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A portion of fixed assets are reduced by usage are converted into

cash through charging depreciation. For correct measurement of income,

proper measurement of depreciation is essential, as depreciation constitutes a
part of total cost of production.
Assets are classified into two categories:
Tangible assets are assets that one can touch, hold, or feel. Typically
called fixed assets in accounting literature, tangible assets are the physical
things that a business uses in the production of goods and services. They
constitute the production facilities, buildings, euipment, and vehicles.
These operational assets of a business include furniture, computers, and
similar items not used up within a year.
Intangible assets are primarily financing items: stoc!s, bonds,
mortgages, etc. "uipment manufacturers have financial assets in finished
goods or inventory held for sale, as well as plant and euipment that will be
sold to other businesses. The inventory is a financial asset# when sold for use
in a production line it becomes a fixed asset to the purchaser.
"uipment includes the machinery, computers, office euipment, and
all other long$lived items necessary for the operation of the business. These
items reuire more managerial control because of their portability and
general usefulness for other than the purpose intended when acuired. They
range in price from a minimum capitali%ation level to many millions of
dollars for complex production machinery.
&ecause of the wide variety of reuirements for different items of
euipment, we shall discuss them in several categories, including:
&uilding systems 'heating, cooling, elevators(
Irrigation euipment
Furniture and office euipment
*rinting presses
Applicable to all enterprises for which accounting period commences
on or after +$,$-..,. It is applicable to transactions in foreign
currency and translating financial statements of foreign
/onetary items denominated in Foreign )urrency shall be reported
using closing rates.
0on$monetary items carried in terms of historical cost in foreign
currency shall be reported at the exchange rate on the date of the
"xchange differences shall be recogni%ed as income/expenses in the period
in which they arise except in case of fixed assets and differences on account
of forward contracts
Translation of foreign exchange transaction of revenue items except
opening/closing inventories and depreciation shall be made by applying rate
at the date of the transactions. For convenience purposes an average rate or
weighted average rate may be used, provided it approximates the rate of

1pening and closing inventories shall be translated at rates prevalent on
opening and closing dates, respectively and depreciation amount shall be
converted by applying the rate used for translation of the asset2
Translation gains and losses for branches/subsidiaries forming integral
part of operations of the entity shall be accounted as stated in above.
3owever translation gains and losses for non$integral operations shall
be directly credited to reserves.
It may be mentioned that that the method of arriving translation gains
or losses shall be different from that stated above# i.e., all assets and
liabilities are converted at closing rates and revenue items are
converted at average rates, where it approximates the rates at the date
of transactions.
"xchange differences arising on repayment of liabilities incurred for
purchase of fixed assets shall be expensed through profit and loss
account. 40ote, in case of a )ompany 'read as reuired by 5chedule
6I(, where the fixed asset is purchased from outside India, the related
exchange gains and loss, if any, are reuired to be capitali%ed7.
Also in case of a company, other exchange differences arising out of
long$term monetary items can be initially deferred and later amorti%ed
over the period up to /arch 8+, -.+- or the life of the related long$
term monetary asset whichever is lower with corresponding
ad9ustments in balance sheet through :Foreign )urrency /onetary
Item Translation ;ifference Account:.
<ains or losses on accounting of forward contracts are recogni%ed
through profit and loss account 'unless it relates to fixed assets as
described in above for a )ompany(.
3owever, measurement of gains or losses on forward contract
depends upon the intention for which it is ta!en.
=here it is not for trading or speculative purposes the
premium/discount is amorti%ed over the term of the contracts. =here
these are held for either speculative or trading purposes, the gain or
loss is arrived at each reporting date after comparing the FAI>
6A?@" of contract for its remaining term of maturity with the
carrying amount at the reporting date.
*rofit/?oss on cancellation or renewal of forward exchange contract
shall be recogni%ed as income/expenses of the respective period
'unless it relates to fixed assets as described in above for a )ompany(.
Amount of exchange difference included in *rofit A ?oss Account
ad9usted in carrying forward or amount of fixed assets or due to
forward contracts recogni%ed in *rofit A ?oss Account for one or
more accounting period must be disclosed.
<rants should not be recogni%ed unless reasonably assured to be reali%ed.
<rants towards specific assets are presented as deduction from its gross
&alance of deferred income be disclosed appropriately as to
promoterBs contribution, be credited to capital reserves and considered
as shareholdersB funds <rants in the form of non$monetary assets
given at concessional rate are accounted at their acuisition cost.
Asset given free of cost be recorded at nominal value.

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