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T.I .M.E
Taking I ndicative Maintaining Earth

T.I .M.E. to get to it!


Leader of Group: Andy S. In charge of all of the departments have done and on
Marketing Department: Martin S., Oscar M. Head leader in marketing is
Martin S. Group is in charge of marketing and controls finances for the group on
what we spend and /or donate.
Research Department: Chris V., Edwin G. Head leader in research is Edwin
G. Group is in charge of researching or gathering information for the rest of the
departments for additional facts or information. Also for recording what the group
Art Department: Jose P., Stephanie A., Crystal M. Head leader of art is Jose
P. Group is in charge of creating art for our purpose such as T-shirts, posters, etc.
Public Department: Reyna F., Brandon H. Head leader for public department
is Reyna F. Group is in charge of public interaction. Telling what we do and the
purpose of our group. Also communicating with other people about our


Charts, graphs, maps, pictures, and diagrams to support our cause:



If pollution continues to increase than the consequences can be catastrophic. Pollution in
earths water can affect life to animals and to aquatic life. Water is whatever creature needs to
survive a key part in what creatures depend on. If this continues than water pollutions will get
worse in future years. Even in our air that we breathe in can soon become harder to breathe in
with the smog and gases in the air. Same goes for our land. Some materials can be reused or
recycled but not all can be recycled. Those that cannot be recycled can have an effect on our land
or in our oceans.
In 5 years the water pollution will get worse than it was now. Earths water has started to
become polluted. Bottles, cans, chemicals, and other materials have been washed away into the
sea. Because of human activities has steadily increased over the past 5 years. There is still a
chance to save earths water we use to be saved and polluted free. The air that we breathe is fine
but is steadily increasing in pollution. Earths land is filled with junk from peoples careless act
on not helping clean the earth. 10 years has passed and the levels of pollution in our water have
increased to the point where the water has more trash than it did in 5 years. The water pollution
has increased and if people stop polluting the ocean now than earths water may have a chance to
be saved. As of now the water is at its peak from being polluted free from trash and chemicals. If
nothing is done about this soon the water levels will further increase and will be polluted
completely. The air pollution has started to increase from the past 15 years and is causing global
warming to rise as a result of polluting the air.
25 years have passed and the water levels are dangerous. In parts of the world the water is
polluted and cannot be drinkable. The water contains high levels of toxicity that can kill living
things. Any animal that drinks the water where toxicity levels are high will die. Some regions of
sea creature are starting to die away and becoming extinct. Scientist try to help heal earths

oceans but with no signs of progress. Some people are still polluting the ocean even more than
is now while others are trying to help clean the ocean, but it is too damaged for the ocean to be
healed. Even our air has become more polluted. It becomes harder to breathe with the ashes and
smog in the air. Most of earths land has become a baron wasteland because of deadly chemicals
and materials. People around the world are trying to save earth but it is too late for earth to be
saved as it slowly starts to die and the resources start to disappear.
50 years have passed and earths oceans, lakes and rivers are completely polluted. The water
has been poisoned to the point were no living creature can drink from it. Slowly every creature
that is living is slowly starting to die since earths water is toxic. People are starting to fight over
pure water that is left that has not been polluted from human activities. Crops and plant life is
starting to die and wither away from not having pure water. Water is what gave life to earth and
since the water has completely been polluted because of humans lack of interest of healing the
sea the continued to spread pollution. Life on earth is slowly disappearing and is becoming
uninhabitable for any creature to live in it. Earth is becoming a barren waste land filled with
toxic waters and trash lands. The air has become dark and no oxygen can be made for any living
creature. Because of air pollution and global warming the earths is now a hot baron wasteland.
That is what our earth may become if we do not start acting now. Our earths oceans can be
saved for the next generations and can sustain life as well. We as humans can help prevent our
own death if we start caring for our waters if we start now. Everything that we do can affect our
future for earth and for the other generations as well.


Water and air pollution first began during the Industrial revolution. By the middle of the 20th
century, the effects of these changes were beginning to befall in countries around the world.
Since the start of the industrial revolution water and air pollutions have increased from where it
is now. As the industrial revolution began to increase to what we are now today pollution has
increased since then. During the industrial revolution people started polluting the water into
rivers and streams which is the start of water pollution. Today since the industrial revolution
pollution in the water has steadily increased since then.
As demands for water is increasing the water but at the same time the water is being polluted
from actions from human activities. The Industrial revolution started to rise but at a cost. As
goods and transportation increase so did its pollution. Smog and other toxic chemicals were
polluting the air and the water as a result of the industrial revolution. As soon as people reacted
to what was going on to the water they started the Clean Water Act to reduce polluting the water.
As time passed new pollutions started to rise as new technology is made for human demands.
Oil is one thing that gives the most damage to the sea and its creatures. When oil is spilled into
the ocean or sea this is one type of pollution that is released into the sea and harms it. Coal
during the industrial revolution was the start of the pollution in the air and sea. Trash was also
polluted later on by normal human activities caring less where their trash ended up. Water was
used to transport goods but pollution was also being put in the water since people did have better
technology back then.
Humans unknowingly contaminated water with raw sewage which led to disease and cholera
and typhoid. Today over 1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water and every
15 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease. Even in nearby areas where people live

companies dump their waste into streams or rivers. For example, in 1969, chemical waste
released into Ohios Cuyahoga River caused it to burst into flames and the waterway became a
symbol of how industrial pollution was destroying Americas natural resources. Over half of the
American population relies on groundwater for drinking water.
If we want to drink safe water then we have to stop polluting our water now. If things stay as
they are now it will soon continue to become more polluted than it is now. In the near future
water all over the world will be polluted with chemicals and other pollutants. Not only is that but
our earths soil being polluted with trash and chemicals. Some of the materials that we use
cannot be absorbed and can lead to dead plants and wastelands. Those materials can be recycled
or be used depending on what they are made of. Trash that people throw away onto the streets
can cause our land to wither and die. People today just throw trash on the streets and when it
starts to rain can end up in the ocean and cause problems to creature that live and feed from the
sea. People who carelessly throw trash are helping our earth to die.
Air pollution is another thing that is a problem for earth and the living beings that live in it.
Pollution in the air is caused by the smog from factors and machines such as cars or trucks. Not
only thats it also causing global warming that melts the ice from the North and South Pole.
Making the earth warmer and warmer and melting ice which is increasing sea levels that can
have harmful effects to coastal regions.


N.p., n.d. Web.

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