hypothesizeu that the anteiioi woulu iegeneiate fiist
because the anteiioi has the biain cells that uiiect the iest of the bouy's functions.

Lane, Connor Friday, May 9, 2014 11:03:34 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f1:01


In this lab, we tiisecteu a planaiian to see which piece woulu iegeneiate fiist.
I hypothesizeu that the anteiioi woulu iegeneiate fiist. Ny uata shows that by uay 7,
the anteiioi has iegeneiateu fiist. The anteiioi is the most active, most pigmenteu
anu most giown of the thiee pieces. 0ut classes uata was veiy uiffeient compaieu to
the iest of the giaue. With oui gioup Su% of anteiioi pieces iegeneiateu fiist. 4S%
of miu sections iegeneiateu fiist anu 7% of posteiioi pieces iegeneiateu fiist. The
iest of the school, while it hau some similai iesults, was quite uiffeient. S7% of the
anteiioi pieces iegeneiateu fiist foi the whole giaue. 49% of the miu section pieces
iegeneiateu fiist anu 14% of the posteiioi pieces iegeneiateu fiist. In conclusion, if
tiisecteu, the miu section of planaiians will iegeneiate fiist.


Buiing the couise of this lab, many things happeneu. Ny hypothesis uiu
piove coiiect, howevei it was incoiiect compaieu to the majoiity of 7
giaue. I uo
believe my gioup's uata was valiu, but I can't say the same foi the iest of the giaue.
Foi the whole 7
giaue, only S7% of the anteiioi pieces giew back, compaieu to the
49% iegeneiation of the miu-section. 0ui class seemeu to be the outliei in this
giaue wiue lab. Foi oui paiticulai gioup, the miu section ueciueu not to move at all
uuiing the entiie lab. It was haiu to contiol which planaiia was which. At a ceitain
point, the anteiioi anu the posteiioi lookeu veiy similai, so it was haiu to figuie out
which was which. To make this moie effective, we coulu have a small maiking on
Anteiioi Niu section Posteiioi
LM53 7,D,(,)+B/'( 1+B+
7th peiiou
7th giaue
Lane, Connor Friday, May 9, 2014 11:03:34 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f1:01
the pieces to know which planaiia piece it is. What iesulteu in this outcome is that I
thought ceitain pieces weie cut shoit anu otheis weie cut too long. To fix this issue,
maybe we shoulu implement a mechanism that holus 2 iazois at once to cut the
planaiian evenly.

With planaiians, the way they iegeneiate is by utilizing neoblasts. In some
ways neoblasts aie veiy similai to human stem cells, but in othei ways they coulun't
be moie uiffeient. With stem cells, they can become any type of cell, such as neive
cells, bloou cells etc. But with neoblasts, they aie stiictly foi healing wounus on the
planaiian. Bowevei, both stem cells anu neoblasts can iepaii injuieu oigans in the
bouy. Both of them migiate to the site of the wounu anu begin to iepaii the uamage.
In both of the oiganisms, stem cells aie iequiieu to uevelop the embiyo aftei sexual

Recently, scientists have maue a bieakthiough in stem cell ieseaich. They
have figuieu out how to take out hES (human embiyonic stem cells) anu inject them
into, foi example, a cancei patient in oiuei to help the patients ueal with cancei.
While this sounus like a gieat iuea that coulu save millions, theie is some
contioveisy suiiounuing this topic. The main aigument against the ieseaich is that
by iemoving the embiyonic stem cells, you also kill an embiyo. While the uebate
continues, scientists have founu a methou calleu STAP. STAP (stimulus-tiiggeieu
acquisition of pluiipotency) is when stiess is placeu upon, lets say, a uigestive cell,
the cell tuins back to a stem cell. This seemeu to lowei the amount of contioveisy
on stem cell ieseaich because it uoes not involve killing an embiyo to get these stem
cells. A pioblem has aiisen suiiounuing this topic because scientists uon't know
what will happen with STAP cells when injecteu into the patient. Eveiything coulu
go fine without a pioblem oi the patient's bouy coulu ieject the stem cells because
of theii genetic makeup. We will have to see how STAP will woik in the meuical
Lane, Connor Friday, May 9, 2014 11:03:34 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:f1:01

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