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By: Margery Wang

Vibrant lights
Roused clamor
Flickers of light
Extreme glamour.

Papers after paper
Tired, sore arms
Just keep on smiling
Continue to charm.

Bags under eyes
Another long day
To sit and pretend
Waste your life away.

Cameras are everywhere
You cannot hide
All the rumors that subsided
Hurts deep inside.

Unseen by the public
Of internal pains
Unnoticeable feint act
The faade remains.

Glamour so evident
Media preordained
Deem forlorn
Everything unexplained.

Accomplishments surpassed
Yet feeling incomplete
Life is such
Full of Deceit

Oblivious out in the open
Hide your pain
Just keep on smiling.
Cover up the Feign.

Nobody knows
What it's like to be them.
Many unknown facts
All condemned.

Media fakes
Public makes buzz
Having fame makes life
Nothing like it was.

The industry may seem glamorous
But it is far from glam
Every action you make
May be looked upon as a scam.
By: Margery Wang

Nobody knows the truth
Behind the screen
From the public view's eye
Much is unseen.

All we see is
The orthodox of show biz.

Vibrant lights
Roused clamor
Flickers of light
Extreme glamour.

This line represents imagery because it describes the scene in a way that I can
imagine it clearly.

This is an allusion because it uses the faade(an old interactive story) to help
describe the life of a celebrity.

This is a simile that compares life before and after fame.

This poem is about the life of a celebrity. It represents the struggles that celebrities

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