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Special Places

Task: Design a presentation about a special place. The special place can be one you have
visited or would like to visit.
Your presentation should explain
a) The name and location of the special place
b)The special features of the special place
c) The reasons you would enjoy visiting the special place
d)Whether the features are natural or built
e) The most suitable transport for the special place
K are required to include a, b and c
Year are required to include a, b, c and d
Year ! are required to include all of the above
"ow you choose to present your wor# is up to you$ %ome examples are&
' speech
)nformation report
' T* or radio advertisement
' tourist brochure
' postcard
' holiday diary
' +, model or diorama
Special Places
Your presentation will be assessed using the following:
Category 1 2 3 4
Delivery not smooth and audience
attention often lost.
Delivery not smooth, but able to
maintain interest of the audience
most of the time.
Rehearsed with fairly smooth
delivery that holds audience attention
most of the time.
Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery
that holds audience delivery.
Content is minimal OR there are
several factual errors.
Includes essential information about
the topic but there are 1- factual
Includes essential !nowled"e about
the topic. #ub$ect !nowled"e appears
to be "ood.
Covers topic in-depth with details
%maybe some e&amples'. #ub$ect
!nowled"e is e&cellent.
(ses other people)s ideas %Doesn)t
"ive them credit'
(ses other people)s ideas %"ivin"
them credit' but there is little
evidence of ori"inal thin!in".
*roduct shows some ori"inal thou"ht.
Wor! shows new ideas and insi"hts.
*roduct shows lar"e amount of
ori"inal thou"ht. Ideas are creative
and inventive.
+ore than one re,uirement is not
completely met.
One re,uirement is not completely
-ll re,uirements are met. -ll re,uirements are met and
.o e&tra research is evident. #ome e&tra research is evident, but it
does not add to the product.
/&tra research evident, which adds to
the product.
/&tra research is evident, which adds
to the product and is clearly
Special Places

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