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Name: __________

Date: __________
Week Two: Quiz
1. If you released a bowling ball that was right in front of your fae and let
it swing! would it hit you on the bak swing"
#. Why does this ha$$en"
%. &redit what would ha$$en if a ob'et with a small mass ollided with a
large mass"
(. What does Newton)s *irst +aw of ,otion state"
-. Draw a $iture of a see saw and irle the fulrum.
.. /i0e two e1am$les of a om$ound mahine
2. /i0e two e1am$les of a sim$le mahine
3. What is a srew
4. Define Newton5s Third +aw of ,otion
16. What is Inertia"
11. 7ow are srews used in real life"
1#. Is a wedge a sim$le mahine"
1%. 7ow would Newton5s Third +aw a$$ly when you 'um$ u$ on the ground
1(. Where do you find s$heres in real life
1-. What is the reason your hands get hot when you rub them together"

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