Blank Lesson Planning Template (UbD) With Calendar Grid

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Adapted From Wiggins & McTighe, Understanding by Design

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Established Gals !"IT TIT#E
Enduring !nderstandings $%ey
Students will understand that
Essential 'uestins $(cus n )igher le*els
f Webb+s D,%&
Students will be able to (SEs In your own words)
Stage -: Deter.ine E*idence fr /ssessing #earning
0erfr.ance Tas1s: 0erfr.ance Indicatrs:
0r2ects, !nit Tests, /cade.ic 0r.3ts etc44
,ther E*idence: (r.ati*e /ssess.ent
Stage 5: 6uild #earning 0lan
#earning /cti*ities:
Mnday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday (riday

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